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Drdo blocked imports of athos that's why there is pain in the *censored* of import lobby.

Even if it's true, why is it wrong? ATHOS was much cheaper and had local production. ATHOS was at L1 in 2019, and if we could have proceeded, they would have delivered 400 guns by now. ATAGS would still have over 1000 orders to fulfill. Is that not enough for the "desi only" lobby? The army's job is to be prepared for any eventuality. How will they achieve that with imaginary guns?

There should be a reasonable balance in waiting for DRDO and imports. Now we have billion dollar submarines without modern torpedo and destroyers without towed array sonar. Which is the result of "blocking" by DRDO. Now, what if an INS Khukri sinks again due to a lack of proper sonars? Will this blocking scientists share the blame? of course not.

And, how exactly is managing scientists by babus a bad thing? Scientists and managers/administrators are doing the job they are required to, right?
Even if it's true, why is it wrong? ATHOS was much cheaper and had local production. ATHOS was at L1 in 2019, and if we could have proceeded, they would have delivered 400 guns by now. ATAGS would still have over 1000 orders to fulfill. Is that not enough for the "desi only" lobby? The army's job is to be prepared for any eventuality. How will they achieve that with imaginary guns?

There should be a reasonable balance in waiting for DRDO and imports. Now we have billion dollar submarines without modern torpedo and destroyers without towed array sonar. Which is the result of "blocking" by DRDO. Now, what if an INS Khukri sinks again due to a lack of proper sonars? Will this blocking scientists share the blame? of course not.

And, how exactly is managing scientists by babus a bad thing? Scientists and managers/administrators are doing the job they are required to, right?

i as a rule dont involve in such discussions bec end of the day they dont serve any purpose

anyways one needs to see the big picture least they miss the forest for the trees

imagine we had inported athos or any weapon system with so called local production , do you think the other side is so dumb that they will hand over all the critcal systems in any weapon for local production ? meaning even with local production we will be always be at their mercy for the availability of the systems. in current context if we were at war with athos then will israel priotize supplies of the critcal parts when they are fighting for their own survival ? so basically you (import lovers) cooked the goose of our soldiers and then who should we blame in that case ? import lovers , import loving / incompetent generals ?

and among nations there are no friends

there are strong economic, operational, sovereign benifits for indigenous development of weapons ie improves and sustains
1. economy
2. R&D
3. geopolitical independence
4. operational sovereignity
5. national pride -> inidivual pride -> belief that yes we are best of the best -> the can do attitude cascades to every other sector

indegenous development must be a priority bec there are vested interests in the country be it military especially army , mod etc whose only interest is to benifit themselves and see that we are still slaves not as in actual slavery but in mental slavery. we are still not out of it . the gateway to be free is tthrough believe in one selves through science engineering achievements and actually having own designed and developed systems

that doesnt mean that drdo must be let off the hook for their failures some of which are their own but some are caused by the vested interests. its not a completely black and white situation , our country has more enemies internally in positions of responsibility

so one has to see the big picture, which none of you do , basically being penny wise pound foolish or rather 'cleverly foolish'

take the example of indian navy they have a good no of success stories with drdo , have you wondered why ?
then take example of indian army they have the most mediocre result with drdo , have you wondered why ?

answer is competence , indian army top hierarchy collectively is mediocre at best (except for a handful gen's since independence)

i remember a interview by a officer who became a asset for intel , he was telling about his observation on the competence of the generals he came in contact with. enough said , no one will tackle the actual problem. irony is TSD an army inititive got taken down by an army general looking to push foreign stuff aka local production. one can only wonder how deep the rot is.

one can expect to win skirmishes with foreign stuff aka local production
dont expect to win any wars , and definately not against peers

case in point russia

also you said allow 400 athos and then 1000 atags , and you will gurrantee the same ? what makes you so sure that given the financial incentives for the vested interests it wont be 1400 athos all the way and what sense does it make to induct two different systems for the same purpose ?

it takes decades to build up a organisation like drdo even with its faults but only a little effort to neuter it by vested interests both internal and external
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Even if it's true, why is it wrong? ATHOS was much cheaper and had local production. ATHOS was at L1 in 2019, and if we could have proceeded, they would have delivered 400 guns by now. ATAGS would still have over 1000 orders to fulfill. Is that not enough for the "desi only" lobby? The army's job is to be prepared for any eventuality. How will they achieve that with imaginary guns?

