Indian Space Program: News & Discussions

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continued from above.

Injector design experimental study for Oxidizer Rich Staged Combustion cycle :

Some manufacturing practices :

Powder metallurgy seals for semi-cryo engine :

A new Brazing process for Semi-Cryo Engine established by ISRO - ISRO
A new Brazing process for Semi-Cryo Engine established by ISRO

Manufacture of thrust chamber and pre-burner of Semi-Cryo engine requires joining of two shells by vacuum brazing. The inner shell is made of a copper alloy, whereas the outer shell is made of stainless steel. The inner shell has ribs on its outer surface which need to be joined to the inner shell. This joining is achieved by brazing which results in formation of active cooling channels in the finished hardware.

The usual process of brazing uses a metal foil placed between the two shells. When the assembly is heated, the foil melts and a braze joint is formed. This is a time consuming and labour intensive process. Moreover, the hardware has to be rotated during brazing to avoid accumulation of braze metal in the channels. In order to overcome these limitations, a new brazing process has been developed which involves the use of coated base metals. At appropriate brazing temperature, the sandwich layer melts and forms in-situ braze alloy between the joints. In the present development, an attempt is made to achieve braze joint through ‘static’ technique rather than hitherto followed method at ISRO of ‘rotary’ brazing.

For the thrust chamber, vacuum brazing is to be carried out between martensitic stainless steel and copper alloy. To form the braze joint, a layer of copper and silver coating is provided on the base materials to be joined. A schematic of the coating arrangement is given in Figure 1. Nickel coating is applied to act as a barrier between braze metal and steel. Figure 2 shows a cross section of electroplated steel and copper.

Initial experiments for process optimization were carried in coupon level in a vacuum furnace. Several such experiments were conducted to optimize the silver layer thickness, brazing temperature, brazing time and load. Using the optimized process, flat plates with milled channels were brazed to simulate thrust chamber configuration and pressure tested. Figure 3 shows the joint made with two flat plates. Pressure testing was done up to 600 bar and no de-bonding was observed after the pressure test.

Subsequently, pre-burner prototype hardware were fabricated and coated for the performance evaluation. A differential pressure is essential to ensure proper hugging of the cylindrical hardware assembly. For this purpose a Vacuum compression setup was designed and fabricated in-house in VSSC (Figure 4 and 5).

Using this setup, subscale hardware was realized and was evaluated through X-Ray radiography and was pressure tested by Semi Cryo Project team. It was confirmed that the hardware were free of blocks in the channels through X-Ray radiography. Pressure testing was done up to 500 bar and no de-bonding was observed. Figure 6 show the hardware and the cut cross section with typical rib fracture observed beyond 500 bar which implies the soundness of the brazed joint.

As it is a simpler process, brazing can be done at industries without any special equipment, and the advantages of this process are:

• This is a simple method of applying coatings by electroplating in the channels thus avoiding use of costly braze foils
• Time consuming and laborious brazing foil assembly on the contoured ribs is simplified.

Low Pressure Oxidiser Turbo pump(LPOT pump), first major component manufactured for semicryo engine :
Always a very satisfying moment when scientific endeavors are recognized.:D

Edit : read it from the source as some of the atomic numbers didn't come out right : Super flares in Nascent Sun: Evidence from Meteorites! - ISRO
Super flares in Nascent Sun: Evidence from Meteorites!

Scientists at Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad working in collaboration with University of Heidelberg, Germany,have recently reported Giant flares from the embryonic Sun. The super-flare has been calculated to be about a million times stronger in intensity compared to the highest X-class flare observed from the modern Sun.

The work is published in Nature Astronomy - Meteoritic evidence of a late superflare as source of <sup>7</sup>Be in the early Solar System).

The origin and early evolution of the Solar system has remained one of the most intriguing questions for a long time. Numerous experimental and theoretical approaches have been employed to seek an unequivocal answer to this question. Owing to their unique chemistry and nearly pristine nature, meteorites constitute the most important accessible component of the Solar system material that may be analysed to unfold the story of the origin and early evolution of the Solar system.

The most widely accepted model for the formation of the Solar system suggests that the gravitational collapse of a dense molecular cloud fragment about 4.56 Ga (Giga annum, meaning billion years) ago led to the formation of the proto-Sun at its centre and a rotating disk of gas and dust, the so called Solar nebula, surrounding the nascent sun. The Solar system objects (planets, satellites, comets and asteroids) formed out of this nebula in a gradual manner starting with the formation of grains that coagulated to form larger-sized objects that evolved to planetesimals and finally to planets through gravitational interactions and collisional accretion processes. These events and processes were highly energetic, stochastic and occurred on a relatively short time scale of a few 100 kilo (thousand) years.

Experimental records that provide clues to the various issues related to the formation of the Solar System are expected to be present in the first solids that formed in the Solar system known as Calcium, Aluminum-rich Inclusions (CAIs). Identification of such early formed Solar system objects and study of their isotopic and elemental compositions using secondary ion mass spectrometry (ion microprobe) technique allows us to find answers to some of the aforesaid questions.

Study of the Efremovka meteorite has revealed unequivocal evidences of the former presence of a few now-extinct short-lived radionuclides (e.g. 26Al, 41Ca, 53Mn, 60Fe, 107Pd, 182Hf, 129I, 244Pu) with half-lives ranging from 105to ~108years in the early Solar system. The former presence of these short lived radionuclides can be inferred by looking for excess in the abundances of their daughter nuclides in suitable meteorite samples. If this excess in daughter nuclide correlates with the stable isotope abundance of the parent element, it can be attributed to the in-situ decay of the short lived nuclide within the analyzed sample, thereby confirming the presence of the nuclides at the time of formation of the object.

It is important to identify the exact source of the short-lived nuclides present in the early Solar system to determine the physio-chemical / cosmo-chemical environment during the birth of the Solar system, which begetted the ‘unique’ grand architecture of our Solar system hosting a life sustaining planet Earth. If the short-lived nuclides were injected into the proto solar molecular cloud from a stellar source, their presence in early Solar system solids puts a very strong constraint on the time interval between the production of these nuclides in the stellar source and the formation of the early Solar system solids and hence on the time scale of proto solar cloud collapse. On the other hand, if the short-lived nuclides are the products of Solar energetic particle interactions with material in the Solar nebula, they cannot be used as time markers of pre-Solar processes (e.g. time scale for proto-Solar cloud collapse). Their presence provides us specific information about the energetic environment in the early Solar system.

