The HAL chairman said the cost for each fighter version of the aircraft will be Rs 309 crore ($42 Million) and Rs 280 crore for the trainer ($38 Million).
Why is the trainer cheaper?
The HAL chairman said the cost for each fighter version of the aircraft will be Rs 309 crore ($42 Million) and Rs 280 crore for the trainer ($38 Million).
Why is the trainer cheaper?
Wut ? Single-seat got different avionics?'Cause it's got 4th gen avionics.
Why is the trainer cheaper?
Bcoz trainer in Mk1 form not Mk1A?
Read 10 Mk1 trainer + 73 Mk1A fighter is the order placed.
We will have Total.18 FOC Trainers
Out of 123 , 18 will be trainers
MiG 21 is used for training right now
That is After Hawks , the first supersonic trainer is MIG 21
That role will be shifted to MK 1
IAF, HAL end impasse over Tejas trainers
Onmanorama can confirm now that IAF will have to probably wait till 2021 to get the Tejas trainer of their 'liking.'
Wut ? Single-seat got different avionics?
HAL should consider mfging MK1 trainers before starting MK1A. There seems to be a gap between FOC and MK1A delivery.
I read somewhere that facility that biult Hawk will be used to make 4 tejas per annum.
In fact I was thinking 8 + 4 previously
And another 8 in new facility.
Now it seems like only 8+8
Plan is to start third one too from 2022
Plan is to start third one too from 2022
Just read headlines on news app but not the details. I think it’s a day or two old newsNasik plant conversion?
4 or 5 per annum + additional capacity for exports?