Indian Space Program: News & Discussions

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Details on ISRO built Multi-head Star Sensor (under Laboratory for Electro Optics Systems)

Star Sensor, also known as star-tracker, is a high-accuracy 3-axis attitude sensor used onboard spacecrafts.
Basically, a star tracker is a electronic camera connected to a microcomputer. The camera part popularly called sensor head consists of camera control electronics and camera head electronics with baffle.

Its accuracy about the boresight is poorer than about the cross-axes. This is improved by using two sensor heads with staggered Fields-Of-View (FOVs) and three to avoid break during occultation of any head. All the sensor heads have identical processing operations. So, the Processing Unit (PU) is made common. This minimizes the system electronics, power consumption and also thermal dissipation on each Camera Heads (CH), allowing more efficient cooling of CCD and improving sensor performance.

The resulting multiple Camera Heads (CHs) are operated remotely by the common PU. Thus, a programmable Video Processor (VP) is designed for the CH as an efficient data acquisition co-processor to the PU. The VP works in parallel freeing PU for attitude computation from the data acquired from multiple CHs. VP acquires CCD images and pre-processes them to reduce data size, speeding up PU processing.

History & Geography of ISRO star trackers :

Laboratory for Electro Optics Systems(LEOS) of ISRO indigenously developed different types of star trackers.
The first generation star trackers of LEOS are based on 16-bit processor like 8086 processor operates in only few traditional classic modes like acquisition and track and process only few stars with limited update rate due to many constraints.
The second generation Mark-II star trackers are characterized by low weight, low volume and low power consumption with ERC-32 processor. To meet low weight and optimized optical performance, a seven element optics weighing about 350g indigenously developed in LEOS is used. A radiation hardened area array CCD of size 1024X1024 is used as detector. The processing electronics of sensor consists of ERC32 SPARC processor working at 12 MHz speed, in addition to main processor a custom made Video Processor (VIP) is used to perform the CCD related operations, this Video Processor acts as a co-processor for the main microprocessor.

Electronics consists of 3 different types of memories - PROM for Boot program, EEPROM as secondary storage and RAM as main memory. In addition to these memories, VIP has its own storage to deposit acquired and processed digitized data of star image. Once the data is deposited in the shared memory of VIP, the main processor fetches these data and performs the specified operations.

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Video Processor (VP) Operations

The VP is programmed by the PU for each frame of image data acquisition and then initiated at a synchronized time. The VP then sequentially executes the instructions, controls and sequences all the associated peripherals to acquire star image data from the CCD, pre-processes it and stores the data in a suitable format to be transferred back to the PU. In this way, the VP allows the PU to select suitable heads and schedule their operations as required without actually involving in the image readout sequence. The VP is designed to ensure execution of a single action at any given time since the CCD does not support parallel operations.

The functions of the VP are implemented in two sections. The first section, the Video Acquisition section, consists of the Fetch Unit, Execute Unit and Transmit Buffer Write Unit. The second section, the communication section, consists of the SpaceWire Protocol, Transmit and Receive Buffers and the Bridge.

  • Fetch Unit (FU):It fetches instructions sequentially from internal RAM, decodes them and writes data to the relevant registers of Execute Unit.
  • Execute Unit (EU): It acquires image data by driving CCD vertical and horizontal readout clocks in a phased and sequential manner.
  • Transmit Buffer Write Unit (TxBufWU): It receives data from the EU and writes it into the transmit buffer in a SpaceWire appropriate format.
  • SpaceWire codec: SpaceWire is a bidirectional full-duplex serial communication protocol. It is a low-power high-speed protocol operable at 2Mb/s to 400 Mb/s.
  • Receive and Transmit buffers: They are dual-buffered FIFOs implemented in on-chip RAM to store the PU instructions and CCD star image data respectively.
  • Bridge: It forms the link between the SpaceWire core and video acquisition section. It provides necessary interface inputs to the SpaceWire codec for configuring the communication between CH and PU.
Autonomous acquisition mode