The7Be, that decays to 7Li with a half-life of 53.06 ± 0.12 days, is a unique short-lived now-extinct radionuclide to derive information about the energetic environment in the early Solar system. The first unambiguous detection of 7Be along with fossil records of 10Be corresponding to 7 Be/9 Be of (1.2±1.0) ×10-3 (95% conf.) and 10Be/9 Be of (1.6±0.32)×10-3 has been inferred from the regression of the in situ isotopic data obtained using secondary ion mass spectrometer in a pristine type of CAI from Efremovka.

Isotopic records of 7 Be, 10Be and 26Al in this CAI allow us to make the following very important inferences: (1) The nascent Sun underwent multiple episodes of enhanced magnetic activity (2) the later episode of enhanced irradiation occurring at the end of “class I” stage of pre-main sequence evolution was more intense (3) Irradiation is the prime source of 7Be and also 10Be. An intense irradiation by a super flare (X-ray luminosity Lx ≈ 1032 ergs) during the terminal class I stage of a CI (carbonaceous Ivuna ≈ Solar) composition precursors near the reconnection region for about a year can concurrently explains the isotopic properties (7Be, 10B, 26Al), morphology (texture, modal grain sizes), and petrology (mineral compositions) of CAI, along with preservation of faster diffusing lithium isotope records.

These restrictive inferences have important consequences for experimental and theoretical studies in the fields of astronomy, astrophysics, planetary science, nuclear physics, experimental petrology which significantly advance our current understanding of the formation and early evolution of the Solar system. Several interesting questions arise from this study, for e.g., did such million times stronger X-flare event compared to contemporary Sun occurred earlier and later in history of the Solar system and if yes, when and why/ why not? What mechanism transported these solids to a distance of a few astronomical units (1.5 × 1011 m) in a short time period of about a year? What were the consequences and imprinted isotopic signatures of these extreme events on the existing solids and gases?


Figure : An Artist’s impression of Super flares in nascent Sun with protoplanetary disk around forming first solar system solids. Zoomed is the False coloured (Red Green Blue; RGB) X ray elemental mapmosaic from the Electron Probe of the E40 Calcium Aluminum Inclusion (CAI) from meteorite Efremovka as an example of 1st forming solids in the solar nebula. Abundance of Mg, Ca, and Al in X ray elemntal image of CAI are shown by red, green, and blue colour, respectively.
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BITS Pilani students inch closer to nano-sat launch

Published : Apr 29, 2019, 1:31 am IST

Updated : Apr 29, 2019, 1:31 am IST

After the launch the control for most domains is likely to remain with the students of the institute.


Team Anant members of BITS Pilani working in a laboratory.

New Delhi: Mentored by experts from the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro), undergraduate students at Birla Institute of Technology, Pilani, are inching closer to their dream of designing and launching a nano-satellite or cubesat — of the size of a shoebox – with a special camera that will help study the earth’s surface for response during natural hazards and track carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

The country’s first student-run undergraduate research group, which is on a mission to launch a one-of-its-kind nano-satellite with hyperspectral imager, has been christened Team Anant. It has 40 members across all engineering branches and batches at the Rajasthan-based institute.

“Ours will be the first nano-satellite in India to do so. Globally, only two other nano-satellites have used a hyperspectral imager,” said Kaushley Mehra, a member of the publicity group of Team Anant.

The Rs 1 crore project is being funded by BITS Pilani while the Isro is expected to bear the Rs 20 lakh cost of satellite launch once an MoU is signed as part of the Union government’s push to encourage research. Team Anant is moving ahead with a tentative launch date in 2021.

“The cost of components and basic supplies is borne partly by the institute and by sponsors,” Mr Mehra said.

After the launch the control for most domains is likely to remain with the students of the institute.

A hyperspectral camera captures much more information than a normal camera and the data collected by it can be used for purposes like help in CO2 monitoring, natural hazard response, to imp-rove weather forecasts, for measuring the ozone concentration in the stratosphere, for land use classification, for vegetation mapping and algae detection, exploring mineral resources and defence.

“At a later stage, a constellation of Anant-like CubeSats can be built to increase the resolution, essential in detecting rapid changes sometimes occurring at an hourly rate, saving lives and time, at a fraction of a cost of a traditional mission,” said Mr Mehra.

BITS Pilani students inch closer to nano-sat launch
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France may send its scientific instruments aboard India's Mars, Venus missions: Envoy

New Delhi, Apr 29 France may send its scientific instruments on board India's missions to Mars and Venus, French envoy to India Alexandre Ziegler said Monday.

He said France and India are cooperating on the Gaganyaan project, India's human spaceflight mission, especially in the area of space medicine.

"We are considering the possibility of embarking French scientific instruments on board in India's missions to Mars and Venus," he said, while delivering the inaugural address at the ORF's Kalpana Chawla Space Dialogue.

This, he said, is in line with the India French joint vision for space cooperation signed in March 2018, the envoy said.

Under this, the two countries also resolved to work on interplanetary missions to Mars and Venus.

The two countries are also working on building a constellation of satellites for maritime surveillance in the Indian Ocean.

India and France share the same interests and values in the outer space and the two countries intend to maintain their freedom of access to space, the envoy said.

"And, we therefore refuse any destabilising arms race, which would be detrimental to all of us," he said.

Last month, India demonstrated anti-satellite missile capability by shooting down a live satellite and described it as a rare achievement that put the country in an exclusive club of space super powers.

On one hand, many hailed the feat, several from the international community criticised India's move stating that it added to the space debris.

Ziegler also emphasised on regulation of space traffic in view of the overlapping trajectories of satellites.

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) scientist B N Suresh said India has so far launched 300 satellites of 23 countries.

Speaking at the event, Rod Hilton, the Australian Deputy High Commissioner, said India is, has been, and will be one of Australia's top-tier international partners. PR KJ.

France may send its scientific instruments aboard India's Mars, Venus missions: Envoy
'Objective To Land At A Place Not Explored So Far': ISRO Chief on Chandrayaan-2 Moon Mission
Unlike Chandrayaan-1, Chandrayaan-2 will carry out in-situ experiments on Moon's surface.
Deepa Balakrishnan |

Updated:May 2, 2019, 9:07 PM IST

Bengaluru: All modules of India's second moon mission Chandrayaan-2, scheduled for launch between July 9-16, are getting ready and the lander is expected to touch down on the lunar surface in early September, the ISRO said on Wednesday.

In this context, ISRO chariman Dr K Sivan spoke to News18 on what the mission aims to explore.


