Dassault Rafale - Updates and Discussion

Strangely the US refused to sell F22 even to very close ally (Japan) and not F35...
For me it's because the RCS tech and RCS mastery inside F22 are better.
Thanks to better CNT RAM interwoven into its skin, F-35 beats even the Raptor in stealth. F-22 is very maintenance inclusive, so that's why perhaps they didn't want to export it. F-35, on the other hand, was for export from the very beginning.
Today, the F-35 appears not to be interoperable. Beyond the Rafale, I ask the question, is it interoperable with the Typhoon? Is it even interoperable with the F-16 or F-22? This is a good question that you should look into and you would find that in reality it is not.

This is not at all what was normally defined within NATO to be interoperable.

Isn't Thales in charge of developing a new SA system for NATO?

It's not related to the F-35 vs Rafale debate, but France is still in it.

I read a lot about small drones, okay, but in Ukraine for example we have a problem which is the following: no one has dominated the sky.

However, in a modern conflict, if we manage to dominate the sky, drones generally no longer fly much.

Not sure how air dominance will stop these small drones. Fighter jets cannot act against them, plus it's a waste of resources to chase after thousands of drones.

Drones require EW and GBADS, even helicopters. 'Cause while a fighter jet's doing 450 knots, the drones are doing 20.
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Thanks to better CNT RAM interwoven into its skin, F-35 beats even the Raptor in stealth. F-22 is very maintenance inclusive, so that's why perhaps they didn't want to export it. F-35, on the other hand, was for export from the very beginning.
Far far less space in F-35 than F-22, so it's not a proper explanation.
Add the overall external shape : smooth for F22, with much curbs in F35. So NO.

Maintenance? Sure F22 is greedy of maintenance, but F35 is not known to be very reliable...

Japan knew very well F22, and is a rich country, so once again not the answer.
The real difficulty we have is delivering the planes because we always have, and we are not the only ones, supply chain problems. The repercussions of Covid, with a halt in production and a rapid recovery whether for us or commercial aviation, mean that subcontractors are having difficulty hiring, are having difficulty finding the right pace for this increase in power and so we all suffer from it. This is not only true in France, it is also true in the United States, we have the same difficulty with our American suppliers. It's difficult on deliveries, it will be in 2023 and it will still be in 2024 until the chain is completely back in working order and in line with our rates.

Same problem being faced by the F-35 that's cutting into its availability.

I guess high interest rates are preventing sufficient investment.
“If I don’t find opportunities in France I will go elsewhere”

India is the only realistic option.

So yes, the Chinese will take time before making a combat aircraft of the level of a Rafale, but they will get there, there is no reason why they cannot get there. In 30 years they will know how to do it. It’s easier in space in a way. You see the Indians they send rockets and it goes pretty much to the right place, it doesn't explode after takeoff, it works. The Chinese also make objects that are increasingly “bizarre”, in quotation marks.

To be fair, India has been working on space tech a lot longer than aerospace. At least 25 years more. And we could catch up in aerospace in just 10 years. Not to mention, we have even less resources than France, and we have achieved most of our objectives with an even smaller aircraft than the Rafale. This applies to space and nuclear.
So Indian Navy will order F4.3 + ISE...

ISE 1.0 + ISE 2.0?
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Strangely the US refused to sell F22 even to very close ally (Japan) and not F35...
For me it's because the RCS tech and RCS mastery inside F22 are better.
That is because selling f22 is prohibited by US law. US government cannot act against US law.
Strangely the US refused to sell F22 even to very close ally (Japan) and not F35...
For me it's because the RCS tech and RCS mastery inside F22 are better.

I think it's the timeframe. When the F-22 was made, no one even had such technology. But a decade later, everybody did.

So they opened up to the possibility of export when they wanted to modernize the F-22 as a stopgap before NGAD. They were then open to selling to India even. I guess it was their way of curtailing independent development in Japan and India, keeping us a generation behind, while making the program cheaper for themselves. It was also their way of pressuring us out of FGFA.

