So, it seems the ship carrying 27 tons of weapons to Israel that Spanish port denied was actually going for the Czech Republic. The Spanish govt. might have jumped the gun on making public announcements.
Some Spanish journalists are claiming the following:
Some whistleblowers and the BDS movement were claiming that the ship was going to Slovenia and from there to Ashdod in Israel.
The Spanish government now assures that the weapon material will go from Slovenia to the Czech Republic by land and that it has the document guarantee that this is the case. This is a page form an official document transferred to the government of Spain with the certificate from the Czech Republic that guarantees the same.
View attachment 33717
Also, the 125mm HE rounds are used by Soviet tanks. Israeli Merkava tanks have a 120mm main gun. Also, India exports & imports arms/ammo with Israel pretty openly. There is no need for this roundabout way to send weapons to Israel.
However, if the ammo was intended for Ukraine, then New Delhi would probably be less direct about it. The Czech Republic has transferred good quantities of ammo to Ukraine since the beginning of the war. There is a high probability that this exported ammo would end up in Ukraine. There is an end user agreement attached to this export. But those agreements are only as good as their enforcement, which is non-existent from our side.
Pretty interesting scenario. Wonder what happens now. @Ashwin @randomradio @Parthu @Ginvincible @BMD @marich01
So, the ammo shipments have made it to Ukraine.