What are the objectives of Chandrayaan-2?

Chandrayaan-2’s objective is to land at a place that other people have not explored yet. So we selected south pole. Unlike Chandrayaan 1, we wanted to soft land and also carry out in-situ experiments, mainly for science.

What kind of experiments are planned?

Mainly, we will be looking for lunar sub-surface structure mineralogy and water particles. We want to know how the subsurface temperature profiles look like. We want to look at the scientific characteristics of the moon.

How is this taking forward the effort of Chandrayaan-1? There was a hard landing of the moon impact probe in it. How is this different?

Chandrayaan-1 was an orbiter, to go around the moon and carry out scientific measurements from that orbit. One part of that orbiter was separated and impacted. It was an uncontrolled impact whereas in Chandrayaan-2, we are going to the moon orbit. Then the lander part will be separated from the integrated body and it will go and land softly. It is not an impactor. Softly on lunar surface, from inside lander there is a rover sitting. And it will be going along the surface of the moon and carry out in-situ experiments. That's the purpose.

When will it land on moon and for how long will it carry out operations?

Right now we are planning to land it on September 6. After it lands, the lander and rover will be active in the next 14 days. We are depending on the solar power for powering our system. The moon remains in darkness for 14 days, and rest 14 days, it is illuminated by the Sun. Once dark days come, extreme low temperature will be there and we do not know if it will come back. But our objective is to have the mission over 14 earth days which is one day on the moon.

Will this lead up to a series of more probes or missions on the moon with other countries too looking at a manned mission?

Already discussions are on with Jaxa (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) to have a collaborative mission to the moon. Some part of the work is done by Isro, some by Jaxa. This is also a landing mission to land on south pole itself . That is the plan. And I hope this project may also come up sometime later.

How about a human or manned mission to the moon in future?

Right now, we don't have any such plan. We have to first go to space, by Gaganyaan. In future, we may think of going, after acquiring sufficient skills.

How about the instruments or payloads in Chandrayaan-2? Chandrayaan-1 had carried payloads from other countries?

Chandrayaan-2 is made of 100% Indian made satellites. Not only technology but payloads have also been made here. Our academicians and research institutions designed the payloads.

'Objective To Land At A Place Not Explored So Far': ISRO Chief on Chandrayaan-2 Moon Mission
State-owned NewSpace creates a flutter among space startups

Madhumathi D.S.
BENGALURU , MAY 04, 2019 22:37 IST
UPDATED: MAY 04, 2019 23:47 IST


No clarity yet on functioning of the new business arm of DoS

In early March, the small set of NewSpace entities in the country sat up in disbelief to see a state-run company taking birth in that name although it did not fit the standard definition of their league.

On March 6, the Department of Space (DoS) quietly registered its second commercial entity, NewSpace India Ltd. (NSIL), in Bengaluru.

At the time, the small, new age ventures and startups foraying into the space industry were still coming to terms with the news of February 19 that the Union Cabinet had cleared a new business arm for DoS.

Surprise, because DoS already has a commercial venture, Antrix Corporation Limited, which was set up in September 1992 to market the products and services of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

While the government hasn’t said much about NSIL plans since the first announcement, officials in the DoS and ISRO have been trying to figure out how exactly Antrix and NSIL would operate their respective businesses in the common, niche area.

What we do know is that NSIL has an authorised capital of ₹10 crore and a paid up capital of ₹1 crore. And that two senior officials of Antrix — Executive Director D.R. Suma and Director (launch services) D. Radhakrishnan — were moved to NewSpace in March to help the new venture get off the ground.

Board soon

Two senior ISRO officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said it was still early to talk about the new company. “Currently the department [DoS] is completing statutory formalities such as the formation of a board of 8-10 directors,” one of the officials said. “We would like to do it as quickly as possible. A selection committee will find the Chairman and Managing Director,” the official added.

“Both the companies are there [now]. Their roles and responsibilities will be divided. The new company will basically focus on industry participation. Clarity will emerge as we go forward,” the official observed.

Haze ahead

NewSpace India enters the scene at a time when globally and in India small, low-budget new age ventures, many helmed by young dreamers inspired by entrepreneur Elon Musk's Space Exploration (SpaceX), are vying to turn 21st-century space fantasies into reality.

The new company does have mandates: transfer technology to industry for producing the commercially successful PSLV spacecraft launchers; outsource assembly of small satellites and the upcoming Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV). It would also be tasked to “commercially exploit the R&D work done by ISRO centres and DoS constituents”.

“A lot of new [business] activities are cropping up, such as customer satellites, spin0off technologies, industry participation, production partners, ground stations, and satellite data sales,” the official said.

Some serving and former DoS associates apprehend that NSIL may one day cannibalize Antrix and reduce it to an idle shell. They contend that the government may have created NSIL just to erase an eight-year-old blot and resultant liabilities associated with Antrix’s cancelled Devas contract. The ISRO official, however, ruled out any such eventuality, asserting that Antrix’s expertise, accumulated over decades, could not be recreated or transferred overnight. “Whatever Antrix has been doing it will continue to do. It has been doing well in [getting contracts for] commercial launches and will continue it.”

State-owned NewSpace creates a flutter among space startups
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Another start up y'all. The sheer number of start-ups in Space in the last few years is mind boggling.

Turning My Model Rockets Hobby Into One Of India's First Space Companies

Sunny Kabrawala started a model rocket club in India and now leads a team of passionate space enthusiasts building a smallsat launch provider.

Tell us your background and about STAR
I did my bachelors in electronics engineering in 2017 and have been passionate about space since the age of 10. I always wanted to build things that can fly and touch the stars that lay beyond and aspired to be an aerospace engineer. But, I could not be an aerospace engineer due to not getting good grades in school.

I always used to read about space science and space technology but, as I didn’t have internet at my place during childhood, I used to acquire knowledge about space science from books, television shows and attending several events. Basically, I am a self-taught space pioneer.

It’s my ultimate vision to make space accessible for everyone. I could not join any space research organization because of poor academic performance, so I decided to build a platform for myself and other space enthusiasts.


In 2015, during my 3rd year of graduation, I initiated the first rocket club of India named STAR Club. We were a team of six classmates who used to build model rockets from scratch. Initially, STAR was just a rocket club. Now, it is an aerospace company incorporated as Avkashyaan Private Limited and also recognised under StartUp India by DIPP.

