AUKUS : US, UK and Australia forge military alliance to counter China

For Japan it's clear that JAUKUS is in the road. But for India it's in contradiction to the non alignment policy.
You actually think the Anglo alliance is to accomodate outsiders ? If anything France has a better chance of making AUKUS inncase NZ or Canada declines than Japan making it .
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For Japan it's clear that JAUKUS is in the road. But for India it's in contradiction to the non alignment policy.
Hell with the non alignment policy, it does bring only non development & lack of support from west on india pak issues , & Russian blind eye towards indo china disputes.
You actually think the Anglo alliance is to accomodate outsiders ? If anything France has a better chance of making AUKUS inncase NZ or Canada declines than Japan making it .
ANd the more I follow this forum or another indian forum the more I think that we have more to share with you than with US.
At the end India can make a very good super power very well suited to balance the two others. More and more countries rely on India to become this well balanced super power. I think this is the road that Modi try to follow. England have understood and try to put India under the US control though AUKUS.
The bigger the tension with Taïwan get, the more pression you will have from USA and UK. That why Modi try to find some help with France on the weapon field so that you can stay independant.
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Hell with the non alignment policy, it does bring only non development & lack of support from west on india pak issues , & Russian blind eye towards indo china disputes.
You are wrong.
India was strategic back water for US ,around 2 decades it was in that status.All these hunk dory excitement of US for India stems from two reasons.
1.They need India to counter India
2.They want a share of ever growing Indian market.
They will constantly throw spanner on our growth story one way or another to bogged us down and to not become a challenge like China.
TBH West dont want a developed independent India.
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ANd the more I follow this forum or another indian forum the more I think that we have more to share with you than with US.
At the end India can make a very good super power very well suited to balance the two others. More and more countries rely on India to become this well balanced super power. I think this is the road that Modi try to follow. England have understood and try to put India under the US control though AUKUS.
The bigger the tension with Taïwan get, the more pression you will have from USA and UK. That why Modi try to find some help with France on the weapon field so that you can stay independant.
We have our own shortcomings .
UK and US is cashing on it oftenly .
We expects more trouble from them.They will do everything to stop us from becoma a developed status.
Standard per capita is 15000$ to become a developed nation.A nation like India if reached at that per capita surely it would be more than a 20 trillion $ economy.More than US it is the UK that will make trouble.
Anglo Saxons ,they didnt hesitates to damage French sub deal .
So you cant expect much from them.
We really hopes that our leadership will be able to manage to overcome this challenges
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Mr Albanese has already indicated he will visit India, where he has been invited to join Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the fourth cricket test, which begins on March 9.

"Sunak and Albanese would be both willing to travel for the announcement, but at the moment it's harder for the US president to leave his country," a figure familiar with the planning discussions has told the ABC.
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You are wrong.
India was strategic back water for US ,around 2 decades it was in that status.All these hunk dory excitement of US for India stems from two reasons.
1.They need India to counter India
2.They want a share of ever growing Indian market.
They will constantly throw spanner on our growth story one way or another to bogged us down and to not become a challenge like China.
TBH West dont want a developed independent India.
1)And we need US & NATO to counter the yellow snakes during war.
2)years they want,just like we are taking the share of EU&US now.
We have our own shortcomings .
UK and US is cashing on it oftenly .
We expects more trouble from them.They will do everything to stop us from becoma a developed status.
Standard per capita is 15000$ to become a developed nation.A nation like India if reached at that per capita surely it would be more than a 20 trillion $ economy.More than US it is the UK that will make trouble.
Anglo Saxons ,they didnt hesitates to damage French sub deal .
So you cant expect much from them.
We really hopes that our leadership will be able to manage to overcome this challenges
If you have seen the people living in rural & villages of India,their educational qualification,their attitudes & politicians & their ideology you will never ever dreamt to become 15k dollar percapita society.
1)And we need US & NATO to counter the yellow snakes during war.
2)years they want,just like we are taking the share of EU&US now.
1) What is the guarantee?They supported Iraq and they destroyed it .Ukraine also seems going in to same way .Now even EU is not comfortable with Zelensky.
2) Concludes it is not some kind of democratic love.You cant trust them.
If you have seen the people living in rural & villages of India,their educational qualification,their attitudes & politicians & their ideology you will never ever dreamt to become 15k dollar percapita society.
That is exactly what the current central Govt tries to do.But noone wants to support them.
Look at their Budget ,heavily investing for education ,health and infrastructure and reduces the defence sector yet efficiently.
A Panjabi girl I know said, her whole class went overseas to UK, US, CA and AU. There is a brain brain drain. That's without talking into account those that are already trained and leave for overseas.
A Panjabi girl I know said, her whole class went overseas to UK, US, CA and AU. There is a brain brain drain. That's without talking into account those that are already trained and leave for overseas.
That Punjabi girl is more likely a Sikh who in any case have had a tradition of going overseas. There are entire villages in Punjab depleted of it's inhabitants who've mostly shifted to Canada. There's nothing new in your "discovery."