When sensor is activated initially, it has no information about the satellite’s orientation, this is known as the Lost-in-Space (LIS) or Initial Acquisition, the Acquisition mode can be separated into three main parts.
  • Star centre estimation.
    Detection of star is a highly challenging task, especially when sensor has a high noise level relative to the signal level makes detection difficult, because the illuminated pixels do not 'stand out'. To estimate star centre in LIS mode, a method called binning is used, in binned mode instead of processing pixels by pixels a group of adjacent pixels defined by bin factor is combined as a single pixel. The processing of the binned pixel outputs is carried out in two stages, first stage is a detection stage, where the binned pixels which have been illuminated by a star called “litpixels” are identified using defined threshold with Sobel operator. Secondly, using a cluster of contiguous pixels those have been marked as "litpixels", the exact position of the source of the illumination is estimated. This is done by assuming that contiguously illuminated pixels have been illuminated by a single star whose image on the pixel array is circular. The estimated star centroid is converted to direction cosines co-ordinates called measured co-ordinates.
  • Star identification.
    The process of star identification is to associate body-frame measured star image directions with the catalog reference inertial directions. LEOS first generation star trackers used in many remote sensing satellites uses Pyramid star identification algorithm presented by Mortari, here after we refer this as Algorithm-A. The Algorithm-A has many disadvantages in real time space environment, mainly the worst case run time of Algorithm-A is high. A state-of-art star identification algorithm here after this algorithm is referred as Algorithm-B is designed and developed for Mark-II star tracker. The success rate of Algorithm-B, is close to 100%, means provides identification solution at all times, which is major requirement of inter planetary and scientific missions. The successful star identification provides reference coordinates for the selected measured star vectors.
  • Attitude estimation.
    Attitude estimation requires 2 set of vectors namely, measured vector and reference vector. As already explained measured vectors are out come centroid estimation process and reference vectors are out come of identification process. In this star tracker attitude is estimated in form of quaternions, two algorithms namely QUEST and Second Optimal Estimator of Quaternion ESOQ2 are studied and finally ESOQ2 is implemented.
Autonomous track mode

Once the initial attitude is estimated, this is used to estimate the orientation of the subsequent images, this is known as Tracking. It is based on predicting the current orientation and its rate of change accurately from previously obtained information. In track mode unlike in LIS instead of processing complete array of detector only selected area of detector is processed by defining a window called track window, this is necessitated to improve the throughput of star tracker. Mark-II track mode operation starts with predicting probable star positions in the FOV based on the previously computed attitude, rate and acceleration. These positions are used to define active windows in the FOV.


The star tracker with this software is flown in Indian SARAL mission and post performance of tracker is excellent. The tracker provides attitude with required accuracy with specified update rate. All the software logics built in the system are functioning normally in all space conditions and different satellite operations and make the sensor work-horse for future ISRO programmes ranging from remote sensing applications to inter planetary missions, which includes missions like Navigation satellites, Mangalyaan and Chandrayaan-2.

High speed autonomous embedded software for high accuracy star sensors - IEEE Conference Publication

These sensors are really important. They are what would be considered dual-use technology. They have a very important military application.
NavIC support in upcoming Mobile, Automotive and IoT Platforms is poised to deliver superior Location-Based services to India's Industries and Technology Ecosystem Through

Oct 14, 2019

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. in collaboration with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), has developed & tested chipset platform across their portfolio which can support the Indian regional Navigation satellite system, NavIC. The initiative will help accelerate the adoption of NavIC and enhance the geo-location capabilities of mobile, automotive and the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions in the region, with the backing of Qualcomm Technologies’ engineering talent based in India. The first-ever NavIC demonstration using the Snapdragon Mobile Platforms is expected to be showcased by Qualcomm during the India Mobile Congress at New Delhi on October 14-16.

Chairman ISRO expressed that “NavIC is a critical step forward in our pursuit of harnessing space technology for national development and we are eager to make it accessible to everyone for their day to day use. ISRO is very happy to work with Qualcomm to enable NavIC on Mobile platforms. Qualcomm’s technology leadership and support for NavIC on their mobile platforms will bring the benefits of this indigenous solution to every Indian. ISRO appreciates Qualcomm for enabling the technology demonstration of NavIC support on mobile platform for the very first time”.

Support for NavIC will be available in Qualcomm Technologies platforms for OEMs to leverage starting form Nov 2019.

