Indian Economy : News,Discussions & Updates

They don't, they would be better with a free trade only deal too.

Sure, so what about Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia then? Funny how this poverty passed over them.

So try population control. And it's called famine, it's a very common problem in Asia and has nothing to do with the British Empire. More people died of famine in China from 1750-1947 and more people have died in India from malnutrition since 1947.

Only in PPP. The poverty is entirely your fault after 71 years of independent rule. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were obliterated and yet were restored back to booming economies in less than half that time. The fault is your own.

Lol .simpletons on the internet have no idea what is real growth means. Learn the meaning of GDP growth vs just GDP .

Hiroshima and nagasaki were bombed but their country was not looted by Europeans , Their engineers and elite were not killed and made just slaves to empires. Japanese were able to build bullet trains in 1960's Meanwhile the empire has to beg from China to build . What an Irony

>So try population control.

our fertility rate is fine.

> And it's called famine, it's a very common problem in Asia and has nothing to do with the British Empire. More people died of famine in China from 1750-1947 and more people have died in India from malnutrition since 1947.

Its called famine and its not a common problem in Asia. It was caused by British and their colonial policies. And people in India had to die because of British and their colonial rule . Japan is also in Asia wonder why they dont have famine .

>Sure, so what about Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia then? Funny how this poverty passed over them.

They had poverty, But their population is tiny and improved a lot by being gateways of trade.

Meanwhile I keep hearing Brits crying over poverty in British schools where people steal food from lunch and fill pockets . I guess the empire after looting all the money has nothing left from it . Once Spent you cannot loot back so all the cry and blame on Germany .

Edit :
@RISING SUN you are right. There is no need to derail this thread. I will create a thread in world History for it.
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Or look up GDP growth vs GDP/Capita growth. You can grow the former just by spamming immigrants into the system, but the latter requires a more controlled effort.

Excuses, excuses. It takes much less than 70 years even to fix a completely destroyed country.

You seemed to suggest high population was a problem.

Nope, China had more people die in famines both during and after colonial rule in India. Because Japan is not shit at running a country. But they also had a famine.
Great Tenmei famine - Wikipedia

So why didn't India become a gateway of trade?

We can blame the EU because they take £11bn/year and force us to accept unlimited quantities of migrants and provide them welfare. Very simple, very logical. Not to mention the other £17bn/year we give in foreign aid.
I think the underlying problem here is evident in the fact that you can't spell 'thief' properly. You've had your money back in aid several times over, you're just bad with money. Do something and quit complaining.

that's our money you've got. we will put it as good money or bad. Who the hell are you to decide thatretard? Are you stupid?
And it's called famine, it's a very common problem in Asia and has nothing to do with the British Empire. More people died of famine in China from 1750-1947 and more people have died in India from malnutrition since 1947.

Repeating the same lies again & again. But what else can we expect from a shameless colonial apologist ?

What I am shocked with is the level of 'dhimmitude' of Indians in general.

We have a shameless colonial apologist here insulting Indian freedom fighters & exonerating colonial criminals of their crimes. Many of his comments here wouldn't look out of place in the British 'arrse forum'.

You even see him blaming Indians who died in famines' in a Churchill-esque fashion (breed like rabbits). Seriously, don't we have any sort of self respect ?

Now I expect 'Gandhian moderators' here to delete this post and make our 'guest' feel comfortable.
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Or look up GDP growth vs GDP/Capita growth. You can grow the former just by spamming immigrants into the system, but the latter requires a more controlled effort.

Never seen anything as stupid as this from you for a long time. Beats that earlier comment about how Malaria is caused by lack of clean drinking water.

It takes much less than 70 years even to fix a completely destroyed country.

Sure, it takes even less than 70 years to turn a country with 12% literacy & 25 year life expectancy into a developed country.

We can blame the EU because they take £11bn/year

And how much did you extract from India during colonial period ?
Repeating the same lies again & again. But what else can we expect from a shameless colonial apologist ?

