India says BBC documentary on India PM Modi is "propaganda"

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What a load of absolute crooked horseshit.

If the UK overstocked itself for post-war profit, then explain why they were on food rations for a long time after the war had ended.

Coz you lost India - the jewel in the Empire in 1947 , dummy, that's why. Just like you lost Ireland - the land which supplied you with potatoes in 1921.

Bad Gateway. In a way that's good news. You post tripe anyway.

And still no answer to why India is exporting food stuffs

We export coz we're food surplus.
while thousands die everyday from malnutrition and hunger in India.
Whereas your charities which take money from you alleging deaths in India due to hunger & malnutrition indulge in this.

More than 120 workers from a range of Britain’s leading charities have reportedly been accused of sexual abuse in the past year alone.

New figures collated by the charities revealed that Oxfam recorded 87 allegations of sexual misconduct between April 2016 and March 2017, of which 53 were referred to the police, Save the Children had 31, ten of which were referred to the police, and Christian Aid two.

Which brings me to another important point.

Nearly 10 million adults and 4 million children in the UK experienced food insecurity in September as the cost of living crisis deepened, according to the Food Foundation. Millions reported skipping meals or going a whole day without eating, and half said they had cut down on fruit and vegetables.

Just a sign of things to come. I'm awaiting the day which I'm sure all the members here would see come in the next 2 decades during the lifetime of most of us the arrival of Indian charities in UK raising money in India to battle malnutrition & hunger related deaths in the UK.

As usual whenever you're up shit creek there's India to bail you out one way or another.

You would have thought that their new oil laundering money would have at least bought them a solution to that problem. Not to mention the money they're making smuggling western electronic into Russia.

Electronics smuggling to Russia is like smuggling opium to China? Me thinks not. In any case it's not lucrative. Whats far more lucrative is exporting their refined crude to countries like the UK.

Leaving this here Paddy. What's important to note here is that thay were all underprivileged kids. In dummy or Paddy terms, it's the very same demographic that charities like Oxfam target with all those reports on the UK citing malnutrition , deaths due to hunger etc asking for donations from you.

Pls also note that extrapolating that bit of data you get approximately 40-50 million children from all India, which'd be 10-12 times the population of RoI & at least half the population of people of partial or full Irish descent worldwide, who'd qualify to be members of MENSA which brings me to the crux of the matter, how many Irish men & women are members of MENSA especially given the extremely high HDI indicators it enjoys apart from being the highest or at least among the highest PCI countries in Europe if not the world according to you?

Anxiously awaiting your response.
Wait, I thought we'd already overstocked during the war to cause these famines though? And yet rations never ended in the UK until 1954.

When did food rationing stop?

Fourteen years of food rationing in Britain ended at midnight on 4 July 1954, when restrictions on the sale and purchase of meat and bacon were lifted. This happened nine years after the end of the war.​

Never once did we have an excess of food during WWII or after, despite your claims pertaining to the Bengal Famine, or the Bengal 'Malnutrition' as many call it using contemporary Indian terminology.

If you have surplus food, how come:

  1. Over 7000 Indians die of hunger every day.

Looks like you got rid of the data. :ROFLMAO:

“While there are statistics available for malnutrition deaths in children and adults in the country, there is no official data available for death of persons owing to starvation... Food and Agriculture Report, 2018 stated that India houses 195.9 million of the 821 million undernourished people in the world, accounting for approximately 24% of the world’s hungry. Prevalence of undernourishment in India is 14.8%, higher than both the global and Asian average,” the petition had said.

Pls also note that extrapolating that bit of data you get approximately 40-50 million genius children from all India
Rest assured in the knowledge that you are not one of them.:ROFLMAO:
If you have surplus food, how come:

Looks like you got rid of the data. :ROFLMAO:

Or maybe there is none.
Wait, I thought we'd already overstocked during the war to cause these famines though? And yet rations never ended in the UK until 1954.

Obviously food would be rationed Paddy . Apart from the war , even though you were managing splendidly thanks to food being imported from all over the world mainly from your colonies & your soon to be masters - the US , they had to be shipped to the UK which in Paddy terms means they had to escape ze German navy & their fleet of unterseeboots.

Why did they persist post WW-2 ? Few reasons - you lost the empire your prime source of foodstuff , Europe was devastated , the Marshall Plan though generous wasn't limitless , you were broke - hence couldn't pay for the food stuff that you freely appropriated during wartime from the colonies , etc .

What's so difficult to understand in this ?

Never once did we have an excess of food during WWII or after, despite your claims pertaining to the Bengal Famine, or the Bengal 'Malnutrition' as many call it using contemporary Indian terminology.
Food availability is linked to hunger not so much malnutrition in the sense that you can have all the food available to you yet be malnourished in terms of nutrition. Malnourished doesn't necessarily mean a skeletal appearance as is commonly understood . You could be obese & malnourished too . For better understanding , here's a comprehensive article on how UK tackled it's food security during & after the war.

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British shopkeeper cancelling coupons

British shopkeeper cancelling coupons. April 1943. United States Office of War Information, Overseas Picture Division.

For the Second World War, the United Kingdom leveraged knowledge and experience from the First World War to feed its population.
During the First World War (1914 to 1918), queues for food became dangerously long. Consequently, a Ministry of Food was created in 1916 to help with the home front food situation. Rationing was introduced starting with sugar in December 1917, then with meat and butter in February 1918. The government congratulated itself on its measures, and the Ministry of Food was dissolved on 31 March 1921.

In truth, though, it wasn’t a great success: food prices rose by 130%, and the ration coupons were often useless, as the supply of items just wasn’t there to meet even that coupon-limited demand.

