What stops NAL/GTRE/HAL from procuring and operating gas turbine engine flying test beds?

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Senior member
Dec 27, 2019

These things:



Are there some super secret sauce in it? These look like very typical high altitude bombers or transport planes to me. What kind of instrumentation goes in them and why cann't GoI buy 5-10 of these? What is the cost of putting these together?

This tells MoD is a bunch of *censored*s who deserve to be shot and hung outside south block gate and thats why we do not have them.

Brand new IL-76MD 90A costs 44 million dollars a piece. 5 of these birds will be just 300 million dollars with spares included. Whats so hard in procuring them?
source : Russian arms exporter has foreign bids for 25-30 new Il-76MD-90A planes

This article laments the same thing but no one gives the reason.

Does anyone here has any inkling why are MoD BABUs (All of them deserve the worst kind of death) are so against procuring them? what really stops us?

Meanwhile THIS BULLSHIT gets funded in our country for 500 million dollars a pop! :

Patel must be crying in afterlife!

@Milspec bhai, any idea?
Please stop opening random threads !. Use already active threads to ask questions.
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