There should be a reasonable balance in waiting for DRDO and imports. Now we have billion dollar submarines without modern torpedo and destroyers without towed array sonar. Which is the result of "blocking" by DRDO. Now, what if an INS Khukri sinks again due to a lack of proper sonars? Will this blocking scientists share the blame? of course not.

And, how exactly is managing scientists by babus a bad thing? Scientists and managers/administrators are doing the job they are required to, right?
Better import some generals as well since local ones are incompetent and corrupt.
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Better import some generals as well since local ones are incompetent and corrupt.
Corruption In DRDO – Appeal to clean DRDO of corrupt and anti-national officials

Awkward Oh Boy GIF by Sara Dietschy
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Bit offtopic but why no one considers the main reasoning behind all the ailments, that certain labs of DRDO are well funded & delivers result while many do not? Its right before our eyes, experienced defence industrialist like S Nuwal, Baba Kalyani have hinted about it and yet nobody considers the core reason.

Quite obvious that as a nation, any Govt would like to avoid war, wars are costly in every term imaginable. So since 1940s , as a nation all of our sitting Govts tried to avoid long drawn out conflicts unless pushed into it. It is Govt job to provide the armed forces the means , and we chose to be import dependent from trusted source. Even 15-20 years ago as a new business if you went to the govt for licensing & defence related permission, you would be immediately seen as a threat rather than a business, CBI would put people behind your back, your biz will get blacklisted/shadowed , you would be harassed at every opportunity by the entire bureaucracy if you wanted to venture into defence business. In such a toxic environment, no defence biz can start let alone grow. Satyendra Nuwal sir has alluded this well in a cryptic way by saying you needed patience. What the current govt is encouraging, earlier would be seen as anti national work.

So what would have been that defence business? it would be conventional warfighting stuff, literally thousands of items which the Govt consciously chose to follow the import route. Defence sector was seen as a haram sector by the Govt and they wanted to keep all under their own command/control via the psu & ordnance factory. This mentality fostered the current import mania , our forces grew up with it and it is here to stay for another 100 years.

So why did certain labs flourish & delivered some result? its because those stuff were not available via import, nukes, delivery of those, associated systems, all of it we had to make our own and yet in 2024 we still import the TEL that can fire the agnis. It only shows that as a nation we were not interested in defence industry much and we will never be compared to adversaries unless absolutely pushed to the wall, and even then we will half do it.

Corruption is a side effect that nurtures itself in a suitable environment, but the root cause is much bigger.
i as a rule dont involve in such discussions bec end of the day they dont serve any purpose

anyways one needs to see the big picture least they miss the forest for the trees

imagine we had inported athos or any weapon system with so called local production , do you think the other side is so dumb that they will hand over all the critcal systems in any weapon for local production ? meaning even with local production we will be always be at their mercy for the availability of the systems. in current context if we were at war with athos then will israel priotize supplies of the critcal parts when they are fighting for their own survival ? so basically you (import lovers) cooked the goose of our soldiers and then who should we blame in that case ? import lovers , import loving / incompetent generals ?

and among nations there are no friends

there are strong economic, operational, sovereign benifits for indigenous development of weapons ie improves and sustains
1. economy
2. R&D
3. geopolitical independence
4. operational sovereignity
5. national pride -> inidivual pride -> belief that yes we are best of the best -> the can do attitude cascades to every other sector

indegenous development must be a priority bec there are vested interests in the country be it military especially army , mod etc whose only interest is to benifit themselves and see that we are still slaves not as in actual slavery but in mental slavery. we are still not out of it . the gateway to be free is tthrough believe in one selves through science engineering achievements and actually having own designed and developed systems

that doesnt mean that drdo must be let off the hook for their failures some of which are their own but some are caused by the vested interests. its not a completely black and white situation , our country has more enemies internally in positions of responsibility

so one has to see the big picture, which none of you do , basically being penny wise pound foolish or rather 'cleverly foolish'

take the example of indian navy they have a good no of success stories with drdo , have you wondered why ?
then take example of indian army they have the most mediocre result with drdo , have you wondered why ?

