Indian Space Program: News & Discussions

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Nothing at all... It would be a good insurance too, given the situation in Ukraine (I dont know how Yuzhnoe and Yuzhmash are affected, but still..) Also Energomash and Glushko were the real masters of Staged cumbustion.. So if we can pull that off, it would be great. As i said, I dont see us abandoning SCE-200. given our history to master cryo in even absence of Tech transfer,here I heard we are getting blueprints of RD 810 in this project (Jasmine or so it is referred and yuzhmash havent made one, the engine being a design rather than a product), which is a huge step up coupled with our knowledge of Cryo operation. So we will make something worthwhile, or at least that is the impression one gets from open source information.
Looks like RT jumped on the news too :

India to buy Russian rocket engines for its space program

Something I dug up :
In 2017 there were some talks going on between ISRO & Glavkosmos about the acquisition of Russian ionic thrusters for spacecraft propulsion.

ISRO, Glavkosmos meet to discuss Russian satellite propulsion bid | SpaceTech Asia

We have made significant progress in electric propulsion ourselves but still there is some way to go in terms of efficiency. We've deployed our thrusters in satellites already as detailed in this ISRO slide below :

But given the progress we've made in electric propulsion and with startups like Bellatrix Aerospace( Bellatrix ) coming up it makes no sense to acquire Russian engines as those will be expensive anyway.

Case in point Bellatrix just secured a big funding from ISRO and there are engineers from ISRO's LPSC working with the start up as project guides. Why would you do that if you aren't interested in what they make ?

Besides there is the wording. Deputy PM said "rockets" not engines, Ionic propulsion systems can be passed off as engines but surely not rockets.

You know what, let's just leave it here. We will know more soon enough.

Link to the reference
From the above
Sivan said, “The first test of the advanced version of Mk III will take place in December 2020. With upgrade in Mk III, we will also have to upgrade the launchpad facility at Sriharikota. We have therefore issued a tender notice recently inviting quotations for infrastructure upgrades at the second launchpad.”However, the chairman clarified the rocket with the semicryogenic stage won't be used for the Gaganyaan mission. Thecurrent GSLV Mk III with L110 stage will only be used for the manned mission with some modifications.

Thank you for that. I must have missed it.

I agree with the angst regarding Solids on Human space flight launchers, but if ISRO is confident, I tend to trust their judgement.
Given the timeline pressure I will agree with that. But let's hope this doesn't become a permanent thing. Especially with space station and what not floating around, we will need a regular way of getting humans to space. We need some mega newton class semi-cryo engines and we need them fast.
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Update on Chandrayaan-3 :

After Chandrayaan-2, is India planning a third moon trip with Japan?

Madhumathi D.S.Bengaluru,July 22, 2019


Chandrayaan-2 lifting off from Sriharikotta on July 22, 2019 | Photo Credit: S.R. Raghunathan

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has initiated talks on the nation's third moon shot in partnership with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), as indications show.

After the Chandrayaan-2 mission launch on Monday, is another lunar journey in the offing around 2024 to bring soil and rock samples back from the South Pole of the Moon ?

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has initiated talks on this with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), as indications show.

We first heard about Chandrayaan-3 from the then chiefs of ISRO and JAXA in November 2017 during the Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum APRSAF-24 held in Bengaluru.

Two inter-governmental discussions during the Prime Minister's visit, in March this year and October 2018, also mentioned a 'joint lunar polar exploration mission'.

Plans for an Indo-Japan lunar mission were in early stages and the initial studies and tasks of the two agencies were being worked out, the then ISRO Chairman and Secretary, Department of Space (DoS), A.S. Kiran Kumar; and JAXA president Naoki Okumura said almost two years back. The two space-faring countries are friends but have had little space talk together so far.

ISRO should send a third lunar trip, once it completes the crewed space mission ‘Gaganyaan’ in 2022, Chaitanya Giri, fellow, Space and Ocean Studies Programme of Gateway House (Mumbai international relations think tank), told The Hindu.

