Repair yard of Perle SSN at Naval Group shipyard in Cherbourg. Naval Group image.
(opex360, jul.06)
The nuclear attack submarine Perle [Rubis-AMETHYSTE class] is ready to resume its operational cycle
Her bow ravaged by a violent fire while she was in drydock, in Toulon, for a period of Unavailability for maintenance and repairs [IPER], the nuclear attack submarine [SNA] Perle could have never again return to sea. However, following studies carried out by the Fleet Support Service [SSF] and Naval Group, the Ministry of the Armed Forces decided to repair it by "cannibalizing" the SNA Saphir, which had just been disarmed.
Thus, prepared with meticulousness thanks to digital twins, the operation consisting in replacing the bow of the Pearl by that of the Saphir was smoothly carried out by Naval Group, in Cherbourg. And this required, in total, nearly 350,000 hours of work [including 100,000 hours for the preliminary studies]… Because, in addition to the welding work, it will have been necessary to reconnect a hundred electrical cables, a sixty collectors and a multitude of hydraulic pipes.
Lengthened by one meter and heavier by 68 tons at the end of this "hybridization", the SNA Perle returned to Toulon in order to resume its IPER where it had been stopped by force of circumstance. And, after having experienced a new "heat stroke" without consequence [a combustion without flame detected in time, note], the submarine began its rise in power from November 2022, with dockside tests.
While the Chief of Staff of the French Navy [CEMM], Admiral Pierre Vandier had just assured, during a parliamentary hearing, that he would resume his operational cycle during the summer, the SNA Perle carried out its first static dive on May 22, in the harbor of Toulon. And obviously, the sea trials have since been carried out at full speed.
Indeed, on July 6, the Ministry of the Armed Forces announced that the Pearl IPER had just ended. "A commission bringing together representatives of the Directorate General of Armaments [DGA], the Fleet Support Service [SSF], the Permanent Commission for Programs and Tests [CPPE] and the Submarine Squadron nuclear attack [ESNA] has validated the technical compliance of the building as well as its ability to navigate while diving in complete safety”, he indeed specified.
However, the submarine still has to pass its operational qualifications before it can go on a mission. Thus, it will notably have to launch a heavy exercise F-21 torpedo, the IPER of which it was the object having made it possible to give it this new capacity.
As a reminder, the F-21 displays singularly increased performance compared to the F-17 Mod 2 torpedo that it replaces. With a diameter of 533 mm for 6 meters in length and a set of two propellers, it has a range of 27 nautical miles and can reach a speed of 50 knots. Connected to the submarine by an optical fiber, it is equipped with an acoustic autoguiding system allowing it to detect and follow a target autonomously.
From now on, underlines the Ministry of the Armed Forces, the SNA Perle has "an operational potential until 2028". And, pending the admission to service of the Duguay-Trouin [2e de la classe Suffren, ndlr], the resumption of its operational cycle will allow the French Navy to field four SNAs, the Casabianca being on the point of to be disarmed. /deepl

Rubis-class SSN Perle during sea trials in May 2023. French Navy picture.