We aim to build launch vehicles for small satellites and make space missions commercial and economical. Presently, we provide high powered launch services for CanSat sized satellites. And we also provide space education to students through workshop, training and internship programs. Our customers are students and CanSat manufacturers. We will be developing rocket engines and commercializing them by the year 2022 and our targeted customers for that will be small satellite launchers manufacturing companies.‍

‍How did the idea for STAR come about and what was it like getting started?‍

STAR was initiated as a rocket club with just an intention to build and fly model rockets. Later on, we realised that people in India were not aware about model rocketry, so we decided to educate them and burst the myth about rocket science being out of their reach.

We started conducting workshops, training and internship programs for students and created awareness about the importance of rocket technology in India. In less than two years, we were able to reach out to 30,000+ students across India.


Gradually, we’ve become a platform for students to do research and pursue their dreams of working on rocket technology. To date, we have provided internships and project based learning experiences on rocket technology to over 160 students.

Meanwhile, the small satellite market was growing exponentially. India does not have any launch vehicle specifically developed for small satellites. We took the initiative to develop private launch vehicles to launch small satellites to low Earth orbit.

We realised that people in India were not aware about model rocketry, so we decided to educate them and burst the myth about rocket science being out of their reach.

We at STAR strive to build commercial and economical small satellite launchers. We aim to make rocket technology simpler and space accessible to everyone.

It is said that, “If you want to learn how to swim, you need to get into the pool”. Likewise, we believe in executing and trying out the things rather than just planning them. We never thought whether we will be able to achieve space or not, we always thought how can we achieve the space.


I started building a team that can work collaboratively for a common vision. Initially, for the first few months, we faced management and workflow issues due to a lack of experience (when we started, we were undergrad students with no prior job experience). But, we realised that setbacks are a crucial part of one’s journey. We should not cry about setbacks, instead we should learn from them and cherish them.

How did you go about funding the company initially?‍

To be frank, I did not invest a single amount. STAR was initiated with zero investment and, since its establishment, we have never gone for any kind of funding or investment. We have successfully bootstrapped it since 2015 and look forward to bootstrapping it further for the next 18 months.

We generated our revenue by serving people through various educational activities and CanSat launch services. We conducted seminars in various schools and generated the revenue which we further used to build assets. Last year, we generated revenue of around INR 6.6 Lakhs (around $9,440). We invested the turnover back into building the company assets and into research and development.


Along with the awareness about space technology, the small satellite and student-built satellite market is growing exponentially. India needs launch vehicles specifically designed to launch these satellites to space.
We aim to build space technology economically and that can be done when we learn to work and build the technology with limited resources. Working without investment helped us in developing our critical thinking skills and to try out various business strategies to generate revenue to sustain. Maybe after a couple of years, we will be open for funding/investment for exponential expansion.

Why is the problem you are solving important and how does it help human space exploration?

As mentioned earlier, India is a country where every other kid aspires to be a space pioneer. But due to lack of space research organisations, not all aspiring space pioneers are able to pursue their dream of reaching space. We needed a platform in India that not only educates students but also provides them with opportunities to get hands-on experience in rocket technology. STAR is a platform for young minds who aspire to be rocket scientists.

Along with the awareness about space technology, the small satellite and student-built satellite market is growing exponentially. India needs launch vehicles specifically designed to launch these satellites to space. Building such launch vehicles will not only serve small satellite manufacturers but also scale up the launch frequency in India. We at STAR took this initiative to design systems for small satellite launchers in India.


STAR also aims to design technologies that will be useful to colonize Mars. We believe that “Earth will become the next Mars (Dead planet) and Mars can become the next Earth (Liveable planet). Existence of life in our solar system depends on what happens first.” Humanity should not be limited to earth. We are the space pirates. One day, humans will be there on the Moon, Mars and beyond. It can be possible that, when we build up innovations on Earth, that will be useful to sustain life beyond the Earth.

The team was nervous before the launch and so was I. Those 10 seconds of countdown before the launch were like 10 hours for me.

What are some achievements you're proud of?

We developed a high powered rocket named STAR-XL that weighs around 1600 grams and can go up to an altitude of 800 meters. It also had a flight controller to measure the rocket altitude and eject the recovery system.

A few months back, we scheduled its first test flight. It was a challenging task for us as the complete rocket with its avionics and propulsion systems were indigenously developed in-house.


The team was nervous before the launch and so was I. Those 10 seconds of countdown before the launch were like 10 hours for me. But at T-0 seconds, the rocket lifted off from the pad and flew swiftly to its desired altitude. That was the moment when we almost cried out of joy. That motivated us to push our limits even further.

What have been some of your biggest challenges? How did you overcome them?‍

Building a rocket is challenging but building a rocket company is even more challenging. You need to develop a workforce whose risk taking and failure facing appetite is high. Team building and management is one of the challenges that we have been facing.

To overcome this challenge, we started training the members and inculcate critical thinking and problem solving attitudes through team building activities.

Another challenge we faced was a lack of awareness of space exploration in India. But then, we conducted educational campaigns, workshops and training programs across India to educate students and provide them project based learning experiences on space technology.

Lastly, challenges are the most crucial part of our journey. They are essential for you to discover your capabilities and even push your limits. These are the times where you actually grow.

What are exciting milestones coming up for STAR?

Ahaa! Exciting missions are on the way. In the next six months, we are launching flight computers and other avionics systems for high powered rockets. These flight computers will help students to build thrust vectoring rockets.

We will be launching DIY rocket and satellite kits for students by August 2019. These DIY kits will help students learn basic principles of rocket and satellite technology. We will also be building various controllers that will be implemented in our sounding rockets for a desired flight.


In the next couple of years, we aim to build liquid propelled rocket engines and perform static test firing. These liquid propelled rocket engines will be used in our small satellite launchers in future.‍

What advice do you have for aspiring space entrepreneurs?‍

Space missions teach you two things:

  1. Perfection
  2. Patience
A rocket has lots of reasons to fail and only one reason to succeed i.e. when everything goes well. You can afford making mistakes during on-ground tests but you cannot afford it during the final flight. Everything needs to just go perfect in terms of performance.


With perfection, you need to have patience. In the space business, you will face setbacks in various segments such as technical, financial and management. You need to have a lot of patience, keep calm during unavoidable situations, think critically and take decisions accordingly.

Challenges are the most crucial part of our journey. They are essential for you to discover your capabilities and even push your limits. These are the times where you actually grow.