The F-35 is more stealthy, and they are currently only selling to allies. So they are still protecting their tech. But they could open it up for general export after the decade, targeting MENA and SEA.
What are the new capacity of F4.3 vs F4.2 ?

Software-defined radio.
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Far far less space in F-35 than F-22, so it's not a proper explanation.
Add the overall external shape : smooth for F22, with much curbs in F35. So NO.

Maintenance? Sure F22 is greedy of maintenance, but F35 is not known to be very reliable...

Japan knew very well F22, and is a rich country, so once again not the answer.
CNT RAM used in F-35 takes no extra space but is interwoven into its skin. Which means its entire skin consists of CNT RAM which absorbs Radio Frequency from 0.5GHz to 60GHz. This itself makes it lot more stealthy than Raptor.

Raptor was just not conceived as an export bird. It was an exotic plane remember. Now all its tech has become quite common.
Software define radio is part of F4.1
La DGA qualifie le Rafale au standard F4.1
The DGA qualifies the Rafale to the F4.1 standard
Directorate: DGA / Published on: March 27, 2023

The Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) declared the qualification of the F4.1 standard of the Rafale combat aircraft on March 13, 2023, allowing its entry into the era of collaborative air combat. The F4.1 standard includes collaborative air combat capabilities, the integration of 1,000 kg AASM weaponry and reinforcement of the aircraft in the face of cyber threats.

This new standard brings major capability developments in the field of air combat: integration of the Scorpion helmet sight*, improvements in fire control for the use of the Meteor missile (missile managed by an aircraft other than the firing aircraft), evolution of passive threat detection algorithms, as well as increased data exchange capabilities between Rafale.

The F4.1 standard also allows you to benefit from the integration of the 1,000 kg AASM weaponry with GPS/laser guidance, greater protection against cyber threats, new functions for the Talios, OSF and RBE2 sensors, and first developments in the field of connectivity.
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Software define radio is part of F4.1

Today we are in the F4 standard with three deliveries in this standard: F4.1, F4.2 and F4.3. The F4 will bring collaborative combat: F4.3 is the accomplished version of connectivity with the ability to manage a certain number of things with digital radios. The F4.2 will be the Mica NG and with the F4.1 there are many modifications to the sensors and radar. The F4.1 is delivered, the F4.2 should be delivered at the end of 2024 and F4.3 at the end of 2026.

I guess the hardware comes with F4.1, but all of the software comes with 4.3.
Today we are in the F4 standard with three deliveries in this standard: F4.1, F4.2 and F4.3. The F4 will bring collaborative combat: F4.3 is the accomplished version of connectivity with the ability to manage a certain number of things with digital radios. The F4.2 will be the Mica NG and with the F4.1 there are many modifications to the sensors and radar. The F4.1 is delivered, the F4.2 should be delivered at the end of 2024 and F4.3 at the end of 2026.

I guess the hardware comes with F4.1, but all of the software comes with 4.3.
Cyber protection is software... Basic communication with high rate and good latency is available with F4.1 but if you want to use the communication system to implement multistatic radar you have to wait for F4.3. But passive triangulation with several Rafale is one of the first objective.
Cyber protection is software... Basic communication with high rate and good latency is available with F4.1 but if you want to use the communication system to implement multistatic radar you have to wait for F4.3. But passive triangulation with several Rafale is one of the first objective.

I mentioned that in my previous post and deleted it, the introduction of a multistatic capability with just the data link instead of a patrol link. We had discussed this before.

Will F4 be introducing trilateration/multilateration too?
Passive detection : with Spectra and OSF or even with radar thanks to multistatism ?
In other word is it possible to use multistatism on one or several Rafale radar(s) in a passive way ?
I think you are correct. SPECTRA/OSF and future Multistatic radar would be fully capable of passive detection cum tracking. Rafale is really evolving into a more potent fighter with these upgrades(y)