What I am shocked with is the level of 'dhimmitude' of Indians in general.

We have a shameless colonial apologist here insulting Indian freedom fighters & exonerating colonial criminals of their crimes. Many of his comments here wouldn't look out of place in the British 'arrse forum'.

Now I expect 'Gandhian moderators' here to delete this post and make our 'guest' feel comfortable.
While I do not want to post a rebuttal here & spam a good thread , I do think this guy's rants are getting out of hand for the simple reason of poor moderation . he's been at it in Older Forum too with no infractions issued to him for his innuendoes and falsehoods - something which has boosted his confidence to post his perverted logic out here .

May I draw the attention of the moderators to the comments as quoted by @Amal above and request strict action against the offending posts and the member making it.

@Bharath ; @Shashank ; @nair ; @Ashwin ; @Aashish ; @Levina ; @Arvind
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You've had your money back in aid several times over, you're just bad with money

Just assuming that British aid to India was around 150 million dollars in today's money, yearly.

150×67= 10050 million

So you clung on to India for 200 years for earning just 10 billion dollars ? :ROFLMAO:
Just assuming that British aid to India was around 150 million dollars in today's money, yearly.

150×67= 10050 million

So you clung on to India for 200 years for earning just 10 billion dollars ? :ROFLMAO:
Yep. What was taken a long time ago has little value today. Case in point, Great Train Robbers - Ronnie Briggs had to turn himself in because the seemingly huge amount of money he stole in 1963 is worth sod all today and is all gone.
Yep. What was taken a long time ago has little value today. Case in point, Great Train Robbers - Ronnie Briggs had to turn himself in because the seemingly huge amount of money he stole in 1963 is worth sod all today and is all gone.

More bullshit. Money & resources extracted from India was invested in Britain & it's colonies earning profit for your criminal empire.
Never seen anything as stupid as this from you for a long time. Beats that earlier comment about how Malaria is caused by lack of clean drinking water.

Sure, it takes even less than 70 years to turn a country with 12% literacy & 25 year life expectancy into a developed country.

And how much did you extract from India during colonial period ?
Why is it stupid? If I bring in 20 million people to package 20 mushrooms a year each, GDP will increase, but the nation will not be better off.

Can't blame other people for being dumb.

Very little, extraordinarily rowdy bunch, cost a lot of money to maintain order. Thank God they're gone.
More bullshit. Money & resources extracted from India was invested in Britain & it's colonies earning profit for your criminal empire.
More likely it was spent on wars, like Waterloo, which took Debt to 264% of GDP and WII, which again took debt to 240% of GDP. We fixed that ourselves, now go fix it yourselves. I mean, what do you want? Do you want us to come and do it for you? Because we will if you really want, but it's kind of unfair to blame us for you being crap at running a country, without giving us a chance to prove you're crap at running a country.
Repeating the same lies again & again. But what else can we expect from a shameless colonial apologist ?

What I am shocked with is the level of 'dhimmitude' of Indians in general.

We have a shameless colonial apologist here insulting Indian freedom fighters & exonerating colonial criminals of their crimes. Many of his comments here wouldn't look out of place in the British 'arrse forum'.

You even see him blaming Indians who died in famines' in a Churchill-esque fashion (breed like rabbits). Seriously, don't we have any sort of self respect ?

Now I expect 'Gandhian moderators' here to delete this post and make our 'guest' feel comfortable.
You even blame Britain for things that happened outside colonial times, and you still blame them for the way things are 71 years later. Exactly when do you start taking responsibility yourselves?
More likely it was spent on wars, like Waterloo, which took Debt to 264% of GDP and WII, which again took debt to 240% of GDP. We fixed that ourselves, now go fix it yourselves. I mean, what do you want? Do you want us to come and do it for you? Because we will if you really want, but it's kind of unfair to blame us for you being crap at running a country, without giving us a chance to prove you're crap at running a country.