NavIC support in upcoming Mobile, Automotive and IoT Platforms is poised to deliver superior Location-Based services to India's Industries and Technology Ecosystem Through Qualcomm - ISRO
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Qualcomm announces support for India’s NavIC Satellite Navigation System
American chipmaker Qualcomm TechnologiesNSE -0.21 % in collaboration with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) on Monday announced support for India’s Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC), in select chipset platforms across the Company’s upcoming portfolio.

"The initiative will help accelerate the adoption of NavIC and enhance the geolocation capabilities of mobile, automotive and the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions – with the backing of engineering talent in India," Qualcomm said in a press statement. The collaboration delivered the first-ever NavIC demonstration using the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Mobile Platforms on September 19.

The solution is built on Qualcomm Technologies' leading foundational inventions in location-based position technology. As part of the updated platforms, the Qualcomm® Location Suite now supports up to seven satellite constellations concurrently, including the use of all of NavIC's operating satellites for more accurate location performance, faster time-to-first-fix (TTFF) position acquisition, and improved robustness of location-based services.

“We’re pleased to enhance our commitment to India by enabling support for NavIC in our chipset platforms and continuing our work with ISRO to accelerate NavIC’s adoption,” said Durga Malladi, senior vice president and general manager, 4G/5G, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. “This collaboration is the result of our long-standing presence and investments in the region, including a substantive local engineering force and ongoing initiatives aimed at empowering India’s technology and innovation ecosystem s, such as the Qualcomm Design in India Challenge and Qualcomm Innovation Lab. We look forward to seeing India continue to leverage next-generation mobile technologies and applications for new economic growth and societal benefits across its industriesNSE 1.85 % and communities.”

Support for NavIC will be available in select Qualcomm Technologies’ chipset platforms starting in late 2019 and commercial devices with NavIC support are expected to be available during the first half of 2020.

“NavIC is a critical step forward in our pursuit of harnessing space technology for national development and we are eager to make it accessible to everyone for their day to day use. ISRO is very happy to be working with Qualcomm Technologies to enable NavIC on Mobile platforms. Qualcomm Technologies’ leadership and support for NavIC on their mobile platforms will bring the benefits of this indigenous solution to every Indian. ISRO appreciates Qualcomm Technologies for enabling the technology demonstration of NavIC support on the mobile platform for the very first time.” said Dr. K Sivan, Chairman, ISRO and Secretary, Department of Space.
Qualcomm announces support for India’s NavIC Satellite Navigation System
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An accident has occurred inside Second Vehicle Assembly Building (SVAB) at Sriharikota on 14 October 2019. Two FCVRP platforms damaged, investigation ordered.

‘షార్‌’లో ప్రమాదం

Via Google Translate it appears a piece of equipment was being hoisted and due to some malfunction two FCVRP platforms have collapsed, damage estimated to be ₹2 crores. I think injuries were narrowly avoided as staff was on break. A special committee has been appointed to investigate the accident.

A better translation would be very helpful here. Oh and FCVRP: Foldable Cum Vertically Re-positionable Platforms.

They are saying some technical problem with gearbox that is carrying components. When fixing this problem, oil leaked and 2 platforms collapsed. Staff is on tea break and narrowly escaped.

This might cause the launch of PSLV C47 to be delayed till next month. The C47 will carry the CARTOSAT-3 as primary payload and will have 12 secondary payloads. More :

చురుగ్గా పీఎస్‌ఎల్‌వీ-సీ47 అనుసంధానం - EENADU

చురుగ్గా పీఎస్‌ఎల్‌వీ-సీ47 వాహక నౌక అనుసంధానం - EENADU
Does that mean SVAB is functioning and integration works are done there? Any idea when it was inaugurated? Wasn't that supposed to be inaugurated by PM or so? But set back that would surely delay many missions this year, when coupled with the singular focus on cy-2 and time already lost.
Does that mean SVAB is functioning and integration works are done there? Any idea when it was inaugurated? Wasn't that supposed to be inaugurated by PM or so? But set back that would surely delay many missions this year, when coupled with the singular focus on cy-2 and time already lost.
If by integration you mean stacking the C47 rocket then no. C47 should be getting stacked in VAB at SLP. I could be wrong, but I think the SVAB was undergoing testing before inauguration.
If by integration you mean stacking the C47 rocket then no. C47 should be getting stacked in VAB at SLP. I could be wrong, but I think the SVAB was undergoing testing before inauguration.