“[Chandrayaan-2] is a precursor of Chandrayaan-3, which is scheduled to make a sample return mission in 2023-2024,” said Dr. Giri, who has been part of the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission to a comet and worked in the area in the U.S. and Japan.

India, which has set out to pioneer explorations in the Moon's South Pole, should not get left behind in the global space race. In the next 4-5 years alone, major space-faring nations are planning to send at least seven missions to the lunar South Pole. There would be big dividends from that region, from mining to habitation, he said.

Dr. Giri observed that the U.S. was returning to the Moon around 2024 with crewed Artemis flybys and landers. Russia had lined up Luna 25 and 26 to pave the way for a future robotic habitat. China, which recently landed Chang'e-4 on the Moon's far side that is always turned away from the Earth, has lined up Chang'e-5 late this year or next year to bring samples back from the South Pole, and may also send two followons. Chang'e-5 is said to be the first lunar sample return mission being attempted since 1976.

The ISRO should take up speedy construction of Chandrayaan-3 and develop a `public-private ecosystem of space capabilities', he said. In his view, the DoS must stop depending solely on ISRO and increasingly involve public and private sector entities, universities, start-ups and research labs to get this and other scientific projects quickly off the mark.

After Chandrayaan-2, is India planning a third moon trip with Japan?
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India needs new rockets to carry heavier payloads | India News - Times of India

Perhaps, you can elaborate on this article for the benefit of other members. @Gautam ; @randomradio ; @vingensys
Jumbled up word noodle soup, this article.:rolleyes:

It basically says we need more powerful engines to lift more weight, in the process draws some weird examples. Semi-cryo engines for core stage is the biggest roadblock. Everything else is with in achievable limits.

Of course the other challenge is clustering more than 2 engines together. But that's easier to solve.
India needs new rockets to carry heavier payloads | India News - Times of India

Perhaps, you can elaborate on this article for the benefit of other members. @Gautam ; @randomradio ; @vingensys

Our rockets can carry payloads up to 4,000Kg to GTO today.

We need new rockets that can carry 10,000 to 20,000 Kg to GTO. Then we can perform complex missions like other space powers like Russia, US, France, Japan and China. This will allow us to launch space stations, very large satellites that run on nuclear power and run complex interplanetary missions.

For example, the Hubble telescope is over 11,000Kg, whereas GSLV Mk3 can only lift 8000Kg to LEO. Even today we use the French to launch 4000+Kg comm satellites to GTO, which is a massive waste of forex.

The operational Chinese Long March V can lift 14,000Kg to GTO. And they are making a Long March 9 which will lift 50,000Kg to GTO by 2030. So ISRO has a long road ahead.

ISRO's planning a new line of launchers called the Universal Launch Vehicle, it will replace PSLV and GSLV. This is a family of rockets where the first and second stage are the same for all rockets, only the boost stage is changed for different loads, up to 6,000Kg to GTO. And the ULV will be used as a base to create two new launchers called HLV and SHLV which will give us the capability to launch 10,000 to 17,000 Kg to GTO.

In the meantime, GSLV Mk3 will be modified with a semi-cryogenic engine which will lift 6,000Kg to GTO.
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India needs new rockets to carry heavier payloads | India News - Times of India

Perhaps, you can elaborate on this article for the benefit of other members. @Gautam ; @randomradio ; @vingensys

What did the article intend to convey ?

It is accepted that current crop of ISRO launchers doesnot compare favourably with its contemporaries. Though the comparison in the article is with rockets at random, and considering a Falcon Heavy with GSLV Mk 3 doesn't hold. Let me plot out the status of our engines, while we are at it.

Let me go with engines first :
Solid Motors :
The S-200 is already the Second largest operational solid booster in the world, after the Ariane 5 SRB. If we include the shuttle SRBs , then the third. So we dont lack any capability there. Yes, we could improve the system by going for composite casing, if possible and better propellant, the current system is on par with the state of the art in industry.

