The new pension rule for the central government servants printed in the gazetted has made sure that this is last BJP's term. If Yogi karizma works they will will otherwise its game over for BJP.
Those who work for consultancies abroad after retirement first of all don't care about your Rs.45000 pension as they have already made crores.
This rule will make sure that there is harassment of HONEST govt employees by the corrupt politicians.
Most of the leaks happen in Parliament by the politicians of India when they mistakenly say those things which they shouldn't. This leads to the highest level of security threat.
Has any one been to the jail? No
Morarji desai PM of India leaked very vital info to the Pakistani on telephone regarding Indian covert ops , was Morarji Desai framed? No.
Idiot haram khor politicians of India.
(a) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-rule (3), no Government servant who having worked in an
Intelligence or Security-related organisation included in the Second Schedule to the Right to Information Act, 2005
(22 of 2005), shall, without prior clearance from the Head of the Organisation, make any publication after retirement
of any material relating to and including,-
(i) domain of the organisation, including any reference or information about any personnel and his designation, and
expertise or knowledge gained by virtue of working in that organisation; and
(ii) sensitive information, the disclosure of which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty and integrity of India, the
security, strategic, scientific or economic interests of the State or relation with a foreign State, or which would lead to
incitement of an offence.
(b) The Government servants who have worked in any Intelligence or Security-related organisation included in
the Second Schedule to the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), shall give an undertaking in regard to the
above restriction in Format1 and any failure to observe such an undertaking on the part of retired Government servants
shall be treated as grave misconduct under this rule.
(c) In the case of a Government servant transferred out of an organisation referred to in clause (b) on completion of
deputation or otherwise, the required undertaking, in duplicate, shall be obtained from the Government servant at the
time of transfer and one copy of the undertaking shall be kept in the service book of the Government servant and an
entry to this effect shall be made in the service book and the other copy of the undertaking shall be kept in the
aforesaid organisation for record.
(5) The Head of the Organisation shall vest with the authority to decide as to whether the proposed material for
publication is sensitive or non-sensitive, and whether it falls in the domain of the organisation.
(6) Where the authority competent to pass an order under sub-rule (1) is the President, the Union Public Service
Commission shall be consulted before any order is passed.
(7) An appeal against an order under sub-rule (1), passed by any authority other than President, shall lie to the
President and the President shall, in consultation with the Union Public Service Commission, pass such orders