Space is not easy but it’s also not impossible. You need to have a passion for it. If you are not passionate, you will give up at some point. You just need to understand the difference between passion and interest. Interest is like a crush that keeps on varying. Passion is like a wife that stays with you forever.

‍How can the public support you with your mission?

We have no specific requirements in terms of support but do need advisers for technical segments like avionics and propulsion, irrespective of the place where they belong to.

We also would like people to follow us on social media, stay updated on our work and connect us with people with similar areas of interest. You can hopefully enjoy what we do and give us constructive feedback.

We may go for crowdfunding in upcoming years to build technologies; you can support us in that too!

Lastly, where can people find out more about STAR and follow along?

You can visit our website:

You can follow us on

You can email us on: [email protected]

Sunny Kabrawala.

Turning My Model Rockets Hobby Into One Of India's First Space Companies | Space Bandits

Check out their Instagram page tons of cool videos : Space is for Everyone! (@starlabsurat) • Instagram photos and videos
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Space 2.0 India – Creating a $10 billion space economy that supports 100,000 high-skilled jobs

Investing in space is one of those things that India got right in incubating technologies that can help us leapfrog to solving complex social problems. Fast forward 60 years from the birth of the space activities, we have established technologies to put systems together and launch satellites and deliver services. Despite all the capability, we in India captures less than 0.1% of the global space market today.

For the lack of a vision, I present my own on how do we go from where are today to possibly creating a $10 billion pie that supports 100,000 high-skilled jobs directly and indirectly by 2030?

Core technology investments

Unlock to create spin-off, spin-ins and all kinds of uses in other sectors.

There is a lot of pride we take in indigenous when each satellite and rocket is flown. The question is what is ‘indigenous’? Yes, the assembly, integration, tests and the flight of each rocket and satellite happens on our soil. This is indigenous capabilities at ‘system level’. To put it technically, we are maturing something that is Technology readiness levels (TRL) 6-7 to 9.

For example, every solar cell that is flown on an Indian satellite today is bought from a foreign vendor but put together as a panel in India. Similarly, there are a number of power components, sensors and suite of hardware that have no Indian source. We kid ourselves if we have to believe in the word ‘indigenous’ without each one of these critical sub-systems has an Indian source.

This is not a place for the private sector to invest since it involves maturing science into technology. Apart from Today with the new developments in nanotechnology, materials, etc., we have an opportunity to leapfrog older generations of technologies we have been dependent on at the subsystem level.

This may not be the responsibility directly within the space program but that is not the case in India. Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL) is a research institute of the Department of Space in India and maybe DoS should also take up core research in other areas that create capacity in developing from TRL 1 through to 9. When people talk about how investing into the space program in the US led to a lot of commercial spin-offs today in returns, this is what they talk about. Space helps you perfect the reliability, ruggedness, performance and sorts, which you can then use it in a number of industries.

Create a Space Start-up Culture

Unlock this to create non-Bangalore centric growth, export competitiveness, etc.

Wonder how many space start-ups are in India against that of the globe? We have half a dozen of them when across the world there are over 2000 as of today. Even Australia that only started blinking about building space as a local industry recently has 60 startups in a matter of 3 years.

Where are India’s space startups? People will point to half a dozen space startups in India such as Team Indus, Astrome, Bellatrix, SatSure, but what most people forget is that all of them can only afford of relationship of a possible customer in ISRO from a business perspective or an elephant in the room relationship of a policy influencing body (if not policy making!).

When the whole country is going gaga over #StartUpIndia, space start-ups have failed to attract a single institutional capital source to help them scale as of today. Any thoughts on how we’d build such as a culture in a complex and a large timeline natured market like space? How about creating a new engagement perspective of a ‘guru’ who can guide (advice) and support (resources) entrepreneurs with space dreams?

We see today that all these start-ups are camping in Bangalore and unrecognizable activity across all other metros when it comes to starting up in space? Given that we have experts doing transponder design in Gujarat, propulsion design in Kerala, exploiting data products in Telengana, there is tremendous potential for start-ups to leverage their expertise.

The European Space Agency just recently incubated its 500th startup and has 20 incubation locations spread across Europe. How about we take a leaf from their book in creating. a de-centralised and expertise-based distributed incubation program to help #startup in space?

No Tata, Birla and such in Space
Unlock level to help our jawans with swadeshi-solutions, connecting each village in India, etc.

Ever wonder why the mighty Tatas, Birlas or Mahindra and such who run multi-billion-dollar establishments not invest in space? Tatas for example literally operate in every other allied sector including aviation, defence, IT, etc. The only two big known corporates working with the space program today are Godrej and L&T. Their apathy in investing more in space shows as one of Godrej’s executive said recently on ISRO’s PSLV being manufactured by the industry as ‘We’ve waited for 20 years, but now we are close’.

At the same time, the foreign corporations such as Israel Aerospace Industries are reporting that out of $11 billion order backlog with the Indian government and military has become its largest overseas customer, accounting for over 50% of the company’s exports. If a single corporation like Reliance can invest $15 billion as a single investment in Jio, given the right conditions of competition between the big business houses and groups in the country, there is absolutely no reason why we cannot build swadeshi competence for defence space as the government is finalising the space command. Same goes for the grand vision of connecting 250,000-gram panchayats and Digital India and sorts, where satellites so far have been failed to be used in any significant way so far.

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Which Way to Space……….. Will Indian NewSpace Make for India?
NewSpace has emerged in India. The innovative, imaginative and boot strapping start-ups are eager engage in space activities well beyond limits of the Department of Space (DOS) driven licensing regime for sourcing/procuring requirements and transferring about 300 validated technologies. Indian NewSpace does not aspire to challenge or rival ISRO. It senses opportunity because, despite being a long time investor in developing space technologies, no Indian company finds mention in the top ten space companies of the world. NewSpace wants to be turnkey solutions providers in products and services to users within the country and abroad. It recognizes synergy in government’s flagships programmes: Make in India and Digital India. Aware that time is of the essence, NewSpace wants to assist ISRO augment in orbit delivery of small satellites, so that India could establish presence in the lucrative international market for commercial space launches in LEO (Low Earth Orbit). It wants to design and manufacture small satellites; small integrated spacecraft that can self-propel to deploy 100-200 small satellites in orbits; develop related low cost enabled technologies for applications including communications and remote sensing. Harnessing this opportunity requires a vision and new, active rules of engagement. The Prime Minister’s approach to Electronics, IT and Biotechnology sectors lends hope for the nascent private space sector.