Cryogenic Engines :
We have in CE-20 the largest Cryo Upper stage in the world. Given it is a gas-generator cycle engine, the specific impulse, is not bad either. Here too we have a state of the art product.

Our problems are with the core stage liquid engines. The Vikas engine, derived frm the Viking engine of Ariane (IIRC used till Ariane 4 ) are supremely reliable (ESA back in the days used to run a production line and "One engine per year, randomly taken in the workshops of assembly, was tested.", instead of testing each engine that is to be flown ) is limited in its thrust output. This handicap, coupled with the inherent disadvantage of the medium specific impulse obtained while using hypergolic fuels, that too in gas gen cycle, limited the thrust of the core stage in GSLV. They did try to mitigate this using clustering in Mk3, but not enough thrust out of the setup to increase the payload to the desired levels.

We are solving this by going for the development of Semi Cryo Engine of 200 Ton class, in partnership with Yuzhnoe Design Bureau of Ukraine, components have been realised for which and apparently being tested in Yuzhmash (the manufacturer co-located(?) with Yuzhnoe ) and should have almost completed their testing by this year end. If all goes well, this engine (RD 810 , derived from the venerable RD 170) would be a decent Engine for our core stages. Regarding their efficiency etc, they wont be the cutting edge but a pretty good Oxidiser Rich Staged Combustion Engine that can be our go to engine for core as well as boosters.

Given these developments, one can see we are catching up with curent standards of the industry, in the semi cryo stage too. We were late to reach this stage when compared to others, but none were as crippled by sanctions and we were doing things from scratch. That we reached this far under such condition is laudable.

Going forward, in the future.. It is all about what we think the future launch market would be.

One can observe two trends in this space :-
a) Miniaturization - As technology progresses, electronics and other systems are getting smaller, resulting in smaller satellites that does the task of a heavy satellites of today. Even in optics, the Origami optics can be a boon in further miniaturisation... This getting smaller trend applies to almost all sub-systems.

b) Communication and Geo synch sats are almost stabilising their mass at approx 6 tons from the current 5 ton class. (May I say a trend of increasing mass).

Considering the above two, and which side of the balance, miniaturisation or increment in mass is going to dominate, We have to develop our launchers for the future.

A bigger launch vehicle than the optimal weight class may actually be a bad investment, so do an underpowered launcher among heavyeights up for the same task.

One can see a glimpse of this by looking at Ariane 5 and 6. In Ariane 5, most missions carry two payloads (~5 Ton x 2) . This causes undesired delay in launch till a pair is available, etc. If miniaturization succeeds, then this kind of a heavy lifter would become more uneconomical and inflexible, requiring multiple sats to be lofted at once for optimum efficiency and assosciated delays for customer etc.
I believe that this dynamics had also played a part in development of Ariane 6, which has a reduced payload capacity allowing launches of single satellite missions.

So it is anybody's guess now, what the future market would be and what is the optimal payload capacity. I believe ISRO is going for a standard 6 ton capacity being the majority of launches. Catering to this would be ULV or modified Mk3 with SCE-200 powered SC-160 Core stage.
For those not common or rather infrequent heavy lift applications like a interplanetary probe or so, ULV lends itself to modification for higher payload capacity without any radical changes in the core.

Adding to this dynamics is the entry of Re-entry tech, that too Vertical take off, Vertical Landing(VTVL) as being performed by SpaceX. ISRO's ADMIRE is a step in replicating this functinality, and we have plans for both Horizontal landing and Vertical Landing pursued simultaneously.

So a mix of the above variables - Optimal Size, re-entry or not, if so which mode... will decide the future developments. And its anybody's guess what that perfect mix is, now.

PS : I dont believe develping and making rockets far bigger than necessary for the mundane, routine, commercial launches to satisfy one-off cases makes economic sense. So the sensible route is to have multirole rockets, well adapted to the mundane and able to support those one-off cases by being flexible enough to scale up. (Falcon Heavy is a good case here, it seems).

