Happy Independence Day 🇮🇳

I dont understand why ppl even celebrate it , there was nothing achieved , freedom which should not have been lost in the first place & then regained after a more than centuries of struggle. It should be a day of introspection & observation on what went wrong & where we are heading.
I dont understand why ppl even celebrate it , there was nothing achieved , freedom which should not have been lost in the first place & then regained after a more than centuries of struggle. It should be a day of introspection & observation on what went wrong & where we are heading.
Treat it as a day to remember all the sacrifices.
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Belated Happy Independence Day everyone. I hope people enjoyed the holiday well.

We gained physical independence from invaders' 1000 years of slavery almost 8 decades back.
I hope & wish people gain psycological independence also from certain colonial hangover like CASTE, from Spanish Portuguese CASTA system.
I hope & wish our armed forces will get rid of certain colonial anticultural customs, traditions, habits when Dharmic mottos are being used.
I hope & wish people start realizing importance of our identity in era of globalization & international colaboration & start using BHARAT instead of Greek-Latin reference "India".
Life is short, do whatever ethical & constructive can be done.

Jai Hind! Jai Bharat! Jai Jawaan! Jai Kisan!
Prithvi Mata ki jay!
Vande Maataram!
Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah! (also motto of R.A.W.)
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