The U.K. would do better during the Second World War (1939 to 1945.) The government was always able to honour all ration coupons, and food prices during the war rose by only 20%. The British population emerged healthier than it had ever been before, and families had been educated in putting nutritional, frugal meals on their tables. In many ways, it was home economics that would win the war.

British Wartime Food.

Then , this is what India contributed by way of material to the war efforts though contribution is a polite way of putting it. We didn't have a choice in the matter & the British appropriatee what they could

War Supplies

Author and researcher Madhusree Mukerjee, who has served on the board of editors of Scientific American, writes in Churchill’s Secret War: The British Empire and the Ravaging of India During World War II, that the “colony’s entire output of timber, woollen textiles and leather goods, as well as three quarters of its steel and cement, were diverted to the defence of the British Empire. India was, next to Britain, the largest contributor to the Empire’s war”.

During the war, India provided 196.7 million tonnes of coal, 6 million tonnes of iron ore and 1.12 million tonnes of steel. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Volume 2, says: “35 per cent of India’s annual cotton textile production, amounting to about 5,000,000,000 yards, went into creating war material.”

Timber was a major war input and its export led to large-scale destruction of India’s extensive forests. The Energy and Resources Institute says, “During World War I, forest resources were severely depleted as large quantities of timber were removed to build ships and railway sleepers and to pay for Britain’s war efforts…World War II made even greater demand on the forest than World War I had done.”

The United Nations’ Food & Agricultural Organisation concurs: “The first era in deforestation was shortly after absorption into the British Empire. The second major deforestation was in the 1940s with demands of World War II.” As for armaments, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Volume 2, says: “During World War II, India produced more than 50 kinds of arms and ammunition and supplied 75 per cent of its own wartime requirements.”

That’s not all. Indian royal families donated large amounts of cash to the British. For instance, in 1941, the Nizam of Hyderabad funded two Royal Air Force squadrons.


& This is how the British re paid India .

How The British Repaid India

“Repaid” is the wrong word here. Utter ingratitude or perfidy would be more appropriate. First up, Britain had no intention of paying India for its goods and services. With London deciding to pay its debts to India only after the war was over, the British-controlled Indian government resorted to reckless printing of more paper currency, leading to high inflation.

The war also distorted the colony’s already broken economic system. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History says: “Wartime shortages and supply problems held industry back and caused severe disruptions to the internal market for consumer goods, which culminated in the Bengal Famine of 1943 that claimed more than three million lives.” (Some place the real death toll at over seven million.)

Bengal had a bountiful harvest in 1942, but the British started diverting vast quantities of foodgrain from India to Britain, contributing to a massive food shortage in the areas comprising present-day West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar and Bangladesh.

In the backdrop of recent British overtures towards India, Britain’s racist and unbelievably callous attitude towards Indians needs to be studied and understood.

During the war, as the threat of a Japanese-Indian National Army (led by Subhas Chandra Bose) invasion of India increased, the British employed a scorched earth policy in eastern India, especially Bengal. The British disabled and impounded all transport in Bengal, including boats, bullock carts, even elephants, to prevent their use by the Japanese.

With foodgrain being diverted to the war effort in Europe and Bengal’s transportation system grinding to a halt, people had neither access to food close by nor the means to go about their livelihood to earn or purchase whatever little food they could. In July 1943, the Board of Economic Warfare, a US government body, published a document, Indian Agriculture and Food Problems, which predicted famine and “hundreds of thousands of deaths from starvation”. On August 25, The New York Times printed a cabled message from Calcutta’s mayor to New York City’s mayor and US President Franklin Roosevelt: “Acute distress prevails in the city of Calcutta and the province of Bengal due to shortage of foodstuffs. Entire population is being devitalised and hundreds dying of starvation. Appeal to you and Mr Churchill in the name of starving humanity to arrange immediate shipment of food grains from America, Australia and other countries.”

Churchill apologists argue the war crisis forced Britain to act the way it did. In fact, when Mukerjee started researching her book a couple of American historians told her it “was not a useful venue to explore because there couldn’t have been a possibility at that point in the war, when the situation was so desperate, of sending relief to India”.

But, in fact, the policy was quite deliberate. “It was not just a tactic forced out of Britain’s war needs,” says British author and academician James Woudhuysen. “Churchill valued India so much, and hated Indian nationalists so much, that he fully wanted to starve them to death. Word was put about that Bengalis would sooner starve to death than eat wheat—despite the fact that wheat was one of the ancient crops of Bengal.

Australia had wheat for India nearly loaded on boats, and other dominions offered to help, too. But even though perhaps just a dozen ships would have made all the difference, London turned all offers down. Among other reasons, it did not want the embarrassment of admitting to famine, and so letting America interfere with India.”

Indeed, Churchill had managed to convince Roosevelt that there was no crisis in India. Worse, not only was nothing done for India, but India was forced to contribute $24 million to the UN Relief & Rehabilitation Administration. To give you an idea of the value of that amount, in those days a brand new aircraft carrier cost around $6 million, whereas today such a ship would cost at least $3 billion.

And just to rub it in, while retreating from India, the British destroyed vast numbers of aircraft and defence supplies that legally belonged to India. Leading defence analyst Bharat Karnad informs that the Walchandnagar Aircraft Company (the precursor to Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd) was contracted to build the B-24 Liberator bombers in Bangalore. Most of these aircraft were shipped back to Britain after the war.

But a significant number, which could have constituted an embryonic bomber component of the IAF, was deemed “surplus to the need” and deliberately destroyed by the departing British at the Maintenance Command in Kanpur by hoisting these aircraft, one by one, up by their tails to a considerable height and dropping them nose down on the hard ground.