PPS : I find it interesting that instead of comparing with the uber cool Araine, SpaceX, Atlas and Deltas, why aren't we comparing our rockets to Chinese ones, The LongMarch series. One would find it interesting that they have a similar capacity hypergolic engine as our Vikas, They too have a copy / Close relative of RD 810 as their Semi Cryo engine. They dont use solid boosters much in their mainline rockets expect for the recent LM-11. In cryo the chinese dont have a CE-20 analogue. This lends to a good comparison and if one observe, where we fall behind is in clustering available engines.
Our rockets can carry payloads up to 4,000Kg to GTO today.

We need new rockets that can carry 10,000 to 20,000 Kg to GTO. Then we can perform complex missions like other space powers like Russia, US, France, Japan and China. This will allow us to launch space stations, very large satellites that run on nuclear power and run complex interplanetary missions.

For example, the Hubble telescope is over 11,000Kg, whereas GSLV Mk3 can only lift 8000Kg to LEO. Even today we use the French to launch 4000+Kg comm satellites to GTO, which is a massive waste of forex.

The operational Chinese Long March V can lift 14,000Kg to GTO. And they are making a Long March 9 which will lift 50,000Kg to GTO by 2030. So ISRO has a long road ahead.

ISRO's planning a new line of launchers called the Universal Launch Vehicle, it will replace PSLV and GSLV. This is a family of rockets where the first and second stage are the same for all rockets, only the boost stage is changed for different loads, up to 6,000Kg to GTO. And the ULV will be used as a base to create two new launchers called HLV and SHLV which will give us the capability to launch 10,000 to 17,000 Kg to GTO.

In the meantime, GSLV Mk3 will be modified with a semi-cryogenic engine which will lift 6,000Kg to GTO.

What did the article intend to convey ?

It is accepted that current crop of ISRO launchers doesnot compare favourably with its contemporaries. Though the comparison in the article is with rockets at random, and considering a Falcon Heavy with GSLV Mk 3 doesn't hold. Let me plot out the status of our engines, while we are at it.

Let me go with engines first :
Solid Motors :
The S-200 is already the Second largest operational solid booster in the world, after the Ariane 5 SRB. If we include the shuttle SRBs , then the third. So we dont lack any capability there. Yes, we could improve the system by going for composite casing, if possible and better propellant, the current system is on par with the state of the art in industry.

Cryogenic Engines :
We have in CE-20 the largest Cryo Upper stage in the world. Given it is a gas-generator cycle engine, the specific impulse, is not bad either. Here too we have a state of the art product.

Our problems are with the core stage liquid engines. The Vikas engine, derived frm the Viking engine of Ariane (IIRC used till Ariane 4 ) are supremely reliable (ESA back in the days used to run a production line and "One engine per year, randomly taken in the workshops of assembly, was tested.", instead of testing each engine that is to be flown ) is limited in its thrust output. This handicap, coupled with the inherent disadvantage of the medium specific impulse obtained while using hypergolic fuels, that too in gas gen cycle, limited the thrust of the core stage in GSLV. They did try to mitigate this using clustering in Mk3, but not enough thrust out of the setup to increase the payload to the desired levels.

We are solving this by going for the development of Semi Cryo Engine of 200 Ton class, in partnership with Yuzhnoe Design Bureau of Ukraine, components have been realised for which and apparently being tested in Yuzhmash (the manufacturer co-located(?) with Yuzhnoe ) and should have almost completed their testing by this year end. If all goes well, this engine (RD 810 , derived from the venerable RD 170) would be a decent Engine for our core stages. Regarding their efficiency etc, they wont be the cutting edge but a pretty good Oxidiser Rich Staged Combustion Engine that can be our go to engine for core as well as boosters.

Given these developments, one can see we are catching up with curent standards of the industry, in the semi cryo stage too. We were late to reach this stage when compared to others, but none were as crippled by sanctions and we were doing things from scratch. That we reached this far under such condition is laudable.

Going forward, in the future.. It is all about what we think the future launch market would be.