Btw India's population is 1.4 billion . We produce more in a day than you can absorb in a year . India's reached where we have in spite of them - them being the people who've decamped , not because of them .
yes, and:

Australia to become subs hub for US Navy under AUKUS agreement​

Australia is poised to become a major western Pacific hub for maintaining US submarines under the AUKUS deal as part of a boost to America’s presence in the region while Canberra waits for nuclear-powered submarines of its own to be delivered.

Hundreds of Australian companies are likely to be brought into the supply chain to help sustain visiting submarines, provided they meet strict quality assurance and security standards demanded by the US, including not using Chinese-made parts.

The ramp-up in industrial activity will also upskill Australian firms to play a role in building nuclear submarines locally, multiple sources say.
The Australian Financial Review has also been told that the three nuclear submarine builders – Electric Boat and Huntington Ingalls Industries in the US, and BAE Systems in the UK – have also agreed to take up to 250 Australian workers at each of their shipyards to be trained in nuclear-powered submarine construction.
Those workers, which are likely to include engineers and supervisors, could head overseas as soon as mid-year and will begin to form the core of the Australian nuclear submarine workforce.
“There will be a full smorgasbord of people going across,” one source said.

The Albanese government is expected to unveil in March what it has described as the “optimal pathway” for Australia to acquire nuclear-powered submarines with help from the US and UK under the AUKUS pact.

Experts believe it might not be until the late 2030s at the earliest that the Australian navy receives nuclear-powered submarines that can be fully crewed and commanded by Australians.

That challenge of building submarines was magnified last month when US Democrat senator Jack Reed, who chairs the powerful Senate Armed Services Committee, and his former Republican opposite James Inhofe wrote to US President Joe Biden warning the American submarine industrial base could be pushed to “breaking point” because of AUKUS.
The lengthy wait for an Australian-controlled boat, as well as the need to train Australian sailors and establish a domestic regime to support nuclear-powered submarines, will result in interim measures to mitigate the risk of a capability gap.

These are likely to include the deployment of at least two US nuclear submarines to be based out of Perth, home to Australia’s Collins class submarine fleet.
One suggestion is they will be younger boats of the ageing Los Angeles class submarine either loaned or leased to Australia, which would be more politically palatable from a US perspective than sharing the more modern Virginia class.

US Congress last month passed a defence budget that specifically refers to studying the provision of “legacy United States submarines” for Australia’s use.

But sources said it was anticipated additional US submarines would also make more regular stopovers in Perth.

The Pentagon is pursuing a policy of dispersing US forces in the Pacific to offer greater protection in the event of conflict with China. The US Navy currently operates submarines out of Guam, a prime target for a potential attack, and beefing up a submarine support base in Perth would put them out of range.

Making Perth a hub for submarine operations would allow planned maintenance to be undertaken, as well as urgent repairs, one source said. Some maintenance of the Collins class submarines is already undertaken at Perth’s Henderson shipyard.

The source estimated up to 1500 Australian firms would need to be upskilled to help support submarine operations, which will require an injection of government funding. Some would be homegrown firms, while others may American or British subsidiaries.

“This is a whole new level of doing business,” the source said.

Another source said a lot of engagement was required with the supply chain but “you can pump prime the system by building it up”.

Defence Minister Richard Marles said the AUKUS announcement remained on track for the first quarter of the year. “What we’ve done with the US and the UK is genuinely a collaborative effort.” /end
(thesun, feb.12)

UK agrees historic £2billion nuclear sub deal with Australia​

THE UK has agreed to provide Australia with nuclear submarines in the first deal of its kind ever — worth billions to British industry.

Ministers are said to be open “in principle” to the idea of building conventionally-armed nuke-powered subs, like Britain’s Astute Class for them which cost nearly £2billion each.​
The deal could see a British-built sub, using existing designs, down under as soon as possible​
Rishi Sunak is set to unveil more details on the AUKUS deal when he visits Washington DC next month​
The landmark agreement will help the Aussies get a high-tech sub as soon as possible as part of the AUKUS defence pact to help face down the growing threat of China.​
Insiders say ministers would be open to building a sub for another ally — like Australia — in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, securing billions of pounds and guaranteeing thousands of jobs for a generation.​
The AUKUS pact hopes to get a new type of submarine in operation forAustralia by the mid-2040s.
But this deal could see a British-built sub, using existing designs, down under as soon as possible.​
However, the Government has ruled out lending a Royal Navy sub to Canberra.​
It is part of a broader “Indo-Pacific tilt” aimed at beefing up our security links in the region.​
PM Rishi Sunak is set to unveil the plan alongside more details on the AUKUS deal when he visits Washington DC next month.​
Australia pulled out of a £65billion deal with France in favour of building nuclear submarines through the AUKUS pact — sparking a major diplomatic row in 2021. /end
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