Agni & Prithvi Ballistic Missiles : News & Discussions

less than 30m cep ain't giving me a positive vibe for a conventional warhead, that has 500kg warhead, it should be 10m, with hypersonic speed at terminal it would obliterate the target, The enemy at the western theatre won't be able to shoot this and won't be able to protect any of static assets,

Having a good sum of conventional hypersonic weapons can give a headstart in the conflict,
less than 30m cep ain't giving me a positive vibe for a conventional warhead, that has 500kg warhead, it should be 10m, with hypersonic speed at terminal it would obliterate the target, The enemy at the western theatre won't be able to shoot this and won't be able to protect any of static assets,

Having a good sum of conventional hypersonic weapons can give a headstart in the conflict,
This already would pulverize anything within few 100 meters and create a massive crater 50-100 meter wide & several meters deep.
Found a nice click of A5 board

Probably for A6's 1st stage:
View attachment 41300
Veda like application, albeit the exact size of the job is unknown. Perhaps the bottom green part is a continuous long stage and not 2 stages ?
Obviously 14 meter is entire length of the machine, so some 8-10 meter length actual casing size that is to for filament winding is likely? Once proven in missions, they will have 1.2m to 2.4 m sized different crmc stages available as high performance booster stages.
So, what would be others take on link / similarity between these ?



I am yet to discard the idea that this is a TD/precursor to the main thing. See the Norf Koreans launched with an exposed GV which by size is quite big too. In our case we seem to be going not too dissimilar from the baseline version.
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It is somewhat unexpected that they would go on and use the strategic ballistic missile system stages into conventional SRBM role. So far it seemed the SLBM stage could be used like that, in line with old USSR practice which we also implement in many cases. Hence the chance of K-15 airframe and first stage into a conventional role system use case was always possible not just because the missile itself is hybrid, but also there is visible adjustments being made in the system as well. K-15 was very pointy and nose cap , it was to sustain for very high speed mach nos. But Pralay is suited far less speed and also features a blunt top with RF seeker. So it will be supersonic most likely, high-low is debatable.
Now K-4 derivative ASAT first stage being used as booster for LR-AShM is another example, made by ASL as first conventional weapon that is for use against a strategic asset like large aircraft carrier and also cold launched. This is again like old Soviet practice of using SLBM stage into land and surface versions in conventional role.
Not sure what is to happen with A3-A5 class first stage and thereafter, those are much bigger strategic systems.
Do we have any proof or hints for the K6 missile existence? @marich01
Nope , all currently K5. Per their admission biggest crmc is 2.5meter class which is being utilised in here. So as SLBMs go vis-a-vis land based systems we have got crmc available in 1.2m // 1.4m // 2m // 2.5m classes. All new missiles are more or less using the first stages from these batches. We have to see whether they go on and make a higher dia missile for that or not. ANSP autoclave can handle job work up to 3 meter dia so the scope is there.

The other factor is better high energy propellant, Nitrile ester based , nitroglycerine based ones that DRDO was researching on after establishing the HTPB propellant mfg process adequately. Not much in public on such matter, but as per open sources our propellant ISP is in 240s range , that is 234-236 about that under sea level 70 bar pressure. In 2021 PIB release claimed HEMRL is to develop 250s level propellant and across 2019 times there were papers from HEMRL scientists where they showed propellant ISP in ~ 260s-265s sort of range can be proven. So there are many scope to build new longer range systems once the enabling tech are all mature.
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Janes model is clearly wrong, all the control surfaces are on the conical rv itself. This rv on A1P is supposed to withstand 7km/s reentry speed and 3000degC + heat, possibly more. Now obviously this conventional one must be using htpb propellant but less potent compared to A1P system. Perhaps they have formulated the new gen high energy long burning composite propellant after all in usable casting and processing method so the previous HTPB based cast crmc is cleared for rocket force use now? this is in line with Shaurya derivative Pralay & subsequent lower range citing perhaps ?
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