One can observe two trends in this space :-
a) Miniaturization - As technology progresses, electronics and other systems are getting smaller, resulting in smaller satellites that does the task of a heavy satellites of today. Even in optics, the Origami optics can be a boon in further miniaturisation... This getting smaller trend applies to almost all sub-systems.

b) Communication and Geo synch sats are almost stabilising their mass at approx 6 tons from the current 5 ton class. (May I say a trend of increasing mass).

Considering the above two, and which side of the balance, miniaturisation or increment in mass is going to dominate, We have to develop our launchers for the future.

A bigger launch vehicle than the optimal weight class may actually be a bad investment, so do an underpowered launcher among heavyeights up for the same task.

One can see a glimpse of this by looking at Ariane 5 and 6. In Ariane 5, most missions carry two payloads (~5 Ton x 2) . This causes undesired delay in launch till a pair is available, etc. If miniaturization succeeds, then this kind of a heavy lifter would become more uneconomical and inflexible, requiring multiple sats to be lofted at once for optimum efficiency and assosciated delays for customer etc.
I believe that this dynamics had also played a part in development of Ariane 6, which has a reduced payload capacity allowing launches of single satellite missions.

So it is anybody's guess now, what the future market would be and what is the optimal payload capacity. I believe ISRO is going for a standard 6 ton capacity being the majority of launches. Catering to this would be ULV or modified Mk3 with SCE-200 powered SC-160 Core stage.
For those not common or rather infrequent heavy lift applications like a interplanetary probe or so, ULV lends itself to modification for higher payload capacity without any radical changes in the core.

Adding to this dynamics is the entry of Re-entry tech, that too Vertical take off, Vertical Landing(VTVL) as being performed by SpaceX. ISRO's ADMIRE is a step in replicating this functinality, and we have plans for both Horizontal landing and Vertical Landing pursued simultaneously.

So a mix of the above variables - Optimal Size, re-entry or not, if so which mode... will decide the future developments. And its anybody's guess what that perfect mix is, now.

PS : I dont believe develping and making rockets far bigger than necessary for the mundane, routine, commercial launches to satisfy one-off cases makes economic sense. So the sensible route is to have multirole rockets, well adapted to the mundane and able to support those one-off cases by being flexible enough to scale up. (Falcon Heavy is a good case here, it seems).

PPS : I find it interesting that instead of comparing with the uber cool Araine, SpaceX, Atlas and Deltas, why aren't we comparing our rockets to Chinese ones, The LongMarch series. One would find it interesting that they have a similar capacity hypergolic engine as our Vikas, They too have a copy / Close relative of RD 810 as their Semi Cryo engine. They dont use solid boosters much in their mainline rockets expect for the recent LM-11. In cryo the chinese dont have a CE-20 analogue. This lends to a good comparison and if one observe, where we fall behind is in clustering available engines.
Very illuminating and informative. Thanks for the effort gentlemen. @Gautam ; @randomradio & especially @vingensys
Is ISRO’s “cryogenic curse” finally over ?

by Ajey Lele
Monday, July 22, 2019


Photo : Cryogenic Upper Stage(CUS) of ISRO's GSLV MK3 named C-25 being raised for assembly in the Second Vehicle Assembly Building(SVAB) in the Satish Dhawan Space Centre(SDSC), Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, India

Just two days after the world celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing, India’s second mission to the Moon, Chandrayaan-2, began its 48-day journey to the Moon. Chandrayaan-2, an orbiter and a lander and rover system, launched from Indian soil using an Indian rocket called GSLV Mark III on the afternoon of July 22.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is expected to attempt a soft landing of the Chandrayaan-2 lander at a location close to the south pole of the Moon on September 6 or 7. It will be the first time ISRO has attempted a soft-landing on any world. The orbiter weighs 2,379 kilograms and is expected to operate for one year. The lander, called Vikram, weighs 1,471 kilograms while the rover, Pragyan, weighs 27 kilograms. The lander-rover would operate minimum for 14 Earth days.