If you have surplus food, how come:

Looks like you got rid of the data. :ROFLMAO:

This would be related to this .👇


That's nearly half a billion pounds Paddy & this is just one of the many hundreds of charities operating out of the UK who either target people in need of aid directly or approach them thru intermediaries which in dummy aka Paddy terms means local charities aka NGOs out here who also come up with sensational , misleading & mostly outright false information about the scene here to keep their pockets lined , something they do with active connivance of those charities back in the UK for after all there's a lot of money in the business of charities in the UK besides the livelihoods of many involved in the business of charities else they face unemployment , be on the dole & a regular feature at soup kitchens organised by other charities run by the Church .

Then there are the added perks which go with the job which some times results in situations as given below , 👇

Btw Paddy , since you come across as a first rate pervert & given that you post on that spam thread aka the Ukraine conflict thread till 2 am UK standard time means you're effectively unemployed .

I can't think of a better source of employment for you than these very charities plus as an added bonus you get to bum kids .

I could link such articles including one on the scam called British & surprise surprise Irish Catlick charities all day & I'd barely have skimmed the top . Get the drift ?

Rest assured in the knowledge that you are not one of them.:ROFLMAO:

Well I know that cut to the bone Paddy hence the need for emotions to camouflage your frustration but it is what it is .

I never claimed to be intelligent enough to be a part of MENSA . However millions of my countrymen qualify to do so . On the other hand , neither you nor any of the Paddys can ever make such a claim . If you have evidence to the contrary , link it here . I dare you .

Then we have articles like this ,👇

One of the talking points in the discussion of average group differences in IQ is Irish IQ. People on both the hereditarian and environmentalist side of the debate have seized on this tidbit of information to advance their arguments.

Lynn and Vanhanen (2006) estimated that the average IQ of the Irish population to be 92, which is noticeably lower than the rest of northern and western Europe. Lynn (2015, pp. 38-39) attributed this lower value to the dysgenic effect of Roman Catholicism (where more educated people become celibate nuns and priests) and selective migration of brighter individuals to other countries.

However , we need look no further than you . You're a good example of AI much before the term became common knowledge . How many Irish can claim to be qualified professionals ? Now I know this question would've tickled the English , Scotsmen & the Welsh to death as late as some 2 decades ago before political correctness became part of the national discourse .

Yet the very fact that you're a qualified engineer ( I've no clue if you are one for frankly there are plenty of times your reasoning here convinces me you're a semi skilled tradesman . Then on other occasions you come up with reasoning which makes me think I've over estimated your intelligence & consequently your qualification as a semi skilled tradesman ) proves that a person of limited abilities & intelligence bordering on retardation , can indeed get thru reasonably tough courses provided they're trained enough to qualify in the first place & then get thru the examination system .

Of course this would imply probably thrice the effort that a person of normal intelligence employs to pass such examinations with additional coaching , hence artificial intelligence best w exemplified in your case .
The UK also had to supply the USSR with food during WWII.

I thought you argued that we overstocked on food? Where did that argument go? :unsure:

Yeah we have paedophiles and rapists, so does every other country.

MENSA doesn't earn you money.

ROI may not be geniuses but they're still managing a GDP/Capita of $102k nominal and $125k PPP. This means that if it had the population of India, its GDP would be larger than that of the entire planet at present. And just imagine, that's with them all been thick and stuff.:sneaky: Imagine what all those geniuses in India could do with a semi-competent government.
No, they just don't collect data on it, because if they did it would overshadow all the historical whining about the British Empire, and all the 'evilly masterminded' famines.

There were few districts in the 70's & 80's which reported deaths due to starvation which caused a massive furore among the people in India & an equal uproar in parliament besides being widely reported in the press .

This is what remedial measures taken resulted in

Meanwhile Indian charities contribute to eliminate hunger & malnutrition in the UK .

Indian child poverty charity offers free school meals in England​

Akshaya Patra, which feeds millions in India, opens first of three planned kitchens
Robert Booth Social affairs correspondent
Tue 27 Oct 2020 15.48 GMT
2 years old

A charity that feeds millions of poor children in India has joined the drive to end holiday hunger in England and distributed its first meals from a new kitchen in Watford.
Hot vegetarian dishes cooked for less than £2 each using a model developed to feed the hungry in cities such as Mumbai and Ahmedabad were dispatched to a school in north London on Tuesday amid growing pressure on the government to reverse its decision not to fund free school meals this half-term.
Trays of hot cauliflower cheese and mixed vegetable pasta cooked by chefs working for the Akshaya Patra charity, which produces 1.8m meals for schools daily in India, were collected by Kate Bass, the headteacher of Mora primary school in Cricklewood, from a purpose-built kitchen designed to cook 9,000 meals a day.

Sonal Sachdev Patel, the chief executive of the GMSP Foundation, the donor which funded the £500,000 kitchen, said: “The way this country has responded is utterly amazing, but [many small operations] isn’t the solution.
“Hunger in the UK has been a problem for much longer than this. The solution is to bring in the technology and innovation that India is already using. They have a nutrition problem, we have a nutrition problem, but they are doing this already.”

Indian child poverty charity offers free school meals in England

Mark my words Paddy . In the days weeks months & years to come there'd be more & more Indian charities operating in the UK tackling your hunger & malnutrition problems . This is merely the beginning & signs of things to come . As I've remarked plenty of times earlier , whenever UK's up shit creek , India bails it out , one way or another .
The UK also had to supply the USSR with food during WWII.
So ? Who asked you to ? Besides isn't it easier to do charity with somebody else's resources ? UK was never food sufficient. Not then not now . You've always imported food . Then & now . The only difference being then you had an empire where you determined the prices which in dummy aka Paddy terms means you got it practically free & in huge quantities.
I thought you argued that we overstocked on food? Where did that argument go? :unsure:

What's overstocking got to do with rationing ? It's because you overstocked that you had enough to last you thru the war & beyond because you rationed your food stuff.

