General, it’s none of your business

And that is the end of it. No capacity building, no measures to meet the threat. Instead ,further subversion of our capability so that we have to face the 'we can not fight them' everytime they push us.
Very well said. I have seen the degradation of our capabilities first hand. The ammo which we used to keep our aiming fit in 1990 every quarter was extended to be used within six minths and finally for an year. The squadron work up for A2A and A2G firing was reduced. Our Fully ops status including firing weapons live including at least one AAM. Even today it has not been restored but we do now have recorder missiles which do give the correct picture if the target could have been hit or not based on launch aircraft parameters. We used to fire nearly life expired missile as part of our fully ops status. We were supposed to fire small arms which we used including skeet shooting every three months. It was reduced to just once in one year. I am sure that even IA must have gone thru something like that. Even ships work up routine for a new crew was reduced to less than 30%.
We have seen our leadership, the civil one, always back out of a fight. Be it in Brasstacks, or Checkerboard. Be it in Kargil or Parakaram. Be it post 26/11, or even post Gurdaspur/Pathankot/Uri, everytime the military leadership has told the political leadership to take a call. Everytime they backed out.

I am not questioning the armed forces as whole, that doesn't make sense. What I am questioning is a particular segment in armed forces which is responsible for information. Everything is right syndrome is what causes ego problem and tug war b/w agencies.

That is the axis of advance! What will ITBP do there? And have you traversed that route?
The problem is not of information, the problem is lack of action on the information.

If ITBP had told responsible army officers stationed there, they would have rather questioned ITBP how you know, as we don't have such information. This happens very often. You know that very well :) it's about credits too ;)

I've found ppl from UK to be in general quite intelligent.

Unfortunately I am not from there, I am from NE
Dont worry , we are working on granting Muhajir Musharraf Indian citizenship.
He has already refused.
True, general was right in questioning violent protesters.
That said, in India, we do go overboard in trying to limit role of army in civil life, unlike a certain nation where armed forces run the largest businesses supplying any and everything from oatmeal to television.
Think is , if Shi*t hits the fan and Muslims go all out, which they can. Then army will be called anyway.
So it is very important that the general keeps an eye
Think is , if Shi*t hits the fan and Muslims go all out, which they can. Then army will be called anyway.
If the shit hits the fan then mobile internet in India will be shut down. Muslims will be disconnected and will be brought in control faster than you can say riot. This is the country which has seen the riots after taking down Babri Masjid. Compared to Babri Masjid riots, this rioting is not even wearing pantyhose.

Meanwhile let me introduce you to CRPF :

Remeber, this is still a police force. Oh, did I mention that even till now police in India is not shooting protestors at sight. Don't forget what a couple of flash bang grenades can do to the morale of untrained rioters.

Lastly, the biggest sucker punch, attachment and annexation of private property. In UP Muslims are very scared of that. Because majority of Muslims in India are engaged in business and not jobs. Many own shops, especially clothes, automobile, repairs and hardware. You annex or attach one and you put an entire family out of commission. That fear works wonders.
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He has already refused.

Think is , if Shi*t hits the fan and Muslims go all out, which they can. Then army will be called anyway.
So it is very important that the general keeps an eye
So Muhajir Mushis body will be hanged for 3 days then , so sad.
And don't u worry about India. Keep eating Fauzi cornflakes
TSD was so effective because it was cleaning the crap at home

Reason why some don't make military to take a stake in issues relating to country , because they will easily connect the dots , far better and with clarity and majority will listen .

Reason why when a general threatened to go public over the back stabbing Siachen de militirisation effort by Congress govt under manmohan , congi had to back track , even though many serving generals were in its pocket . One single serving general saved the sacrifices of thousands of soldiers .

The credit should be given to V.K.Singh as well as the northern army commander for standing up to these thugs . Now i wonder the whole controversy surrounding V.K.Singh is because of standing up to these congies
In which case why doesn't he return to Pakistan like Ganja & face prison like a man instead of fleeing , the default habit of PA whether serving personnel or former.
He is commando of Pakistani Army, you don't expect him to face the fight instead of running, do you? It's in PA training manual and secret of glorious success in every war ;)
He rather have his dead body hung than become an Indian.
So why is he holidaying in Dubai? Lol a dictator , President , COAS , so called loved by people but couldn't dare return to land of Pure
He is commando of Pakistani Army, you don't expect him to face the fight instead of running, do you? It's in PA training manual and secret of glorious success in every war ;)
They have official word for it - tactical retreat.
Surrender = tactical retreat
Your hit job didn't work. General Bipin Rawat will be CDS.

You can take your time sobbing with Gafoora, he will be in immense pain today ;)