The launch was scheduled for a week earlier, early on July 15. However, the mission was called off just 56 minutes before liftoff because of a technical glitch.

It could be said that ISRO has been under a “cryogenic curse” for many years, with the launch scrub on July 15 only the latest sign.

ISRO has not provided the specific details about the exact nature of what it called a “technical snag.” There are indications that sufficient pressure had not built up in the helium tanks in the rocket. There is a possibility that the leak could have been at multiple places in the tanks. Whatever might the case, the fact that ISRO successfully performed the launch just a week after detection of the fault shows their professionalism.

This is not the first time ISRO has called off a mission during the countdown stage. The GSLV-D5 mission was called off on August 19, 2013. The launch, with the Indian Cryogenic Stage, was called off due to a leak observed in the UH25 fuel system of the liquid second stage, during the final phases of the countdown. ISRO ultimately performed the launch, successfully, on January 5, 2014.

ISRO’s GSLV Mark III is a three-stage rocket with first and second stages filled with solid and liquid propellants, respectively. The third stage is a cryogenic stage. A cryogenic system is sought after since it provides more thrust per kilogram of propellants. The cryogenic engine uses liquid oxygen (LOX) and liquid hydrogen (LH2) as propellants. ISRO, which has made reasonable technological progress is various arenas of space technologies, has found cryogenic technology as a “horse difficult to mount.” It could be said that ISRO has been under a “cryogenic curse” for many years, with the launch scrub on July 15 only the latest sign.

During the 1990s, ISRO had a major focus towards development of launch vehicles, since India had achieved space-faring nation status a decade earlier and was keen to expand its space program. The 1990s was the period when ISRO’s PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) had started operations. Since this rocket has the capability only to put satellites having less than two tons weight into orbit, ISRO felt the need to have a vehicle to put heavy satellites into geostationary orbits. That led to an offer from Glavkosmos, a Soviet agency.

ISRO took significant amount of time—almost two decades—to develop the cryogenic technology.

Glavkosmos was to transfer cryogenic engine technology to India. However, when the actual transfer was to take place the geopolitical situation had changed, but Russia was required to honor the deal. However, during the 1991–1993 period the wind started blowing against this deal. It was argued that transfer this technology to ISRO could also help India’s missile program. The Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) bogie was raised, and finally Boris Yeltsin and Bill Clinton worked on a compromise formula that stopped any technology transfer, but allowed Russia to sell seven cryogenic engines to India. It is important to note that cryogenic engines are considered as unusable engines in the development of long-range missiles like ICBMs. Hence, India was rejected access to the technology not owing to any missile fears, but more out of geopolitical (perhaps geo-economic) considerations.

All this led ISRO to slowly start developing cryogenic technology indigenously. ISRO took on itself to develop the GSLV programme, meant for heavy satellites in the range of 4 to 6 tons to GEO.

In the first decade of 21st century ISRO suffered three failures using this technology. Of those, one failure was due to an Indian-made cryogenic engine, while in case of other two disappointments, the engines were Russian. During the second decade of the 21st century, India was forced to call-off two missions during the countdown phase, but the launches were ultimately successful.

ISRO took significant amount of time—almost two decades—to develop the cryogenic technology. Normally, a cryogenic stage would include the engine, propellant tanks, motor casing, and wiring. Initially, there was very limited expertise available with ISRO regarding cryogenics. Such cryogenic engine technology is complex to design, develop, and build. ISRO started with a clean slate. They were required to work on various aspects, from developing special igniters and turbopumps to identifying and making special alloys. The entire process required them to develop new technologies and techniques.

India has developed two types of cryogenic engines. The first one is based on the Russian design and specifications, called CE-7.5 (and variants with minor changes.) The burn time for this engine was 720 seconds. ISRO had one failure and three successes with this engine. When ISRO was using this engine, it was also developing the fully indigenous CE-20 engine and the C25 cryogenic stage. Obviously, working on the Russian design must have helped ISRO towards making indigenous engine development. The normal burn time for CE-20 is 580 seconds. There have been three successful tests with the CE-20 but Chandrayaan-2 is only the first operational flight of GSLV Mark III. More successful flights would be required to establish the vehicle as a commercial product. However, with the CE-20 engine this rocket can only lift around four tonnes.

