Attack Helicopters of IAF - LCH Prachand, AH-64E Apache : Updates & Discussions

No ATGMs or Self Protection System installed yet.

Let's see if by December we can see a test platform sporting these.
As useful as a Cheteeh equipped with 6 rockets and 2 machine guns.
I don't think we should expect anything soon. They are first concentrating on integrating with the ALH. Which is fair, because the IA and DRDO/HAL seem to be comfortable experimenting on the same.

The AoN for HELINA was released for the IA. IAF still not in the picture. The AoN is for arming the ALH.
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currently 45% indigenious

Indigenous content percentage shouldn't be an issue. we can't master in all technologies, but yes, we need to master in critical components (engine). Otherwise, every single defense industry takes components from other industries. Turkey as an example. If they had worked on individual spare parts, I don't think they would have completed any product. So if you are able to make a best-in-class product with the help of other defense industries no issues.
Indigenous content percentage shouldn't be an issue. we can't master in all technologies, but yes, we need to master in critical components (engine). Otherwise, every single defense industry takes components from other industries. Turkey as an example. If they had worked on individual spare parts, I don't think they would have completed any product. So if you are able to make a best-in-class product with the help of other defense industries no issues.
Waiting to see it fire Helina while equipped with self protection suite
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No ATGMs or Self Protection System installed yet.

Let's see if by December we can see a test platform sporting these.
As useful as a Cheteeh equipped with 6 rockets and 2 machine guns.
Both the helina integration (was talked about by army official/CDS in a report) and dhruvastra integration tender have been seen in the last 12 months.
I am waiting for the IMRH update. Once we have the IMRH ready, we can have a heavy-weight class-attack helicopter with heavy armor.
10-15 years away for gunship, if at ll program is allowed.
If more Apaches are bought, we can ask our kids to follow up.

Case in point AJT Hawk, India didn't pursue indigenous AJT .
Indigenous content percentage shouldn't be an issue. we can't master in all technologies, but yes, we need to master in critical components (engine). Otherwise, every single defense industry takes components from other industries. Turkey as an example. If they had worked on individual spare parts, I don't think they would have completed any product. So if you are able to make a best-in-class product with the help of other defense industries no issues.
holds good if we fight a short war, if we are fighting a war of attrition like the one that is happening in ukraine then chances of financing a war beyond 2 or 3 months is simply not possible.

By the way both the enemy fronts have a bigger population and they can match man for man on the ground for a longer period of time. The side which has more cost effective weapons will gain the advantage.
holds good if we fight a short war, if we are fighting a war of attrition like the one that is happening in ukraine then chances of financing a war beyond 2 or 3 months is simply not possible.

By the way both the enemy fronts have a bigger population and they can match man for man on the ground for a longer period of time. The side which has more cost effective weapons will gain the advantage.
If that's the case, we will have the same issues with every single piece of equipment: fighter planes, tanks, submarines, etc. Let's support this aqusition plan of 156 LCH. There are many things that can be manufactured in India, but since we are not major exporters, it's financially not feasible to manufacture them.