I meant the same. Suddenly seeing the headline, I thought it has started operations. Thanks for the clarification.
Then, I wonder how does an accident in SVAB retractable floor affect stacking and launch ops from VAB?
Then, I wonder how does an accident in SVAB retractable floor affect stacking and launch ops from VAB?
There is a maximum set value of downward force that can be applied to each of the floors. Once the value of applied force goes past that limit we would have a failure of material. That's what needs to be tested before commissioning any VAB. But in this case it seems the failure wasn't in materials but the hydraulic systems holding the floors in place. The oil leak reduced the hydraulic force causing a collapse of the 2 floors. Assuming whatever broke was a LRU the fix should be simple. After all, if they are going for failure tests they would have spares ready for the systems that are likely to fail. But if it isn't an LRU, we've got bigger problems. It will then take years to fix what was broken.

Its difficult to draw conclusions now. An investigation has been ordered. Let's hope for the best and see what comes of it.
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Isro readies its Swadeshi space shuttle

The onboard computer will help the RLV to glide for some distance before touching down like an aircraft, scientists at Isro told Deccan Chronicle.

The Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV), for the first time, will be tested on land — the 2.2 km runway at ATR to be precise — with its under carriage in position after a freefall from a helicopter flying at an altitude of three km.

Bengaluru: For a change, Indian space scientists will soon move from the east coast — Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), Sriharikota Range — to the mainland to track the flight and landing of swadeshi version of the space shuttle at the Aeronautical Test Range in the ‘Science City’ at Challakere in Chitradurga district.

The Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV), for the first time, will be tested on land — the 2.2 km runway at ATR to be precise — with its under carriage in position after a freefall from a helicopter flying at an altitude of three km. The onboard computer will help the RLV to glide for some distance before touching down like an aircraft, scientists at Isro told Deccan Chronicle.

While the RLV has been designed to test a wide spectrum of technologies considered critical for the human space flight programme (December 2021), it will also help Isro realise the concept of Two-stage-to-orbit (TSTO), the space agency’s novel attempt to reduce the cost of launch of satellites by a factor of ten.

Isro readies its Swadeshi space shuttle
ISRO's Space Shuttle-like Reusable Launch Vehicle will attempt its first landing in Karnataka

India's RLV includes a Space Shuttle-like craft that could feature an air-breathing scramjet engine.

RLV-TD at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh before its successful maiden test flight on May 24, 2016.

Tech2 News Staff, Oct 16, 2019 13:04:58 IST

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is finally following in the footsteps of NASA and SpaceX by developing a space program for Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLV) which it has been testing since 2016.

The RLV program aims to cut down on launch costs by, well, reusing the spacecraft. ISRO's current project appears to be using a hybrid design that sits somewhere between NASA's now-shuttered Space Shuttle program and SpaceX's reusable rockets.

India's RLV includes a Space Shuttle-like craft that could feature an air-breathing ramjet engine. This craft will take a payload to space and then glide back to Earth, landing like a normal aircraft, much like the Space Shuttle. The rocket that will take this shuttle to orbit will return to Earth much like Musk's Falcon 9 rockets. It will return under its own power and make a landing on a floating platform out at sea.

So far, the RLV shuttle has been tested over water. Now, it will be tested over land and make an attempt at an actual landing.


An artist illustration of the RLV-TD concept. Image: ISRO

The scientists at ISRO will be tracking the flight and landing of the RLV at the Aeronautical Test Range (ATR) at Challakere in Chitradurga district, Karnataka.

The ATR has 2.2 km runway and the RLV will be dropped from a helicopter at an altitude of three km. According to a report in the Deccan Chronicle, an onboard computer will help the RLV glide for some distance before touching down on the runway like an aircraft.

The launch vehicle is critical to unleashing ISRO’s dreams of human space flight, Gaganyaan. It will also help to further cut the cost of launches.