There is a need to leapfrog in the heavy-lift launch vehicle sector. If ISRO has to grow, this program has to grow rapidly.

Realising the limitations in regards to lift of heavy payloads with existing cryogenic technology, ISRO started working a couple years ago on a project to develop semi-cryogenic engines. The proposal is to use a highly refined form of kerosene termed RP-1, along with liquid oxygen, to increase the payload capacity of its GSLV Mk III. The first test with this new engine is expected to happen by December 2020.

ISRO has major ambitions like human spaceflight, a mission to Venus, and second mission to Mars. Also, there are proposals like an Indian space station. However, it is important to note that instead of praiseworthy execution of few important projects and successfully establishing a “brand ISRO” owing to frugal engineering, ISRO continues to remain a small player in a few arenas of space domain. ISRO successfully conducted its first missions to Moon and Mars a few years ago. However, because of the lack of a heavy launch vehicle, ISRO was able to carry a very limited payload to these planets. Even with Chandrayaan-2, ISRO could be conducting an experiment on the Moon surface only lasting for one lunar day. All deep space missions of ISRO have proven to be mainly technology demonstration missions. More science could have been possible if these missions would have been capable of carrying more payloads. Even today, ISRO remains only partially capable of launching heavy communications satellites to geostationary orbit.

It has taken time for ISRO to develop cryogenic technology. Recently ISRO has had some good successes with the GSLV. However, there is a need to leapfrog in the heavy-lift launch vehicle sector. If ISRO has to grow, this program has to grow rapidly. At this point in time ISRO has just barely solved the cryogenic riddle, yet much needs to be done.

Dr. Ajey Lele is a senior fellow at the Institute For Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), a New Delhi-based think tank on security issues. He is a postgraduate in physics and has a doctorate in international relations. His research focus is on strategic technologies and WMD related issues. He has several publications to his credit.

The Space Review: Is ISRO’s “cryogenic curse” finally over?
This will help us reduce (but not eliminate) dependence on NASA's DSN. Its directly linked to Gaganyaan mission, but will have many secondary functions. ISRO's future plans(2028) for deep space exploration makes such a satellite cluster necessary.

ISRO to launch two satellites under IDRSS: All about it

The two-satellite IDRSS will maintain a continuous communication link with India's remote sensing/earth observation satellites.

India Today Web Desk New Delhi
December 17, 2018 ; 16:36 IST

As part of its proposed manned space mission, India will launch the IDRSS to improve data relay and communication links with its remote sensing/earth observation satellites (Image for representation)

As a part of its proposed manned space mission, India will launch the Indian Data Relay Satellite System (IDRSS) to improve data relay and communication links with its remote sensing/earth observation satellites, said a top official of the ISRO.

What will the IDRSS do ?

1. The two-satellite IDRSS will maintain a continuous communication link with India's remote sensing/earth observation satellites and also with the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV Mk III) that would carry three Indian astronauts to space in 2022.

"We are planning to launch two satellites under IDRSS. The first one is expected to be launched in 2019," said K Sivan, chairman, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

2. The proposed system will also reduce the dependence on the ground stations in tracking satellites.

3. The other benefit is that the communication and data transfer could be in real time as the remote sensing satellites can relay the data gathered to IDRSS satellites which in turn can transmit them to the ground.

4. IDRSS will be like a hub as it can receive the commands from the ground stations and in turn relay the same to other satellites.

5. The IDRSS can also monitor a rocket from the time it lifts off from the launch pad.

What is Data Relay Satellite System ?

Data Relay Satellite System (DRSS) is primarily meant for providing continuous/real-time communication of Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) satellites/human space mission to the ground station.

A data relay satellite in the Geostationary Orbit (GEO) can see a low altitude spacecraft for approximately half an orbit.

