Well, yes, and no.
Why do want to shift effusions of great quantities of water vapour from one thread to another? Is this a forum or a heat exchanger?
First - your comments project immense amount of "fact, proof, rationality and common sense" based thinking. You reject anything which does not comply with your "systems thinking built over fundamentals of above". I really like it and appreciate it and somehow think that you are an ardent student of "Edward de Bono" - bonobashi

Now a Question to you - Assume Christianity and Islam would have never happened in the world, and no other culture would have invaded India - like the Huns, Alexander, etc. Also I am assuming that you consider Chanakya, Maurya, and Buddha to be part of Indian history. However I consider it to extend further beyond to Krishna's period, Ram's period and the pure meditative Sages. Ignoring what my understanding of history is, but simply based on your understanding of India's history, how would you comprehend the adherence Indian people from vast times of past, the discourse of immense knowledge in mathematics, geometry, accuracy of vedic astronomical measurements, Zero and decimal system, Ayurveda, architecture, metallurgy - the Iron pillar of Delhi, the Vedas, Uppanishads, discovery of submerged city of Dwarka thru marine archeology, discovery of Saraswati, Rama Setu, and several other Shashtras, Sutras, Puranas, Vedangas, Itihas, Cosmology confirmed by modern scientific findings, the concept of Yugas, the age of Universe, and the whole system of ancient Indian knowledge.
Do you think this whole ocean of Indian Smriti and Shruti as documented from ages is simply a consolidation of several fiction writers through ages as Churchill thought or like that British guy McCauly in 1835 demeaned; and that the Indian people have been living in some fictitious make believe world of their own which has absolutely no relation to the grand reality?
Would love to hear your thoughts on this.