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NDTV clarifiation on BALAKOT....this is NOT a small village near the border as some are speculating but Balakot near Abbotabad where PMA is located, the strike was deep inside pak territory.

This makes sense given muzzafarabad and chakothi were hit too. It forms a good bombing/targetting run line on the map.
It could be Spice-2000 glide bomb. It has a stand off range of 60-100km. It will even give us the footage of the hit.

Remember, only 7-9 Mirages H in service

F-16 is used in retaliation but seen running away and using flares. This means that the pilot saw 12 blips and was shocked and he did siht in his pants. I hope one causality on PAF side.
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Sources: Pakistani F16s were scrambled to retaliate against IAF Mirage 2000s but turned back due to size of Indian formation. Western Air Command coordinated operation.


Pakistani F16s were scrambled to retaliate against IAF Mirage 2000s but turned back due to size of Indian formation. Western Air Command coordinated operation: ANI quoting sources

This probably explains some of the "oh crap, leg it!" footage @vstol Jockey......afterburners + flares + stupid and everything lol
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F-16 is used in retaliation but seen running away and using flares. This means that the pilot saw 12 blips and was shocked and he did siht in his pants. I hope one causality on PAF side.
Its a bit difficult to make out if the aircraft firing flares was JF-17 or F-16. But F-16s have an auto mode for releasing flares once a missile launch is detected and the counter measures are initiated in auto mode. Use of reheat in such a scenrio means that the pilot is trying really hard to accelarate away and shake off the missile.
Plenty of C17's and other heavy transport aircrafts are flying to Kashmir from morning, even after attack. I think there is more to come than air strikes. We are betting heavily on stupidity of Pakistan, possible in briefing we could rub salt on Pakistan and provoke them for something stupid.
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