It's not our fault if you lost the money. It's our money in the first place.

No one here wants your Savage kind to be back here. Maybe that's the reason why your PM was shown the door once again despite all her theatrics. :ROFLMAO:
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If I bring in 20 million people to package 20 mushrooms a year each

Are you talking about the Irish here ? It looks so, given that sort of productivity.

Very little, extraordinarily rowdy bunch, cost a lot of money to maintain order.

That clearly shows, given your desperation to clung on to India despite Indians asking you to '*censored* off'.
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Do you want us to come and do it for you? Because we will if you really want, but it's kind of unfair to blame us for you being crap at running a country, without giving us a chance to prove you're crap at running a country.

Lol. you did for 200 years in India . And all you did was genocides and looting nothing else . Giving false histories and wrong economic theories does not prove anything

@mods , Just for sake of having international audience do we need these people who are unfit for forms who have no no basic understanding of economics or History but blames India ?

Does Israel forums allow Neo Nazis to be members ? If we want to have true quality forum we need quality member not just add members just because it adds to diversity. No one in this forum are going to bring British and its colonial past until the Brits behave cheaply . Its clearly lack of their education and their neo colonial tendencies

His comments are clearly racist in nature denying anything wrong calls us Rowdys ?
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You even blame Britain for things that happened outside colonial times, and you still blame them for the way things are 71 years later.

Blah blah blah

Hear this Padraig. Your relationship with this country is anything but friendly.

During the colonial period you made quite a name here with all that looting & massacres. And given that your people are still proud of all that, there is nothing wrong with us not forgiving or forgetting that.

Neither was the post- colonial relationship so friendly, with you supporting Pakistan during wars & defending their position in the UN. And not to forget you condoning & abetting terrorists targeting India too.

Basically Indians hate your kind. If you have a problem with it, you always have your 'arrse forum'.
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Repeating the same lies again & again. But what else can we expect from a shameless colonial apologist ?

What I am shocked with is the level of 'dhimmitude' of Indians in general.

We have a shameless colonial apologist here insulting Indian freedom fighters & exonerating colonial criminals of their crimes. Many of his comments here wouldn't look out of place in the British 'arrse forum'.

You even see him blaming Indians who died in famines' in a Churchill-esque fashion (breed like rabbits). Seriously, don't we have any sort of self respect ?

Now I expect 'Gandhian moderators' here to delete this post and make our 'guest' feel comfortable.
Why are you getting personal on an economic discussion ? His arguments were logical, reply to it in the same way. It's so easy to rebut and you have done it before. If you bored and annoyed by him then just ignore. Some statements on a public forum don't make it true.

Your comment was removed because it was a personal attack with no substance on the topic. If he is insulting someone please 'report' it.
More likely it was spent on wars, like Waterloo, which took Debt to 264% of GDP and WII, which again took debt to 240% of GDP. We fixed that ourselves, now go fix it yourselves. I mean, what do you want? Do you want us to come and do it for you? Because we will if you really want, but it's kind of unfair to blame us for you being crap at running a country, without giving us a chance to prove you're crap at running a country.
Republic of india is just 70 year old. That is very young compared to other democratic countries, it matures slowly. China managed to get their shit together just a decade ago because they can do things faster in a centralized manner. For four centuries the country was looted by uncivilised and pigmentary challenged race of people. If current signs are anything they would be back at Indian doorstep for economic and military assistance before we reach our 100th year as an independent nation.

His arguments were logical, reply to it in the same way.

His arguments are not logical. He is basically repeating way too old colonial propaganda despite his BS being debunked with proper sources, multiple times on this forum & the other.

And even more disgustingly this guy goes as far as insulting victims of colonialism with dehumanizing colonialist propaganda. I just can't stand that especially on what is supposed to be an Indian forum.

And there is no personal attack here. I am simply stating the truth about this posters conduct on Indian forums. I can post multiple screenshots here to further substantiate my arguments.