answer is competence , indian army top hierarchy collectively is mediocre at best (except for a handful gen's since independence)

i remember a interview by a officer who became a asset for intel , he was telling about his observation on the competence of the generals he came in contact with. enough said , no one will tackle the actual problem. irony is TSD an army inititive got taken down by an army general looking to push foreign stuff aka local production. one can only wonder how deep the rot is.

one can expect to win skirmishes with foreign stuff aka local production
dont expect to win any wars , and definately not against peers

case in point russia

also you said allow 400 athos and then 1000 atags , and you will gurrantee the same ? what makes you so sure that given the financial incentives for the vested interests it wont be 1400 athos all the way and what sense does it make to induct two different systems for the same purpose ?

it takes decades to build up a organisation like drdo even with its faults but only a little effort to neuter it by vested interests both internal and external

You missed the point I raised. It is to find a balance between waiting for the eventual "Indian product" and producing enough equipment under license to have a fighting chance for the services today. Which is opposite of black and white. There should never be a situation like Kargil where the chief had to say we will fight with whatever we have.

On ATHOS example, no no-one expects "critical" components will be indian. We are having parallel program of artillery fill those gaps. No one is asking to stop development for indian systems.

If there are incompetent generals, then there are equally incompetent scientists as well. Unlike scientists, generals have consequences in terms of loss of life when things go wrong. Not providing enough equipment to fight, and instead waiting for a mythical perfect DRDO product to appear, is simply wrong. A conflict do not wait till DRDO makes their equipment meet ASQR. You can bitch about the system, MoD, babus and politicians all you want. But it wont change the fact.

On guarantee, Can DRDO provide guarantees that desi systems will respect the timelines and required performance? If they can, there is no need for imports. For example, when Rustom failed to meet requirements, they only then went for (crony) imports. So, there is blame to share.
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Better import some generals as well since local ones are incompetent and corrupt.
Do you have any substantiating evidence to tell that all generals are corrupted ones?

Same drdo developed strategic missiles are keeping our country secured.
Even iran, north korea have developed ballistic missiles. Iranian one are as deadly accurate like a modern Cruise missile. There is not much to be proud on DRDO achievements on ballistic missiles.
For those who doubting the military personals.

You are too naive if you ask me , no offence

Have you given a though to the possibility that he was the 'one' good general standing in the way to something sinister?

And hence he was targeted out of the many other generals etc otherwise why him only

If you ask me eerily similar modus operandi, to the one enacted by a general who took the help of journalists to fix TSD or same as the coup story to target a honest general

Recently a certain retired top ranking army person targeted a ANI journalist who is very vocal about local stuff, with a very elaborate setup, unfortunately he didn't count on the other good army personnels to spoil his misadventure and from what I could understand he works for press since retirement and is part of import lobby

So don't jump to premature conclusions without weighing all options , you are doing yourself and others disservice

As I previously said there are good military men and there are many clever bad ones
We must support the good ones and not let the bad ones run their games, who do so by counting on the goodwill generated by the good ones

Next time think before jumping to naive conclusions
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You are too naive if you ask me , no offence

Have you given a though to the possibility that he was the 'one' good general standing in the way to something sinister?

And hence he was targeted out of the many other generals etc otherwise why him only

If you ask me eerily similar modus operandi, to the one enacted by a general who took the help of journalists to fix TSD or same as the coup story to target a honest general

Recently a certain retired top ranking army person targeted a ANI journalist who is very vocal about local stuff, with a very elaborate setup, unfortunately he didn't count on the other good army personnels to spoil his misadventure and from what I could understand he works for press since retirement and is part of import lobby

So don't jump to premature conclusions without weighing all options , you are doing yourself and others disservice

As I previously said there are good military men and there are many clever bad ones
We must support the good ones and not let the bad ones run their games, who do so by counting on the goodwill generated by the good ones

Next time think before jumping to naive conclusions
Only one sentence "you are as good as indian soap opera script writers ".
I think, in missiles we have fairly crossed from importing to making it ourselves.

Hopefully we ll replicate it all avenues.
ADRDE have finalised the variety of parachute designs & now starting wok for commissioning a parachute making in house small setup, machinery etc.
One being the pilot parachute, for the fighter jet pilots.

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