The scope of remote sensing satellites :

India has the largest remote sensing satellite system orbiting in the space.

Further, the data capture and transfer capabilities of remote sensing satellites are increasing with newer technologies.

"India is launching many satellites - nano, micro and small - in the low earth orbit. Their monitoring is now done by the ground stations in India and outside. But monitoring of satellites by ground station has gaps," said an industry expert.

The visibility of Indian remote sensing satellites for ground stations is not more than 10-15 minutes and in some cases, it is five minutes or less," he added.

There is also a heavy reliance on ground stations in other countries.

He said that with IDRSS in place, the visibility range will go up for monitoring and communicating with earth observation satellites.

Space-faring nations like the US, China, Japan, and Europe have such data relay satellite systems.

About the 2 IDRSS satellites :

The two IDRSS satellites will be placed in geostationary orbit, enabling satellite to satellite communication and transfer data.

The IDRSS satellites can see about 80 per cent of the area where Indian remote sensing satellites are orbiting.

ISRO to launch two satellites under IDRSS: All about it

You can read more about the intricacies of the proposed IDRSS satellites, proposed uses according to our needs, specs etc in this ISRO journal published in 2018 :
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Mini-PSLV testflight only after Chandrayaan-2 moonlanding: Isro chief | India News - Times of India

Oh shucks !! SSLV has been delayed. The initial plan was the fire two developmental flights(named SSLV D1 and SSLV D2) in 2019. The SSLV D1 was scheduled to launch at around June-July of 2019. Now ISRO says they will launch the SSLV D1 only after the Chandrayaan-2 lands on moon(which is scheduled for September 7, 2019). How are they going to launch D2 in 2019 ? Unless they pull of a miracle, its likely to be delayed to 2020.

Other launches in line :

Cartosat-3 will be launched in October, 2019
Aditya L-1 solar observation mission : Mid 2020

Oh and this article says,
GISAT-1 will be launched in September 2019

भारत के दुश्‍मनों की कलाई पर बंधी घड़ी का समय भी बता देगा ISRO का ये सैटेलाइट - News State | News Nation Hindi
It seems we've found our first international customer for the ISRO's SSLV. It also seems my previous guess(post #556 on this thread) that the second developmental flight of the SSLV i.e. the SSLV D2 would be dalayed to 2020 is wrong. Both the developmental flights are scheduled for 2019.

The American company BlackSky(provides sat imagery services) are our customer.

Global-5, 6, 7 and 8 are currently scheduled to be launched in November 2019 on SSLV D2 by the ISRO from SDSC. The planned altitude and inclination of these satellites is below :

Mission : Satellite - Nominal Orbital Parameters
  • SSLV D2 : Global-5 - 475-560 km, 50˚
  • SSLV D2 : Global-6 - 475-560 km, 50˚
  • SSLV D2 : Global-7 - 465-485 km, 50˚
  • SSLV D2 : Global-8 - 465-485 km, 50˚
Is this a good idea putting sats on a developmental flight of a new launcher ? A lot of people do it though, maybe they get launch services cheaper during developmental flights.
You know, scientists in CERN, Switzerland have a statue of Natraja. The Swiss have no problems with that.

The recent supply of an Indian component by L&T to ITER France was inaugurated with a Ganapathi homam ceremony. The French had no problem with it, forget having problems they organised it.

People abroad have no problem accepting our culture in scientific research institutes. Why do our people get ridiculed for following our own culture ?

Look at this nonsense :
Opinion | Why ISRO Chief Deserves To Be Criticised For Offering Prayers Ahead of Chandrayaan-2 Launch

For all the "Article this-Article that" that this guy is flinging at us, whatever happened to freedom of religion. Dr. K. Sivan, ISRO chief, is an Indian citizen and thus he can practice whatever religion he likes. As long as his religion doesn't impair his ability to carry out the responsibilities of his office it shouldn't matter to no one. The last time I checked he can do his job rather well. Why is this up for debate ?
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