Chengdu J-10C for Pakistan

PAF J-10's and their pilots are going to have some advantage when facing IAF flankers in that PLAAF can train them how to fight against flankers. PAF J-10s can practice against J-16s, J-11s and SU-35s and get all sorts of experience same with their JF-17s. This could possibly be a big issue for IAF.
The best *censored* top pilots can do is to run away with tail tucked between their legs and then ordering made in China cheap badges to soothen their ego. We have already seen this.

I would consider it as a big achievement if they somehow manage to get equal flying hours. Lol
120 J20 can suppress all fighter jets of the Indian Air Force
Just like 1 Pakistani muslim = 10 yindoo baniya😂
He is right, Pakistan uses J11BS all the year round to simulate SU30MKI, the performance of the two is similar
And India cannot gain experience against J10 through other countries

J-10s are ugly copy of Lavi which were again a copy of F16. IAF has enough experience of handling F16 and has excercised against the most advanced versions of F16s. Gosh we have a complete squadron of Singapore Air force F16s stationed in India at all times. We know all the Ins and Outs of F16s. So J-10s are nothing compared to F16s or do you suggest that F16s are inferior to J-10. Heck then tell Lockheed Martin to not to waste time convincing IAF to buy those obsolete F16s...😊
He is right, Pakistan uses J11BS all the year round to simulate SU30MKI, the performance of the two is similar
And India cannot gain experience against J10 through other countries
It's not hard to get a clown like him agitated. He has a thing for me but that's for another discussion...

The clown doesn't understand, just like he doesn't understand how the APG-81 can have EW and E-virus capability like General Hostage hinted which drives the clown nuts that he can't comprehend, that when the IAF trains with the USAF there are strict restrictions what the USAF uses when it comes to tactics and EM signatures. IAF training with USAF is nowhere near the same training the USAF trains with UK/NATO members, Israel, Australia, Japan and South Korea where they go all out in tactics and EW.

IAF is not considered an ally therefore not privy.
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It's not hard to get a clown like him agitated. He has a thing for me but that's for another discussion...
Umm no. I don't share your orientation. I love girls a Little too much for that . Then again , I'm easily entertained which you readily provide without much prompting. Whenever you go cold , all I've to do is prod you like ranchers do cattle who stray & voila !!
The clown doesn't understand, just like he doesn't understand how the APG-81 can have EW and E-virus capability like General Hostage hinted which drives the clown nuts that he can't comprehend,
Yup. Gen Hostage & his focus on the E Virus like Stuxnet failed to account for the down time for servicing the aircraft . I'm assuming there's an article somewhere waiting to be mined by you which quotes Gen Hostage saying 100 % availability of the Lightnings with no servicing required. Ever.

This would be apart from the prescribed monthly training protocol which would gradually see training reduced to a few minutes / month because of a new doctrine - The Hostage Doctrine.

More you exercise more the wear & tear , hence more maintenance & more OPEX . The goal as per the hostage doctrine being to reduce maintenance OPEX & down time to zero.

For some reason he also neglected to get your precious Lightnings the FOC during his tenure . But I'm sure it's a nothing burger.

that when the IAF trains with the USAF there are strict restrictions what the USAF uses when it comes to tactics and EM signatures. IAF training with USAF is nowhere near the same training the USAF trains with UK/NATO members, Israel, Australia, Japan and South Korea where they go all out in tactics and EW.

IAF is not considered an ally therefore not privy.
You could begin by thanking me for schooling you in the number of exercises we hold annually on a regular basis with like minded military forces.

We take what learnings we can in our exercises with the US . We share much more with the Israelis , Russians , French & the Singapore Air Forces.

Contrary to what you think , the US isn't the last word on military aviation in terms of tactics & design. Your flying ace Chuck Yaeger who was an "advisor" to the PAF learnt it the hard way & never forgave us for it . But that's a story for another day . I'd reveal it if you continue with your task of entertaining me .
He is right, Pakistan uses J11BS all the year round to simulate SU30MKI, the performance of the two is similar
And India cannot gain experience against J10 through other countries

Exercising with the J-11BS is not the same as exercising with the Su-30MKI. Especially in a dog fight, where the J-11 cannot simulate TVC. But we get the same experience against the J-10 using the F-16 and M2000.

In BVR, it should be more or less the same for both sides. But it's difficult to simulate each other's BVR missiles.
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You haven't given crap only speculation and wishful thinking. Deal with it. Next time IAF should use their flankers and maybe the outcome will be different.
Where's the wishful thinking you are literally posting astro-turfed media shilling as counter-proof.
There aren't any speculations when both side have given their side of the story and it's the pakistani version which always comes out to be inconsistent.
but now China has at least 1,000 fighter jets that have reached the Su-30 level
450 J10C and J16 at Rafale level
120 J20 can suppress all fighter jets of the Indian Air Force
From Wiki you only seem to have j-10C's. The rest of your j-10's are non-aesa barebones j-10. Majority of your flankers are inferior to the mki's except the su-35,j-11D and j-16.
120 j-20's could definitely suppress but the question is will you be able to even accomodate 120 j-20's when your airforce barely has 50 j-20's for your entire security and you will face the Americans to take back Taiwan.
PAF J-10's and their pilots are going to have some advantage when facing IAF flankers in that PLAAF can train them how to fight against flankers. PAF J-10s can practice against J-16s, J-11s and SU-35s and get all sorts of experience same with their JF-17s. This could possibly be a big issue for IAF.

So who taught Indian pilots to knock out an American made Pakistani F16 with a 40 years old Russian Mig21? American themselves or the Russians :p
Exercising with the J-11BS is not the same as exercising with the Su-30MKI. Especially in a dog fight, where the J-11 cannot simulate TVC. But we get the same experience against the J-10 using the F-16 and M2000.

In BVR, it should be more or less the same for both sides. But it's difficult to simulate each other's BVR missiles.
TVC is a problem, maybe SU35 can solve this problem,
The flight characteristics of the F16 and J10 are very different. The F16 has better continuous maneuverability and the J10 has better instantaneous maneuverability.
The flight characteristics of M2000 and J10 are similar, but the effect of canard + delta wing is stronger than that of pure delta wing of M2000, and the T/W of J10 is also higher than that of M2000, and some tactics are also very different.
120 j-20's could definitely suppress but the question is will you be able to even accomodate 120 j-20's when your airforce barely has 50 j-20's for your entire security and you will face the Americans to take back Taiwan.
China will not launch offensive operations against India and Taiwan at the same time, we can transfer most of the J20s to the western front
China's policy towards Taiwan is actually very clear. As long as Taiwan does not seek independence, there is still the possibility of peaceful reunification. After all, civil war is a disaster for any nation.
Flying Samosa with Mint leaves in 2021 Airshow :p... good climb and turning radius. Now Pakistan will enjoy the Samosa with green chutney

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Airplanes are not plasticine
View attachment 22790

I have told the truth and truth is always Bitter...

F16 is a beautiful plane and is quite potent with huge range of weapons and a very reliable American TURBOFAN engine.

Now look at J-10 similar layout (Israelis copied F16 but we're not allowed to make by US and Israel sold the design and blue prints of Lavi to China) but not looking good aesthetically and definitely not good aerodynamics. Weapons range not comparable to F16 and about Chinese copy of Russian engine, the less said the better.... 😊