If we are fighting a nuclear war then no point in mentioning conversational capabilities.
Nukes are always the last resort, for anyone who possess them. Question should be whether Pak Generals have the guts order a nuke strike in case of the aforementioned situation involving India in a declared offensive against Pak. Will they? Or will they only try to save Pakjab?
After a nuclear strike on India,
there'd be no Pakistan to watch the events following it.
Asam, Kashmir, Tamil Nadu, Khalistan
Assam has Arnab Goswami, TN has Thalaivar, Kashmir is a UT , Khalistan has no takers this side of the Radcliffe(unless you are eager to resurrect Sikh Empire in West Punjab aka Pakjab).
all the dozen freedom movements In India will divide India

Sir, fighting in front of water pumps and ration depots isn't called 'Freedom Movements' anywhere in this godforsaken world.
and India in its current form will cease to exist.
Bro you forgot 'Inshallah'.
Same for Pakistan. The country will not remain in its current form.
Am certain, it'd be ten times worser than the last 'hit-wicket' of your state.
If we are fighting a conventional war, then I can write a few things.
Sure, sir. feel free to give your opine.