Yeah, that shirt looks fairly decent. Atleast it doesn't have the gold highlight lettering like the current ones which gives out a lot of signature and is absurdly outta place
Nsg dont wear black to blend in, they wear it to intimidate, hence the golden letters.
Hey guys I'm new here,

So as we all know our SF modernization is going kind of meh (slow)...i have just out of curiosity made this about making our PARA SF guys more modern and better equiped overall.

So here the list goes,


So now there are a few comapny who started taking inputs from SF Operators about making these Tactical Combat Shirts and Pants more user friendly and usable as we know from a previous thread here.

Everyone's Favourite Multicam:-


Mind you these are Crye G3 All Weather Combat overall ( the Gucciest Gucci stuff out there ), so don't think the GOI gonna buy them anyway...But there are many cheaper options built like these.


There are many local comapnies which make good quality plate-carriers (MKU, SMPP etc).

This one is a Crye Precission JPC (Jumpable Plate Carrier)





These are MKU HCBHs in Black.



As we all wishes to see our Operators with a modern AR-15 based rifle with all the necessary attachments , we also know that there's still some time for this becoming a reallity.

Something like this;


H&K isn't a possibilty though,

Still in couple of years we maybe getting those SCARs, which also can be a very good option though,

Or if any local manufacturer ( SSS ;)) starts developing an AR-15 based Rifle of their own,if i dare to say that...
Something like this Mk18 poissibly,



We already have combat proven Glock-17,19s and a plethora of various good sidearm in our arsenal so no need to bother here,


Everybody wants these Quad Tubes (BNVD-P) from Tonbo


If they aren't possible, or let's say they are too expensive for the MOD then atleast those Dual tube NODs from Tonbo or any other manufacturer



A good three mag pouch with retention system so mag don't fall off.


A duty belt with Sidearm Holster, Pistol & Primary Weapon mag holder with retention system and IFAK.


And various other Carrier set-up items like Hand Grenade Pouch, Radio Pouch, Other accessories Pouch, Rucksack as well.


Either the not so expensive $700 Peltor Comtac III Tactical Communicatin Headset


Or the $1500 king of Tactical Headsets "THE OPS CORE AMP"


These Headsets require a Push-To-talk device in order to connect with the radio,

Somethinng like this,



As the DRDO recently made those SDRs successfully,in a few months they will start to come into the individual operators hand. They will/must have the support to attach Ear Pro to them with a Push-To-Talk system as well (let's hope so)

In picture the Harris L3Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-152A Wideband Networking Handheld Radio



Tactical Gloves with knuckle protection & safety from fire as well.


Jeez...That was fun.

As we all wishes to see our Operators with a modern AR-15 based rifle with all the necessary attachments , we also know that there's still some time for this becoming a reallity.

Something like this;


H&K isn't a possibilty though,

Still in couple of years we maybe getting those SCARs, which also can be a very good option though,

Or if any local manufacturer ( SSS ;)) starts developing an AR-15 based Rifle of their own,if i dare to say that...
Something like this Mk18 poissibly,

SSS announced their P72 series which includes assault rifle and carbine. They also stated on twitter that their entire product range will be in testing with IA soon. Their snipers are currently being tested by NSG and Paramilitary forces (maybe CRPF)



Everybody wants these Quad Tubes (BNVD-P) from Tonbo

An EOTech Quad Tube NVG costs $40-50k based on the model which is just way too expensive. I'm unsure of Tonbo's cost but if it's around $20k, maybe you can equip the alpha units of Para SF similar to how the best of NSG get selected to their "Phantom Group". Dual Tubes should suffice IMO

EOTech Ground Panoramic Night Vision Goggle GPG-000-A32 w/ Free S&H
I know this is kinda random but whatever happened to AFSOD. Last I heard they were stationed in Kashmir in november... Any updates?
715 LMG, 1050 battle rifles 1700 ARs. Probably for AFSOD because the numbers are too few for Para SF...
The report said Indian Army so it might be for Para since Para SF Operatives don't just use Tavors but also M4's & AK's. So these might be procured for Crème de la crème like Para 4 or Para 9 (Similar to NSG's Phantom Group) but it also makes sense they're for AFSOD
FN-FNC (the original INSAS)

Swedish version (AK5c)

SS-Pindad( The Indonesian copy)

The Indian plastic surgery (gone horribly wrong)

Can you imagine how much difficulty
we had faced to make it this ugly?
Looking at all these variants, it was almost impossible to compe with this level of ugliness.
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I've never seen that camo on Indian SF s before. Looks like desert Marpat. Pic from Vajra Prahar 2019... Green Berets and 45 PARA SF guys took part. Don't know which Bn though... Care to comment...
@Milspec @Parthu @Gautam @zapper
3 Para SF in Desert Marpat during Vajra Prahar 2018. I've seen a few SF units in the valley sporting the same camo. It doesn't look like a standard issue...maybe Para SF is trying new camos to standardize since soldiers from the same unit were seen with different camos and gear while camos of NSG, Marcos and Garuds are uniform





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Para SF and NSG are testing both 7.62x51 Viper and .338 Saber sniper rifles of SSS Defence.
Our SF's should implement such training models

It's so embarrassing to see a terrorist group having better standardisation than the largest army in the world. Even their aks and pkm's are all decked out. With sights and fore grips. Plus the training style is on par with all the tacticool stuff done by westerns sf's. They all seem Russian trained with the way they are acting though...