Yeah we have paedophiles and rapists, so does every other country.

Yours mostly are either missionaries or work in charities or sometimes both . That's despicable . You rarely see this combination with other countries but then it's expected from the likes of you . You're the filth of humanity if there's ever such a term .

MENSA doesn't earn you money.


It certifies intelligence which helps you earn money which in your case doesn't matter much as you don't need MENSA level intelligence for petty tradesman & labourers which is the preferred employment of most if not all Irishmen .

I mean before Irish Joe did you ever hear of an Irish con man ? But he certainly made up for all those Irish jokes on intelligence or the lack of it in the Irish going back 3 millenia. I'm a huge fan of Irish Joe .

ROI may not be geniuses but they're still managing a GDP/Capita of $102k nominal and $125k PPP. This means that if it had the population of India, its GDP would be larger than that of the entire planet at present. And just imagine, that's with them all been thick and stuff.:sneaky: Imagine what all those geniuses in India could do with a semi-competent government.

We've had this argument before. You owe your ephemeral prosperity to something called tax breaks . The day you have other tax havens spring up in Europe ( which going by economic trends in Europe is a matter of time ) , that PCI figures will see a huge & drastic fall which'd be as rapid as it's rise .

Btw , how many tech start ups & unicorns does RoI report ? The idea behind attracting all those tech firms with tax breaks was that the Irish people would benefit from it & launch their own firms like in East Asia or ASEAN .

Instead RoI became a lead exporter of tubers ( yes that's potatoes with a more agri cultural name ) & dairy products. Seems the Govt of RoI would be better advised to shift foundries & metal working industries to RoI by giving them tax breaks . After all the Irish have made excellent menials since time immemorial as their BRIT landlords would gladly testify & yours truly too having seen them lug heavy loads which would require twice the manpower of any other ethnicity except the Pashtuns who're more like the Irish of South Asia , as thick as them & equally quarrelsome without the alcohol which makes them.twice as dangerous .

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They did, the Russians, your friends remember.:ROFLMAO:

So overstocked is now being redefined as, "having enough, but with rationing.":ROFLMAO:

Really, I thought they were mostly in the London Met TBH.:ROFLMAO:

MENSA hasn't helped your lot get paid.:ROFLMAO:

Shrewd economic management. Perhaps you should try tax breaks if it's that easy.:ROFLMAO:

Even if the ROI does face recession, who would give a flying f#ck? Their debt is <50% of GDP and their GDP/Capita is more than the GDP/Capitas of France and Germany added together. :ROFLMAO:
They did, the Russians, your friends remember.:ROFLMAO:

After an aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin branded Britain "just a small island that nobody listens to"

So overstocked is now being redefined as, "having enough, but with rationing.":ROFLMAO:

It's called "intelligent" management of resources. Nobody including me expects Paddys to understand it . If you did , how would you explain "The Great Potato Famine."

What's this got to do with paedophiles in UK , Paddy ? Or is this another way of telling us that you're drunk at 8:30 pm holiday or not .

Btw - do you know why does the snake sway to the music of the snake charmer ? Put another way if it were so easy , Paddys would gladly have taken up the profession.

Really, I thought they were mostly in the London Met TBH.:ROFLMAO:


MENSA hasn't helped your lot get paid.:ROFLMAO:

Where & when did MENSA ever comment on paying it's members ? It's an exclusive club Paddy with no place for menials ie no Paddys ever & forever . But I can see the need to compensate for your impotent rage & attendant frustration thru usage of all those emoticons . It's called a case of sour grapes. It's an ancient fable . I'm sure you've heard of it. Ping me if you haven't. Always glad to school you .

Shrewd economic management. Perhaps you should try tax breaks if it's that easy.:ROFLMAO:

Shrewd & Paddys are an oxymoron , Paddy , just like the Irish Intelligence . Before us there are plenty of other countries in Europe equally prosperous whom you should be posing the question to.

Countries usually poor in resources resort to tax breaks . Those resources usually refer to the natural resources a country has to offer but sometimes also to the men inhabiting their country.

RoI has the unique distinction of being poor in both which is a good explanation for why it hasn't birthed any native tech companies or unicorns in spite of hosting scores of foreign ones. You ought to concentrate on your strengths & focus on occupations suited to menials where not much intellectual capital is required viz Agriculture , dairy farming , light industry etc. That's where your future lies .

Even if the ROI does face recession, who would give a flying f#ck? Their debt is <50% of GDP and their GDP/Capita is more than the GDP/Capitas of France and Germany added together. :ROFLMAO:

I think time will answer this query better than me as far as both UK & RoI goes since Paddys have successfully managed to pollute the bloodlines of the English , Scottish & Welsh.

As I remarked before the Irish certainly weren't joking when they proclaimed a century ago - Tiocfaidh Ar La !! Irish Joe being an exception to the rule but what an exception he's turned out to be .
Said the small bald old weakling who's been isolated. :ROFLMAO:

When exactly do you believe they were overstocked during the Bengal Malnutrition if they were on rations from 1939-1954? :ROFLMAO:

Note how the snake charmer constantly changes their position during the course of the exchange, I find it strangely familiar? :unsure:

All Paddy's are stupid, and yet one Paddy creates as much wealth as ~50 Indians under that short little b@stard your MENSA candidates elected. :ROFLMAO:
Said the small bald old weakling who's been isolated. :ROFLMAO:

Isolated , wallowed in his own waste & died as an invalid . That's about right . You're learning to admit the truth Paddy.