The first demonstration of the rocket's concept was tested on 23 May 2016, when ISRO carried out its 'Hypersonic Flight Experiment' of a two-stage-to-orbit (TSTO), fully-reusable rocket.


An illustration showing the different stages in the RLV technology demonstration, from launch to landing of both stages. Image: ISRO

Four aspects of the vehicle are to be tested:

  • Hypersonic flight, tested in the Hypersonic flight experiment (HEX)
  • autonomous landing, to be tested in the landing experiment (LEX)
  • powered cruise flight
  • Hypersonic flight with air-breathing propulsion, to be tested in the scramjet propulsion experiment (SPEX)
ISRO plans to recover and reuse two stages of the rocket.

To recover the first stage, ISRO will use a similar principle to SpaceX's Falcon 9 boosters, whereby the rocket is programmed to land on a pad in the sea after launch.

For the second stage of the rocket, ISRO plans to test an advanced version of the RLV, tested in 2016, in an advanced test in June or July 2019. The rocket will be controlled by ISRO engineers after launch to land on an airstrip, after which it will be used again for a second launch.

ISRO's Space Shuttle-like Reusable Launch Vehicle will attempt its first landing in Karnataka- Technology News, Firstpost
Hyperspectral payloads developed by ISRO

Airborne imaging spectrometer (AIMS) was the first spectrometer developed by SAC-ISRO in 1996. It had 143 bands covering the spectral range from 454 to 888nm with spectral resolution from 2.8 to 4.3nm with SNR of about 400. The instrument utilized commercial optics for the fore optics, collimating and focusing optics. The dispersion was obtained with a plane grating. This was used for aircraft flights intermittently from 1996 to 2013, when it was replaced by a newer instrument.
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The Airborne HyperSpectral Imager(AHySI) was developed by SAC-ISRO in 2007. It is based on the wedge filter and covers the spectral range from 465 to 995nm in 512 contiguous bands with spatial resolution of 15nm. The wedge filter is placed in close proximity to the detector.
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The Indian Mini Satellite(IMS-1), was the first of ISRO’s mini-satellites launched in 2008. The HySI wedge filter based instrument was first flown on this mission with a spectral resolution of 15nm over the spectral range 450–950nm. It was ISRO’s first experience with the design and development of a spaceborne HySI payload. The system performed to expectations and is still operational.
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The next wedge filter-based HySI instrument was designed to enable mineralogical mapping of the lunar crust in a large number of spectral channels. Along with HySI, ten other instruments were launched in Chandrayaan-1 in 2008. Design-wise it was similar to the spectrometer flown on-board IMS-1.
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After the success of HySI, an instrument for the study of airglow in the atmosphere was designed and developed. This instrument was flown onboard Youthsat in 2011 and was named Limb View HySI(LiVHySI). It was a wedge filter-based instrument operating from 450 to 950nm with a spatial resolution of 4km and a spectral resolution of 8nm. LiVHySI was an improved version of the HySI sent on the Chandrayan-1 mission.
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The Thermal Infrared imaging Spectrometer(TIS) onboard the Mars Orbiter Mission(MOM) is a grating-based spectrometer with a spectral coverage range of 7–13 micons with a spectral resolution of 58nm. The TIS instrument weighs 4kg and consists of a spectrometer that features a typical infrared grating spectrometer design. The infrared radiation is focused on an entrance slit by a fore optics lens assembly. The slit is placed at the focus of a collimator so that collimated radiation is incident on a diffraction grating that acts as the dispersive element. A focus lens assembly focuses the dispersed radiation onto a detector. TIS uses a 120X160 element bolometer array detector.
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Now for the latest and greatest. The CHANDRAYAAN-2 spectrometer for IR imaging :

Images at various stages but not of the finished product.:confused:

The diffraction lenses being fabricated :

End product of multi-blazed diffraction grating :

Lenses being tested :

The focal plane assembly being assembled for testing :

The focal plane assembly being tested :

Reflector :
Few snaps taken by Mars Colour Camera(MCC) on ISRO's Mars Orbiter Mission-1(MOM-1) on the 4th year of the mission. This is only a fraction of the whole data set released. But you need to have an account on the ISRO's website to access the whole data. I don't have an account, and making an account isn't easy.:(

MCC year 4