India-US Relations

The Rebbe on How to Handle a US Secretary of State​

While, not directly related with India-US relations, I feel we can learn from it on how to deal with US pressure and the way US thinks on issues once you cave in. Very informative 5 mins.

More on this Rabbi from wiki: Menachem Mendel Schneerson - Wikipedia

@Parthu @vstol Jockey @randomradio @Hari Sud @Saaho

India is in a very different position though. The positions are reversed. The US needs to find ways to convince India to have similar interests as them. For example, they succeeded with Iran and Venezuela but failed with Russia. Otoh, we managed to make them see from our PoV when it came to BD recently.

Right now they are in a position of strength, so if we fall into their camp, then they can dictate terms. But we managed to escape the bait. This started in the Bush era with the 123 Agreement. At this time, the quicker they get us in, the more advantage they have. But in time, maybe just 5 years from now, they will only be in a position to become an equal, ie, any alliance clauses will see us as equals. And 15 years after that, our positions will reverse.

Their attempts at flattery are obvious.

It's the Americans who will eventually need a Rebbe for India.
India is in a very different position though. The positions are reversed. The US needs to find ways to convince India to have similar interests as them. For example, they succeeded with Iran and Venezuela but failed with Russia. Otoh, we managed to make them see from our PoV when it came to BD recently.

Right now they are in a position of strength, so if we fall into their camp, then they can dictate terms. But we managed to escape the bait. This started in the Bush era with the 123 Agreement. At this time, the quicker they get us in, the more advantage they have. But in time, maybe just 5 years from now, they will only be in a position to become an equal, ie, any alliance clauses will see us as equals. And 15 years after that, our positions will reverse.

Their attempts at flattery are obvious.

It's the Americans who will eventually need a Rebbe for India.

They just formed a new group by inviting Philippine & removing spineless,coward & illogical nation in quad group.
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They just formed a new group by inviting Philippine & removing spineless,coward & illogical nation in quad group.

QUAD has little to do with this Squad. And Squad has always existed.

Philippines was always part of the equation in case of a war with China. It looks like China's recent actions have forced the Pinoys to come out publicly with this, that's all.
Scott Ritter unveils diabolical US deep state's plan to nuke India post any nuclear exchange with Russia. Absolutely pathetic🤦‍♂️

I've already said multiple times here before that US is our number 1 enemy. I hope other Indians and our gov. wake up now and smell the coffee.

@vstol Jockey, @randomradio, @Hydra, @Gautam, @Ashwin, @marich01, @Ankit Kumar, @screambowl, @Tatvamasi, @hellbent, @Chain Smoker, @_Anonymous_
Stupid idiots getting interviewed by a propaganda channel.
Scott Ritter unveils diabolical US deep state's plan to nuke India post any nuclear exchange with Russia. Absolutely pathetic🤦‍♂️

I've already said multiple times here before that US is our number 1 enemy. I hope other Indians and our gov. wake up now and smell the coffee.

@vstol Jockey, @randomradio, @Hydra, @Gautam, @Ashwin, @marich01, @Ankit Kumar, @screambowl, @Tatvamasi, @hellbent, @Chain Smoker, @_Anonymous_

We have known since ages that USA has more CIA assets directed against India than China & Pakistan combined. We do know their intentions.

But we have some common interests in the medium term. We should not derail the cooperation here. Milk the benefits as much as possible.
Scott Ritter unveils diabolical US deep state's plan to nuke India post any nuclear exchange with Russia. Absolutely pathetic🤦‍♂️

I've already said multiple times here before that US is our number 1 enemy. I hope other Indians and our gov. wake up now and smell the coffee.

@vstol Jockey, @randomradio, @Hydra, @Gautam, @Ashwin, @marich01, @Ankit Kumar, @screambowl, @Tatvamasi, @hellbent, @Chain Smoker, @_Anonymous_
just India no china ?
Season 2 GIF by The Roku Channel
Don't underestimate the pure evil of US Deep State, my friend! They see Indian civilization as their number one rival (of Abrahmanics). China is just flash in the pan, in comparison.
Socialist-era education and propaganda continue to be successful in this regard across political ideologies.

We do not have an economic right wing for the same reason. No one here knows what Western free-market capitalism really means, but intuitively understands this kind of narrative.