NewSpace refers to entrepreneurial new space companies in the US (1980-1990) which pioneered efforts to reach outer space without cooperation with NASA, other governmental agencies or their contractors. NewSpace is opposite of Old Space. “Old Space is slow, bureaucratic, government-directed, cautious and halting and completely top-down supervising every project down to the last dollar. In the US, Old Space is NASA, Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop Grumman, coasting on the glory of the Apollo era and isn’t entirely sure what to do next” wrote Joel Achenbach in the Washington Post.

US NewSpace represents a global industry of private companies and entrepreneurs that primarily target commercial customers and backed by risk capital seeking a return on profit from innovative technological products or services developed in or for space. The best known include: Space X, Scaled Composites, XCOR Aerospace (space launch vehicles); Skybox Imaging (Imagery of Earth and Space ); and Space Adventures, Virgin Galactic (Space Tourism and private space flights), among others.

In fact, the world is already building a ‘NewSpace economy’ driven by widespread changes in the traditional satellite manufacturing and launch services industry. These efforts have now further expanded to meet the challenge of providing assured, high speed, low cost global connectivity and sudden infrastructure crises. Companies like Google, Virgin, and Qualcomm are investing in small satellite based communication technologies with over 10,000 satellites filed to be launched in the next five years. In the foreseeable future, low cost launch of small satellites into the LEO will remain the focus for the international satellite communications worldwide.

The Indian establishment remains shielded from these spectacular changes in the global space industry, albeit, the private sector has recognized potential. Having acquired a strategic minority stake, Sunil Bharti Mittal (Bharti Enterprises) has joined Greg Wyler (Founder OneWeb), Richard Branson (Virgin Group), Dr. Paul E Jacobs (Qualcomm) and Thomas Enders (Airbus) as a founding member of OneWeb, the satellite operator which plans to provide affordable internet access to the whole world, including over the oceans and in the airspace, by launching a constellation of 648 small satellites in LEO in the next few years. The cost of satellites is under $ 0.5 million per unit making the whole constellation around $ 3.5 billion.

While India has proven low cost space access competence, ISRO must without delay multiply capacity manifold to meet expectations from a competitive and exacting international commercial market for building/launching small communications satellites in LEO, and simultaneously fulfilling timely ongoing national projects, including India’s satellite diplomacy initiative.

Actualizing time bound commitment to transform the India through digital means is the challenge. The Prime Minister, exercising direct oversight of the national space programme, will recognize that the space segment is the essential and imperative dot which must be connected into the Digital India Project, to ensure timely roll-out. NewSpace could prove seminal to the effort. It has incalculable potential to connect the entire country with low cost, high speed, assured internet access, simultaneously leap-frog India into the new space economy.

Indian NewSpace companies include: i) Team Indus (precision soft landing lunar rover) [the only Indian entity participating in the US$20 million Google Lunar X Prize mission ‘Moon 2.0’challenge 2015, with Rajiv Mody (Sasken Communication), Ajai Chowdhary (HCL) and Nandan Nilekeni among its investors], (ii) Dhruva Space (small satellite and technology); (iii) Arya Space (small launch vehicles for LEO); and (iv) Aniara (communication satellites) building new generation small Ku-band geostationary satellites.

Reinventing the present ‘Indian Space’ ecosystem seems obvious. GOI must open gateways to establish symbiotic, collaborative relationship between DOS/ISRO and Ministry of Defence. The way ahead is an unambiguous, balanced actionable programme, implemented through transparent terms of engagement between DOS/NewSpace. Also, amendments in the framework for space activities listed in Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961. Absence of rule making power in DOS is a key infirmity. Presently, DOS governs private sector engagements via guidelines, procedures and policies that do not derive from authority of law. Unsurprisingly, the mechanism collapsed after satellite communications opened to private participation in 1999. Without statutory requirement to comply, DOS procedures failed under pressure from competing interests. Comments in reports of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India and Parliament’s Standing Committee on science, technology, environment and forests, too well known to warrant repetition, hold important lessons. Clearly, success will critically depend on whether rules/ procedures, applicable to both parties, are issued under proper authority and duly notified.

Dominance in outer space is about geopolitics and power dynamics, as it is about leadership in space technology and commercial space activities. India has advantages: skilled workforce; low cost of operations; entrepreneurs engaged in new, indigenous innovations and disruptive technologies that do not depend on the current processes. ‘Space’ could be India’s third star technology vertical after IT and Biotechnology. Which way will we go?

There are several reasons why government should take an early decision to engage with NewSpace.

First, India as a long-term investor in space technology applications and infrastructure, has developed the full complement of a successful indigenous developed space programme for launch, satellite and ground systems. It is informed by protectionist philosophy and does not envisage deep private sector involvement. Thus DOS retains for itself the Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT) function, limiting engagement with the private sector to procuring required products and services. The Indian Space Programme has endured geopolitical challenges and succeeded brilliantly because of its closely controlled management, decision making and implementation mechanism. Presently, India has two launch vehicles: the GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) and PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle). However, going ahead, India must re-invent the space programme delivery wheel to free ISRO to concentrate on projects of vital national importance space including development of heavy lift launch vehicles for 4000+ kg payloads (GSLV-Mk III and LMV3), building national satellites or primary payloads and constructing a third spaceport. This is possible if a mature technology platform like PSLV is commercialized through engagement with Indian manufacturers for turnkey solutions. It is pertinent to note that not a single India company counts among the top ten space companies in the world. India does not, as yet, count itself a member of the big boy’s commercial space launch club.

Second, ISRO is the single agency that delivers space programme, which includes projects of national importance, routine projects for building and launching satellites in LEO and for international collaborations including delivering satellites in orbit as part of Prime Minister started engaging in ‘satellite diplomacy’ since 2014. That, even otherwise, ISRO capacity is under pressure can be read in reports of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAG) and Parliament’s Standing Committee on science, technology, environment and forests (Standing Committee) that have commented adversely on the failure of the administrative and regulatory mechanism related management of all aspects of the space programme, pointing out inefficiencies in utilization/ under utilization of budget allocations ; funding cuts in the revised estimate of key projects of PSLV & GSLV launch vehicles , delay in implementing projects of strategic national importance (astronomy satellite Astrosat and human space flight programme); identified technical hurdles and project delays as the reasons for India lagging behind China in many areas of space science. But, China ought not to be India’s only concern.

