But government put mr star in negative list , it means will not import it
But the government has put MF Star in the negative list, so we cannot import it.
That post is from 2018. But yes, there's a pretty good chance P-17B will carry a new radar.
The standard MF-STAR is now pretty old. And if we are to have a new radar, it's unclear if we will develop it in-house entirely or with foreign assistance. Our new L&T HPR is basically Israeli. So until it happens, we cannot be sure.
And don't go by the negative import list, that's only for the industry. If they fail to deliver, it will just be removed from the list. The list is subject to change. Then there's "conditions apply" too. For example, towed gun was part of the first list, but we have a competition with international vendors. So JVs are not subject to the list if indigenous content is 50% or 60% depending on the tender rules. The radar could go the same way. You can never tell.