When exactly do you believe they were overstocked during the Bengal Malnutrition if they were on rations from 1939-1954? :ROFLMAO:

Those stocks would come more in handy now that Indian charities are increasing their presence in UK with as much as 1/4 of your population going hungry & suffering malnutrition . Ironically the group spearheading the initiative is from Bengal . Talk about irony .

Note how the snake charmer constantly changes their position during the course of the exchange, I find it strangely familiar? :unsure:

That's how he charms the snake. It takes a lot of doing . Sometimes as much as 2 centuries post which one of the snake charmer finds his way to Downings Street , another as Taoiseach , another one who winds up as the richest man in RoI , a group which ends up as the biggest employer in UK , a charity which is one of the biggest food charities in India feeding as many as 2 million school children in India & counting , makes it's debut in the UK 2 yrs ago & I won't be surprised in the least if they go on to feed as many no good people in the UK if not more given your State of the economy .

On the other side you've grooming gangs & people going ka boom. Between the two the writing is on the wall as far as UK & the people of the Indian sub continent go .

All Paddy's are stupid, and yet one Paddy creates as much wealth as ~50 Indians under that short little b@stard your MENSA candidates elected. :ROFLMAO:


There there Paddy . Control your language . Unlike O'Shea where anything goes , we've a family audience here . I can understand your frustration & impotent rage . But , how's it our fault if MENSA deems you stupid enough to prevent your entry in their grouping ? Besides this is MENSA we're talking about not Forbes . The former assesses intelligence , the latter money , FYI . If money making were the criteria , hell , Irish Joe would've definitely found a place in MENSA for the masterful con he's pulled on the Europeans .

Sadly , they don't view that as a display of intelligence . You ought to write them appealing to their sense of fair play to list Irish Joe in their hall of fame . I mean the only Irish man ever in the history of your people in 3 millenia pulls off the con job of 3 millenia thus redeeming the reputation you've gained for stupidity - SOMEWHAT there's no recognition of it anywhere not even in the media ??! Inconceivable !!!

Obummer got a Nobel for what ? Pity them damn Swedes don't award one for intelligence . You have our full support on the issue , Paddy.
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Man o man, look what turns up in my Twitter feed, Paddy. I swear to God I wasn't even looking for it & bang!!

1500 university students out of a population of university students numbering say ~ 25000 in a country with a population of 5 million is bad.

This is why I've advised against pie in the sky schemes like tax breaks for tech companies in the hope that they'd bring prosperity to RoI. All you have are immigrants settling in & taking advantage of the tax breaks there while locals still do mostly what their forefathers did a century ago - either eke out a miserable existence tending their garden patch or work as a gardener in some immigrant's villa.

You ought to incentivise the dairy industry, agriculture & light engineering works like fabrication or sheet metal working Paddy. Tourism, introduction to Paddy culture , Paddy culture tours like the great potato famine etc are good lucrative initiatives too.

Isolated , wallowed in his own waste & died as an invalid . That's about right . You're learning to admit the truth Paddy.

Those stocks would come more in handy now that Indian charities are increasing their presence in UK with as much as 1/4 of your population going hungry & suffering malnutrition . Ironically the group spearheading the initiative is from Bengal . Talk about irony .

That's how he charms the snake. It takes a lot of doing . Sometimes as much as 2 centuries post which one of the snake charmer finds his way to Downings Street , another as Taoiseach , another one who winds up as the richest man in RoI , a group which ends up as the biggest employer in UK , a charity which is one of the biggest food charities in India feeding as many as 2 million school children in India & counting , makes it's debut in the UK 2 yrs ago & I won't be surprised in the least if they go on to feed as many no good people in the UK if not more given your State of the economy .

On the other side you've grooming gangs & people going ka boom. Between the two the writing is on the wall as far as UK & the people of the Indian sub continent go .


There there Paddy . Control your language . Unlike O'Shea where anything goes , we've a family audience here . I can understand your frustration & impotent rage . But , how's it our fault if MENSA deems you stupid enough to prevent your entry in their grouping ? Besides this is MENSA we're talking about not Forbes . The former assesses intelligence , the latter money , FYI . If money making were the criteria , hell , Irish Joe would've definitely found a place in MENSA for the masterful con he's pulled on the Europeans .

Sadly , they don't view that as a display of intelligence . You ought to write them appealing to their sense of fair play to list Irish Joe in their hall of fame . I mean the only Irish man ever in the history of your people in 3 millenia pulls off the con job of 3 millenia thus redeeming the reputation you've gained for stupidity - SOMEWHAT there's no recognition of it anywhere not even in the media ??! Inconceivable !!!

Obummer got a Nobel for what ? Pity them damn Swedes don't award one for intelligence . You have our full support on the issue , Paddy.
That's no way to speak of those 7000/day. :ROFLMAO:

Yeah, you can spot the malnutrition in the UK by all the bulging stomachs. :ROFLMAO:

Would that be the employer which started a successful business in 1868, under the terrible economic of the British Empire? It's a wonder they all never saw fit to stay in India given the state of the UK economy and all. :ROFLMAO:

Yeah, but at least we prosecute them here, in India Modi tells police to turn a blind eye whenever he sees fit, so knows what's really going on. And if there are any inconvenient witnesses they will be chalked up to 'malnutrition' when found face down in the Ganges anyway.:ROFLMAO:

You have to pay a subscription fee to be a member of MENSA. What kind of f#cking idiot would agree to that?:ROFLMAO:
That's no way to speak of those 7000/day. :ROFLMAO:

Let's start with reparations , Paddy else like the Brits blame the ordinary Germans for being part of the Nazi state apparatus & thus equally guilty being fully deserving of what they were subjected to post war , the same is applicable to Brits & their descendants for they were the direct beneficiaries of colonialism.