We have known since ages that USA has more CIA assets directed against India than China & Pakistan combined. We do know their intentions.
What is the source of the statement? They keep watch on all of their treaty allies. There were enough WikiLeaks on it; you are not special.
This was possible in early 60s but not in today's world. Now if USA tries it, it will be targeted by every nuke power and the net result will be that USA will be wiped out for sure while other nuke nations may survive somewhat.
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Scott Ritter unveils diabolical US deep state's plan to nuke India post any nuclear exchange with Russia. Absolutely pathetic🤦‍♂️

I've already said multiple times here before that US is our number 1 enemy. I hope other Indians and our gov. wake up now and smell the coffee.

@vstol Jockey, @randomradio, @Hydra, @Gautam, @Ashwin, @marich01, @Ankit Kumar, @screambowl, @Tatvamasi, @hellbent, @Chain Smoker, @_Anonymous_

Scott Ritter is a known Russian propagandist.

The point of this is that, regardless of what US plans, this is what the Russians want you to think.
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Scott Ritter unveils diabolical US deep state's plan to nuke India post any nuclear exchange with Russia. Absolutely pathetic🤦‍♂️
I agree that Scott Ritter is absolutely pathetic and facepalm-worthy, and anyone who seriously listen to him also is.

This guy is one of the fifth columnists traitors working for Moscow, his job is to do everything possible to discredit russia's enemies.
aptly summarized, our supermen running the show are literally at sea wrt to west. They have to kow tow to west to keep pakistan under check. Looks like we are giving up long term future for short sighted political gains. probably after the russian war is over , India will be the next target.

It is my strong opinion that PM Modi's most significant mistake since mid-2023 has been his decision to engage in an open confrontation with the United States. Much like Indira Gandhi of 1970s - we all know what it led India into politically and economically after that.This stance I think is going to exact a steep price on Modi and his image, his party, and India itself over the next fiveyears. It will ultimately pave the way for a CIA-created party's US backed politician to become the PM and govern India without constraint in complete American interests.Why, then, has India opted for this confrontational approach, rather than playing safe with cooperation and non-confrontation, to maintain government stability and facilitate India's economic and strategic ascent? The government has, after all, successfully implemented reforms, created policies, and put in place the systems and infrastructure over the last decade that have placed India on a trajectory of unprecedented growth over the next decade.

Are we prepared to squander these gains due to the US and its deep state incited problems affecting the country on a daily basis?Manipur, Kashmir, Khalistanis, rioting and protests, sabotage affecting the people (including power, financial, and even nuclear), hit jobs on our companies and markets, incited riots, and induced public unrest - they seem to be doing whatever at will. Their resources are unlimited and their infiltration is irreversible unless India does a China and becomes a dictatorship. Now, unfortunately, even the opposition led by the long anti-US, socialist INC seem to have become subservient to them in their bid to get back into power. The opposition as a whole have become agents of the US.This is not even including other adversaries across the border like Pakistan and China, who meddle inside India weakening the country on their own. And with an instigated war with either, the United States would undoubtedly relish as an opportunity to weaken both India and China simultaneously.I am also not seeing any coherent plan by the current government on tackling the US deep state. They don't even seem to have a media strategy in place, forget a strategic action plan to fight the deep state.India for now has relatively modest stature in the global economy. It has complete lack of influence within the US deep state (A 5x more richer China managed to exert significant control over the deep state and influence over its white men, yet it faces issues!). It's control over world narrative is NIL.

India carries with it the inherent weakness of a democratic system. And India has a cultural aversion to taking risks or punching above one's weight. With all of this above, I believe that this confrontational approach with the sole hyper-power is misguided.Whatever is unfolding at present – including the destabilization of Kashmir and Manipur, scams and sabotage, the Khalistani uprising and Kisan Andolanin Punjab, daily barrages of propaganda from Western media outlets targeting Modi and India, Indians like Nikhil Gupta being arrested by the US and paraded as exhibits, and the anticipated riots, unrest, protests, financial system hacks, and stock market manipulation – all thesedevelopments can be brought under control.And India can be put on the path of unhindered growth and economic development over the next decade with a stable government, lifting the country up to become a $10,000 per capita middle power. Even then, I would think it would be foolish to take on the US, like China is finding out now - Doing it too soon and not following Deng Xiaoping's "Hide your strengths, bide your time".
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