Third, India surely recognizes that Asia is entirely transformed. An early pioneer in developing space technology in Asia, India was followed by China and Japan (1950’s) and Israel (1960’s). Asia has the highest concentration of space powers with launch capability, including 4 major space powers (Russia, China, Japan and India) and 5 regional space powers (Israel, Iran, South Korea, North Korea and Australia). Asia also hosts at least 16 space programmes, spanning Turkey to UAE; Pakistan to Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Taiwan. Irrespective of civil or military genesis of its space programme, every country is intent on leveraging outer space into its national security architecture, to use it as a tool for pro-active diplomacy and to parachute into the lucrative international commercial space launch market. Unlike India, these countries will not spend decades developing space capability. They have the money to pole vault into acquisition of required technology platforms. A case in point is UAE. In strategic partnership with South Korea and Russia, UAE is investing US$ 5.4 bn in space infrastructure and space technology; developing indigenous space launch capability; proposes an unmanned Mars Mission in 2021; and is building a space port a Al Khaimah to capitalize on space tourism. Meanwhile, Abu Dhabi is writing its national space law. India must not, indeed, cannot afford to lose this race.

Fourth, the global economic climate is creating demand to reduce expenditure, leading to new challenges and opportunities in the world’s space industry. The need to create dramatically reduced cost, more responsive systems and launchers capable of delivering to space quickly, cheaply and reliably has never been more vital.

Lastly, although the low cost of delivery gives the Indian space programme comparative advantage, even though it is almost non functional in context to competing for a share of the international commercial space market. This is because, although ISRO is principally focused on building satellites, including small satellites for national missions, including communications, remote sensing and navigation. After the initial two satellite stint, Antrix has not been contracted by an international customer for building a satellite. Furthermore, PSLV undertakes only 3-4 launches per year. It is, therefore, reasonable to conclude that launch schedule uncertainty associated with PSLV could be the reason why despite a strong demand from international customers. Spurred by the Mangalyaan mission, Antrix is still unable to aggressively market the extraordinary reliable technology for space and launch systems. Commercial customers cannot afford delays and resultant financial loss. In any event, in May 2015, the Cabinet approved continuation of PSLV for an additional fifteen operational flights culminating in 2020, expecting to generate revenue of Rs. 3090 crores. The period 2015-2020, therefore, present the perfect window to action immediately a calibrated programme to facilitate engagement with NewSpace.

Time is of essence.

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This startup founded by IIT alumni wants to become the ‘Jio’ of satellite communication

Bengaluru-based Astrogate is working on technology that will make it easier for small satellites to send more data to earth stations at a faster speed than before. It hopes to change the face of space communication much like Jio changed the face of internet access in India.

Krishna Reddy
7th May 2019

Between now and 2027, the world will launch about 7,000 small satellites – that’s six times as many as we launched in the past decade. Small satellites are in fashion, so to speak, mainly because they are cheaper and faster to launch than their larger counterparts. Many of these are used to enhance internet connectivity in remote areas on Earth or study our planet’s climate.

The main purpose of such satellites is to collect and transmit data for researchers to analyse and work on. The sooner they get the data, the better. But that’s easier said than done. Because the satellites are small, they cannot transmit large amounts of data, and definitely not at high speeds.

The bigger problem, however, is that most ground stations (on Earth) are not equipped with the required hardware to receive large amounts of data sent by small satellites.

This is where Astrogate, a Bengaluru-based startup set up by IIT alumni Nitish Singh and Aditya Kedlaya comes in. Astrogate works in the area of optical communication and using that technology, has developed a device that helps small satellites send more data to ground stations or communicate better with nearby satellites - a space-to-ground link that functions as a low-cost optical communication solution.

The flight optical terminal device measures just 1U (U is a unit of measurement used, among other things, to measure payloads onboard satellites).

Co-founder and Director Nitish Singh explains,

“You need a faster mode of connection, which can send and receive data in a short span of time among the group of satellites in space (a ‘smallsat constellation’) or from satellites (in orbit) to ground stations. Here, the idea is to use laser as a mode of sending and receiving data with the help of optical communication, rather than using the conventional method.”

Given its size, the device can be fitted on any small satellite. More importantly, it can receive data at a speed of 150 mbps if fitted at a ground station. This is 10x faster than existing hardware.

When coupled with amateur telescopes used to view planets in space, or when coupled with an optical modem, the transmitter can send data at a speed of 150 mbps.

Nitish further explains,

“In space, small satellites are present in low earth orbit (LEO) and geostationary earth orbit (GEO). Now, satellites are in motion in LEO whereas in GEO, the satellites are stationary or motionless with respect to the Earth. We are developing an (optical communication) device that can be used in both, and measures 1U.”


Prototype optical communication terminals by Astrogate

The system works on a simple fundamental, it has two ends, one end sends the message and the other end receives it. Similarly, a satellite has a transmitter (sender) on it and a receiver on the ground station on earth to receive the data it sends.

Roots in space(tech)

The startup traces its origins back to another space-tech company which has been in the news for what was quite literally a ‘moonshot’ endeavour – Team Indus. That startup, founded in 2011, was in the news for being the only Indian company shortlisted for Google’s Lunar XPrize instituted in 2007.

Sadly, the XPrize was scrapped in 2018 when none of the shortlisted teams was deemed ready for the trip to the moon. Since then, Team Indus has become part of an American consortium shortlisted by NASA to fly scientific and commercial cargo to the moon in the next decade or so.

Nitish (28) and Aditya (29) were both a part of Team Indus. Nitish, an aerospace engineering graduate from IIT-Kharagpur, led Mission Planning and Operations team and oversaw systems engineering for the XPrize mission. Aditya, who is an alumnus of IIT-Guwahati, was working on its thermal design and analysis aspects.

It was during this time that Nitish zeroed in on the problems in space communication infrastructure and began thinking about how it could be improved.​

In late 2017, the duo left Team Indus to work on solutions in the space communication sector. To get some guidance and expertise initially, Astrogate participated in the cohort accelerator programme organised by the LightSpeed Innovations in the US that year.

“In 2018, we began working on our prototype, which succeeded as we were able to send and receive data through an optical communication set up on ground. Later, we moved onto low-altitude UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles, aka drones) trials. These tests are more representative of how the satellites in motion will acquire the ground terminal and send data on optical links.”

A key challenge related to stable pointing. The laser beam, directed from the transmitter, proved to be too small to be detected correctly. It was crucial that this problem be solved because it is the laser that establishes the link between a receiver and a transmitter. Nothing short of pinpoint accuracy would work.


Nitish (extreme left) with Aditya (second from the right) and his team members

To counter this issue, the duo developed a system to track laser beams sent from the transmitter onboard the satellite.