Yeah, you can spot the malnutrition in the UK by all the bulging stomachs. :ROFLMAO:

The UK government has published the “Eatwell Guide” to help people understand and recognize the dangers of food high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) and promote diets that are high in fiber, fish, fruits and vegetables. However, it notes that only about 0.1% actually meets these standards.

It means 99.9% are at risk of stunting due to malnutrition & this includes obesity driven malnutrition.

Alarmingly poor nutrition causing stunting across UK, Food Foundation report reveals

Scale of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in the UK​


14.There is no single, nationwide Government measure for hunger in the UK. The Committee heard evidence of the high and growing number of people experiencing hunger in the UK. The Food Foundation estimates 1.97 million people within the UK may be undernourished.22 However the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN) places the number of malnourished, specifically undernourished, people at 3 million, of which 1.3 million are over 65.23 While 93% of undernourished people are living in the community, BAPEN also found issues in social care.24 They calculated a risk of undernourishment in:

  • 25–34% of people admitted to hospital;
  • 30–42% of those admitted to care homes;
  • 18–20% of those admitted to mental health units; and
  • 10–14% of people living in sheltered housing.25
15.City Harvest calculated that in London alone, 9 million meals are needed per month to alleviate hunger - or about 300,000 meals per day.26 Moreover, the number of people requiring food support services is growing.27 The Trussell Trust, which provides approximately 60% of the UK’s food banks, reported that in 2017–18 they alone had distributed 1,332,952 three-day emergency food supplies to people in crisis (nearly 484,026 of which went to children), compared to 913,138 in 2013–14, an increase of 46%.28 They noted that the most likely groups to require foodbanks were “disabled people, people dealing with an illness, families with children and single parents,”29 In 2016 The Food Foundation have estimated that “17 times the number using Trussell Trust food banks are food insecure. This is because people may use non-Trussell Trust food banks, or more likely, because many people don’t access food assistance at all.”30

16.The Food Foundation told the Committee:

In a country such as the UK with a developed health and social care system and consistent food security, it should be feasible to achieve nearly undetectable levels of undernourishment.31

Here's a parliamentary report on the state of hunger & malnutrition in the UK , Paddy . I'd like to point out charity begins at home but I don't think even you'd contribute towards a charity which set up food kitchens to cater to your own .

OTOH , if the church you attended asked for tithe to sponsor such food aid programs in third world countries , you'd gladly contribute in spite of knowing that a good deal of these missionaries would be bumming those very kids they've gone to save from hunger .

Your thinking must run along the following lines - if I didn't mind it when it happened to me , why should those kids mind it ? In fact like me they must enjoy it .

Would that be the employer which started a successful business in 1868, under the terrible economic of the British Empire?

If you're referring to the TATA group - the largest employers in UK , owners of Land Rover & Jaguar brands besides Tetley Tea , he started out buying a second hand oil mill in 1868 which he converted into a cotton mill in 1869 & sold for a profit 2 yrs later . Why would the British or any administration be interested in the sale or purchase of a second hand oil mill converted into a cotton mill ?

He did set up one of the biggest cotton mills in India for the time in Nagpur Central India in the 1870s named Empress Mills after that hag Victoria to keep the British in good humour .

He also set up India's first luxury hotel ( later India's first 5 star hotel ) The Taj Mahal in Mumbai after being refused entry to a function in a Brit owned & run luxury hotel in spite of being invited there being directed to read the sign on the gate which read - Dogs & Indians not allowed .

His biggest tussle with the Raj bureaucracy came when he was setting up India's first steel plant in what's now named Jamshedpur in his honour in Eastern India when the British administration put up roadblock after roadblock refusing him permission on the most trivial grounds . Unfortunately he didn't live to see the steel plant commissioned which it was under his children's supervision.

Btw - he introduced the concept of limited working hours with a weekly off , maternity benefits , paid leaves for workers , accomodation for workers including free medical care much before any European company or Government enshrined it in their constitution .

Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, a Swadeshi who tried to make India a manufacturing hub

You should read up more on the group Paddy just to increase your knowledge . I mean I wish I could say - hope you & your people derive inspiration from him to emulate his acts & set up an industrial empire but I'd be lying if I told you that.

You very well know you & your people lack the intellect required to think big what to mention setting up big ventures . It's because I believe in dysgenics I'm totally convinced that gene engineering aka eugenics can play a vital role in improving your intellectual capacities.

It's one of the reasons why I oppose the critical race theory. I mean the Russians actually see the Irish as brothers coz they're equally stupid & the blacks in the US actually consider you their brothers as when they were derided as niggers you were called white niggers.

It's a wonder they all never saw fit to stay in India given the state of the UK economy and all. :ROFLMAO:

All his descendants & that of Pallonji Mistry the richest man in Ireland who passed away last year reside in India. They're merely Irish passport holders . In fact the Tatas are to a man all citizens of India . So I really don't know what're you talking about unless it's 6 pm Guinness talking.

Yeah, but at least we prosecute them here, in India Modi tells police to turn a blind eye whenever he sees fit, so knows what's really going on.

Does this explain the delay & near derailment of the Rotherham sex scandal or the many other ones where police looked the other way Paddy ? Jack Straw based on whose testimony the BBC had anchored it's entire program , wasn't he the same Jack Straw who went before parliament claiming Iraq under Saddam had weapons of mass destruction which legend has it are still being searched for by the US & UK exactly 2 decades after the war began .

