How do you think China came to be at the position to dictate, that if you cannot place your servers in Mainland China, them Ger out of China? It started slow and low by co-opting smaller companies to switch to Mainland China, by incentives or threaten to cease its operations in China or block it totally.
Are these not Commercial interests when we can asses data about how our people spend and what do they spend on? in this age of Artificial Intelligence, such data is like "GOLD MINE".
Any Personal data in today's world is a gold mine to exploit. Let us first start with online transaction data and make the smaller and mid sized companies establish their servers here, when that happens, we give these companies a Dog biscuit or a treat for behaving nice. Then we promote these Small and Mid sized companies over Major players like Visa and Mastercard. Last time i saw, both these major players were crying foul that "RUPAY" was being promoted over them by present Indian Government in the name of "Make in India". If USA wants us to be a pivot against China, then they better treat us as one and start relocating their servers in our country.