As Aditya explains,

“We made sure the transmitter and receiver are in place on ground and won’t move even if an earthquake occurs. By the end of 2018, we achieved technological readiness by completing numerous tests and trials to test for link distances and tracking systems.”

Once the pointing system was perfected, Astrogate received interest for carrying out operational trials for high-speed connectivity in rural and remote areas in India. (The founders said they were not at liberty to disclose who they are working with on this.)

With prototype testing completed, the team of eight at Astrogate has started work on the flight model and qualification plan. The founders believe that their first module will be ready for flight by March 2020.

Next on the anvil is to get satellites to communicate better with each other. But that’s another story.

This startup founded by IIT alumni wants to become the ‘Jio’ of satellite communication
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This Indian startup is cutting the cost of putting satellites in space, making them last longer

Krishna Reddy
29th Jan 2019

Bengaluru-based Bellatrix Aerospace has developed a new propulsion system that lets satellites take on more payload. It has also landed ISRO as its first client.

For decades, space exploration has been the domain of government agencies across the world. Only nodal agencies or government-backed institutes like the NASA, ESA and our very own ISRO have had that privilege. Of late, private companies such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX, and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin have entered this area in the past few years. Now, Indian companies too are entering the niche area of space technology. The big challenge, of course, is the cost of sending anything into space.

A big part of that cost is the price of fuel and its weight. The lighter a satellite, the lower the cost. And a lighter satellite can carry more into space. Rohan M Ganapathy, an aeronautical engineer, realised the potential in this area and wanted to develop an alternative solution to existing satellite fuel propulsion. However, this was not something he could do on his own.

The team soon expanded to include Yashas Karnam, a family friend of Rohan's, as well as two juniors from college, Saagar Malaichamy and Vivek Murugesan. Together, they founded Bellatrix Aerospace in 2015.

Today, its claim to fame is an indigenous electric propulsion system for satellites, called Microwave Plasma Thrusters (MPT). Through the MPT, Bellatrix offers its customers the ability to take bigger payloads into space at a reasonable cost. The founders claim it is also eco-friendly and a cleaner alternative to the existing electric propulsion.

Yashas, who is also Chief Operating Officer, proudly says:

“We are the only startup that ISRO is collaborating with for joint technology development for the electric propulsion.”​

The team of Bellatrix at work at IISc

The need for a Microwave Plasma Thruster (MPT)

Let's dive into a little background to understand why this is such a big deal: there are two types of satellite propulsion systems - primary propulsion and secondary propulsion. A propulsion system is a way to accelerate the speed of a satellite. The primary propulsion lifts the rocket and positions the satellite in the orbit. The secondary propulsion system, which is made up of either chemical or electric thrusters, helps the satellite maintain its position and its orientation in orbit.

When it comes secondary propulsion, electric thrusters are more efficient compared to chemical ones. This is because an electric propulsion system uses only 200-250 kg of fuel when compared to two tonnes that a chemical propulsion system needs. This drastically brings down the fuel weight and the overall payload weight. So the satellite has more space on board for transponders (communication devices) on satellites for the same amount of fuel at the same price as a chemical one.

The MPT from Bellatrix is an advanced type of electric propulsion system. It is zero-corrosion, so it solves one of the biggest problems in existing electric propulsion systems. Corrosion erodes the electrodes on the thrusters, which reduces its lifespan when in orbit. Overall, the MPT is lightweight and possesses a lifespan that is 3x longer, which makes it more efficient and cost-effective.

How the journey to space began

Rohan, an aeronautical engineer from Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, was keen on working on a satellite propulsion system during his college days itself. In 2012, while in his second year, he took up the project and started developing an MPT. That year, he was fortunate to get an opportunity to meet the head of the R&D department of the Jindal Group during an event. Later, he also got to meet Sajjan Jindal, Managing Director of the JSW Group, and explained the technology behind his project.

Impressed by the idea, the conglomerate gave Rohan a grant. That's when the team of four came together and set up an office in Coimbatore. In 2016, Bellatrix Aerospace moved to Bengaluru when the team got a space at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), through the Society for Innovation and Development (SID). Here, the team got access to the labs and the machines required for their research to work on their electric propulsion system. Today, it also has a strong advisory board with M Srinivasan, a nuclear scientist and a Padma Vibhushan awardee; Dr Ugur Guven, an Aerospace and Nuclear Engineer; and Dr Guru Prasad, President of Aximetric Inc, USA.

Bellatrix had another stroke of luck when they met then ISRO Chairman A S Kiran Kumar at an event and showed him their concept on paper. The Chairman responded by calling them over for a presentation. Several rounds of review later, ISRO onboarded Bellatrix as a supplier.

Competition and challenges in aerospace

Bellatrix Aerospace is emerging as a one-stop solution to cater to the entire market, says Yashas. He adds, “If you are a satellite manufacturer and make satellites that weigh 10 kg, and tomorrow you want to build a satellite that weighs much higher, you can come to us for all the propulsion requirements. We want to be that one reliable stop for all the satellite manufacturers for their propulsion requirements.”

Comments C S Murali, Chairman of Entrepreneurship Centre of SID at IISc,

"Only Indian companies can build things for a better India, be it in healthcare or space. With the tremendous competition going on, India cannot rely on foreign players to address its requirements. Then, it becomes necessary for DRDO and ISRO to encourage smaller players to participate in this domain."​


Rohan and Yashas receiving the award on Technology Day in May 2017

The space market in India
Apart from Bellatrix Aerospace, startups such as Dhurva Space, Team Indus, Astrome, Satsure, and Astrogate have come up in the last five years. However, these startups are working on different segments of the space market. Apart from ISRO, the space market in India is very niche and nascent.

Rohan says, “It may take at least another five years for the Indian ecosystem to mature. Despite the presence of foreign players, we have a good chance of selling our propulsion systems to ISRO, owing to government policies favouring Indian companies over foreign counterparts.”


The team at Bellatrix Technologies

The team declined to speak about any potential international expansion plans. Nevertheless, in addition to the development of satellite propulsion, the team looks forward to building launch vehicles, which are in the initial stages of development. At present, Bellatrix’s reusable launch vehicle Chetak is also set to disrupt the micro launcher industry.

“Our goal is to become leaders in spacecraft propulsion and small satellite launch vehicles. By pushing the boundaries of innovation, we are working towards bringing down the cost of access to space to prepare for a future where space tugs and lunar mining are a reality,” says Rohan.
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