While your people are still looking for it , Tony "the Tooth" Blair offered his apologies to the nation for misleading them , not in as many words , followed by a similar apology by Straw. While all this happened , nearly 2 million Iraqis died as a direct or indirect consequence of the war & are still dying. But yes , Straw is completely believable.

And if there are any inconvenient witnesses they will be chalked up to 'malnutrition' when found face down in the Ganges anyway.:ROFLMAO:

Ganges is in the north flowing to the east of India. Gujarat of which Modi was the Chief Minister is located in the west . I mean must you keep displaying your Stupidity & ignorance everywhere & what's more be proud of it ? Is it an old Irish tradition or something ?

You have to pay a subscription fee to be a member of MENSA. What kind of f#cking idiot would agree to that?:ROFLMAO:

They came hunting for those children Paddy . Why ? I've no clue . Out here even if my children were as brilliant I'd not have bothered admitting them to MENSA as I'd see it as wasteful expenditure besides there's no prestige to be gained by being associated with MENSA out here unlike the west so you can forget about those underprivileged children paying a fee to join MENSA.

On the other hand that's precisely why MENSA did what they did I guess . To improve awareness of their brand .

Here you can have a read :

Mensa India IQ test reveals bright minds amid poverty

Look I understand your frustration Paddy . But we really aren't to blame for your hereditary stupidity . You personally ought to be taking it up with your folks especially your mom for birthing you & with MENSA for having such high standards .

You could ask them to consider relaxing the norms for the Irish like say consider an IQ of 85 which is borderline retardation in normal humans to be the especially gifted category ( yes MENSA does have such a category with an IQ <140 , who aren't members of MENSA but are just a step short of it ) among the Irish & Irish admission to MENSA be granted to the rarest of rare Irish with an IQ of 90 which is borderline average in ordinary people but is a rarity in your case , my hero Irish Joe notwithstanding but he's more the exception that proves the rule kind of Irishman , Paddy .

Just in case you're wondering admission to MENSA according to one of the scales used is > 148-150 . Admittedly it's special pleading but the Irish are a "special " people.
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Only rich Brits benefited from colonialism, the ordinary people were done out of wage-paying jobs by slave labour. You want compensation from them, go for it. And India is a direct beneficiary of the war in Ukraine due to its oil laundering. So let's see your compensation. :ROFLMAO:

So they're malnourished because they're eating too much? That's not due to a lack of food now is it? :ROFLMAO:

So you want us to keep our 'compensation' now. Okay, done. :ROFLMAO:

Most insightful use of the N-word. :ROFLMAO:

2 million Iraqis died now did they? The number just gets bigger and bigger, like the size of the fish the old bearded guy in the pub caught one weekend. :ROFLMAO:

Must have been a flood. :ROFLMAO:

Sounds predatory. Now I'm beginning to understand why some Indians pay to be MENSA members. Is Modi a member? :ROFLMAO:
Only rich Brits benefited from colonialism, the ordinary people were done out of wage-paying jobs by slave labour. You want compensation from them, go for it.

There's something called the trickle down effect in economics Paddy. I don't expect you to be aware of it given your lineage. Homework for you - read up on the trickle down theory in economics. It's one of the reasons why in the midst of reconstruction funded by the Marshall Plan when you were still on food rationing, Atlee unveiled the NHS.

Recompensation would be by the state. How it goes about it is upto the state & between you - the people of UK & the government.

BTW - up until 2015 more than 2 centuries after slavery was officially abolished by the UK, your tax payers were still compensating a few thousands for the losses their ancestors suffered by the shutting down of this "business".

Must say you certainly have a sense of fair play even if it means those taxes came from the same ordinary people paid slave wages .

The British government also paid 20 million pounds – the equivalent of around 17 billion pounds today – to compensate slave owners for the lost capital associated with freeing slaves. This payout was a massive 40% of the government's budget and required many bonds to slave owners to effectuate the law.

These obligations to slave owners and institutions are the debts that were paid off by the UK government only in 2015.

As the below snippet reveals not all who were involved in the slave trading business were the landed aristocracy or the rich business classes. A lot of them were ordinary middle class folk too. But yes, every German was der gute deutsh or ze goot German.

Compensating slave owners after abolition​

The UK Treasury continued to compensate the descendants of slave owners for decades after the abolition of slavery in the empire. The payments were not scrutinized until the British Treasury tweeted out the historical fact in 2018.

"The amount of money borrowed for the Slavery Abolition Act was so large that it wasn't paid off until 2015. Which means that living British citizens helped pay to end the slave trade," the tweet read.

The tweet was widely criticized at the time, with many outraged that current British tax dollars were compensating the descendants of slave owners. The Treasury later deleted the tweet.

While the British government hasn't disclosed a complete list of the recipient individuals and firms of bonds related to compensation for slaves, researchers at University College London have compiled a list of over 46,000 current individuals and groups who have received government payouts related to the abolition of slavery. Many powerful British families, including current business and political elites in the United Kingdom, are among the recipients uncovered by the UCL team.

Yet not all recipients were already wealthy or became so due to the payouts; UCL records show many middle-class Britons also benefited from the bonds.

"Britain stood out among European states in its willingness to appease slave owners, and to burden future generations of its citizens with the responsibility of paying for it," Kris Manjapra wrote for The Guardian in 2018.

Recently, economists and political scientists have debated whether the payouts were necessary for the successful abolition of slavery, some arguing that political will would have been better used to compensate Black slaves instead.

And India is a direct beneficiary of the war in Ukraine due to its oil laundering. So let's see your compensation. 

Well, if the oil & gas imports from Russia are so odious why don't you come out with a UN Security Council resolution banning it & we shall comply failing which why don't you ban imports of refined crude from third parties & that would be the end of the story . No more imports from India. Let's see you put your money where your mouth is.

You won't coz you can't. It would sink your already sinking economy rapidly. See Paddy, Hypocrisy is a national trait of your lot that we've imbibed from you. And we've mastered the game coz we we learnt from the best in the business. So if you think you're getting the short end of the stick, you now know who's to blame.

According to Kpler data analysed by climate advocacy group Global Witness, the UK has imported 29 shipments, or 10m barrels, of diesel and other refined products from the Indian private refineries since the war in Ukraine began in February 2022, compared to seven shipments, or 4m barrels, during 2021.

So they're malnourished because they're eating too much? That's not due to a lack of food now is it? 

I'm not sure you can tell the difference between malnourishment & hunger, Paddy. Now while I realize English is your second language, I'm sure you were educated in English much like most of us here yet your grasp over the language leaves much to be desired as we've often seen over the years.

If I blame it on your lineage you'd get cheesed off yet I can't find any other logical explanation. I mean even artificial intelligence now at a level equivalent to an ordinary teen's intelligence would turn out to be more intelligent than you.

So you want us to keep our 'compensation' now. Okay, done. 


Most insightful use of the N-word. 

It's not as if you're unaware of this fact. While it may have come as a shock to you the first time you've read it, I've been posting on this topic innumerable times out here so it's impossible you haven't read it. Whether you want to accept it or not is another matter.

So, it's school time for Paddy again. Here we go :

Irish and Africans Americans had lots in common and lots of contact during this period; they lived side by side and shared work spaces. In the early years of immigration the poor Irish and blacks were thrown together, very much part of the same class competing for the same jobs. In the census of 1850, the term mulatto appears for the first time due primarily to inter-marriage between Irish and African Americans. The Irish were often referred to as "Negroes turned inside out and Negroes as smoked Irish." A famous quip of the time attributed to a black man went something like this: "My master is a great tyrant, he treats me like a common Irishman." Free blacks and Irish were viewed by the Nativists as related, somehow similar, performing the same tasks in society. It was felt that if amalgamation between the races was to happen, it would happen between Irish and blacks.

Maybe we can all share in the sentiment proclaimed in the 1991 movie about Dublin, "The Commitments," when it was stated that "The Irish are the blacks of Europe, so say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud."

BTW Paddy, most of the non black leaders of the BLM movement were Paddys. A good deal of the black leaders of the movement pilfered the funds contributed to it. In other words Paddys as usual played the role of useful idiots , they're renowned for with nothing to show for it .

2 million Iraqis died now did they? The number just gets bigger and bigger, like the size of the fish the old bearded guy in the pub caught one weekend. 

A “spectacular lie” – this is how an August 4, 2017 article in the Washington Post1 called UNICEF’s 1999 finding that 500,000 children were killed as a direct result of UN-imposed sanctions on Iraq.

While an in-depth discussion of the developments that would follow the sanctions surpasses the scope of this article, a brief outlook should suffice to reveal the untenability and inadmissibility of the conclusions drawn in the report. Around 1,500,000 Iraqis, primarily children, died as a direct consequence of the imposed sanctions, according to UNICEF estimates. Many more would die as a result of the havoc in which the country was left. Not only is data illustrating the extreme suffering and skyrocketing death toll among children as direct consequence of the sanctions overwhelming; the devastating developments that ensued after the sanctions were lifted provide little credence to the message that life under sanctions was not that bad and that the figure of 500,000 deaths was “a massive fraud”.

Overall impact on the Iraqi society & economy nearly 20 yrs after the Gulf War -2 ( the article is dated 4th quarter 2021 .

Must have been a flood. 

India isn't Paddyland, you know. In more ways than one.

Sounds predatory.

They aren't in the business of charity, Paddy which means no missionaries , no missionary position hence no bumming kids. I understand it's hard for you to accept facts but it is what it is.

Now I'm beginning to understand why some Indians pay to be MENSA members.

Your statement conveys two very important points. That Indians pay to join MENSA in which case given the GDP/Capita of $102k nominal and $125k PPP of RoI, all 5 million of them ought to have been members of MENSA but we know for a fact that's not the case which obviously means MENSA doesn't award membership on the basis of cash but purely on the basis of intelligence assessment tests.

And we all know you can't buy intelligence , Paddy, no matter how rich the Paddys are . Sorry Paddy, that's how the dice rolls. If only intelligence was a purchasable commodity. Let's see if AI can be that. That's the only chance Paddys have of getting into MENSA.🤣

Is Modi a member? :ROFLMAO:
Is Varadkar straight ? 🤣
The only thing that trickles down is urine. Don't even attempt that line. If it was the case, you must have had plenty of trickle down in India. :ROFLMAO:

So you want a bunch of black people and Asians to pay this compensations as well then? People who weren't even alive at the time? :ROFLMAO:

You're welcome to ask the slave owners to compensate you.

Yep, that's why we need sanctions on India to prevent this.

Yes, as a result of the sanctions before the 2003 invasion, which were imposed as a result of Saddam's invasion of Kuwait and other breaches in international law in 1991. Hence why the 2003 invasion saved lives in the long run. Like I said, he should have gone in 1991, it would have saved all that.

Clearly not, look at your GDP/Capita. :ROFLMAO:

I don't know, it seems kind of predatory to me. "Hey, your a clever little fellow, want to join my club?" :ROFLMAO:

Of course not, he's a politician. :ROFLMAO:
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