Line of Actual Control (LAC) : India & Tibet Border Updates

Indo-Pacific encouraged by India standing up to China: US NSC official
India showed “will and capability to stand up to China” in the recent border conflict, said Lisa Curtis, senior director for South and Central Asia, US National Security Council. The rest of the Indo-Pacific countries are “watching this carefully” and have been “encouraged by India’s resolve.”

Curtis said this during a Brookings Institution webinar on Wednesday assessing China’s growing regional influence. India, she noted, had “played the economic card” by banning Chinese apps and putting a hold on Chinese investments.

“Thankfully,” she said, we are “beginning to see disengagement of forces” and “hoped it continues.” But the “pressure that China put on India on the Line of Actual Control” will have a long-term impact on how India views China and will “change the dynamics between the two.” An experienced South Asia hand who has served the US government in both India and Pakistan, Curtis said, “Few countries are more familiar with China’s malign influence than India.”

China’s “recent aggressive stance [in Ladakh] fits with the larger pattern of Chinese aggressiveness in other parts of the world.” Strengthening the US-India defence and security relationship has been a major element of Washington’s response and seeks to make India a “net security provider.” The relationship is more than just defence, she said, and cited the highlights of US President Donald Trump’s state visit to India in areas like economics and the present scientific collaboration in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic.

Twenty-five years ago China did not take India seriously, she said. India was seen as “inward-looking and lagging in its economic indicators.” Fifteen years ago, as India’s growth and military capabilities began taking off, there was a line of thinking that India and China would work together and “usher in a new Asian century.” From about 2010 or so differences over the long standing border dispute reemerged and each side became “uncomfortable” with the rise of the other. China’s influence in India’s neighbourhood, such as in Sri Lanka and Nepal, moved from economic to “more and more interference in domestic politics.”

Curtis said China’s influence in South Asia had grown significantly over the past 20 years. And Beijing’s actions were causing blowback. The Maldivian people had “pushed back” attempts by former president, Mohammed Yameen, to make his country dependent on Chinese debt by voting him out of office. Yameen had “awarded construction contracts to Chinese companies at inflated prices and without transparent bidding, leaving the Maldivian people with enormous debt.”

While the US had provided counterterrorism help to Sri Lanka after the 2019 Easter terrorist bombings, Beijing had “tried to obstruct Sri Lanka’s investigations and spread disinformation about US assistance.” Bangladesh was “carefully balancing” between China and the rest, but praised their acceptance of one million Rohingya refugees.

Nepal and Bhutan were examples of China disregarding the sovereignty of its neighbours. Chinese official media in May had claiming the the entirety of Mount Everest for China and, more recently, Beijing claiming a natural park in eastern Bhutan.

After discussing US attempts to roll back Chinese influence in Central Asia, Curtis mentioned Pakistan at the end of her written comments. “Nowhere in South and Central Asia has Chinese influence been more invasive than in Pakistan.” The $ 60 billion China Pakistan Economic Corridor was neither aid nor an equity investment of the kind that had propelled China’s own growth. CPEC is being financed through sovereign debt which means the “risks are borne by the Pakistani people and the benefits accrue to China.” However, she cited Beijing and Washington’s common support for an end to violence in Afghanistan as evidence the two countries could work together and stressed the US had “deep and abiding respect for the Chinese people.”

India had been a sceptic of China’s Belt Road Initiative “from the beginning” and proven “very prescient” and its scepticism “was bearing out.” Countries in the region recovering from the pandemic should turn to international financial institutions to help their recovery or new US agencies like the Development Finance Corporation.

It was “disappointing” that Muslim majority countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh were not speaking out about China’s mass imprisonment of its Muslim Uighur and Kazakh minorities. The goal of US engagement in South and Central Asia, she said, was to allow them to “maintain their sovereignty and be able to make choices” in economic and other spheres.

Early in his presidency, she said, Trump had asked the NSC staff to reevaluate the assumptions behind the US’s China policy. She said, one assumption that was discarded was that greater engagement with China would lead to greater liberalisation. It was also concluded that China was exporting its coercive model to other parts of the world. The US reappraised its policy towards China and decided a “more competitive” relationship would test the resilience of US allies and partners and help resist Chinese actions that undermined US interests. “The US is more willing to risk in its relations with China,” Curtis said.
War or no War but current Govt and machineries sitting in New Delhi has already given a strong message to 'Winnie The Pooh'. App Ban/Digital Strike(Prompted restructuring some of the popular app),Strict Scrutiny of import even wrote down 59 Pharma APIname, given Production/Export Link incentives ,Strong statement on South China Sea and kept on the pressure, ban list added day by day. No doubt our economy will suffer for 2 years for avoiding cheap import .And Measured response no loose talking in media .Kudos to GoI. Hope strongman gets one more term.
This is the right time to reduce our dependence on China, for finished manufactured goods and intermediaries. The reduced demand due to covid menace, and Chinese aggression along the LAC will help mitigate any resistance. China does not depend on India for anything of significance. But, India's dependence on China makes it certain that a significant number of Indian industries will be adversely impacted in case of a Indo China war.
This is a great opportunity to cut back on what was done by UPA after congress signed that MOU with CCP. Let us get back all our jobs which were lost due to the reduction in tariff with China.

War or no War but current Govt and machineries sitting in New Delhi has already given a strong message to 'Winnie The Pooh'. App Ban/Digital Strike(Prompted restructuring some of the popular app),Strict Scrutiny of import even wrote down 59 Pharma APIname, given Production/Export Link incentives ,Strong statement on South China Sea and kept on the pressure, ban list added day by day. No doubt our economy will suffer for 2 years for avoiding cheap import .And Measured response no loose talking in media .Kudos to GoI. Hope strongman gets one more term.
Modi has not backed down even an inch. he is hurting China where it hurts them the most and that has emboldened other countries in Indo-Pacific to retaliate against China. All this while he has been preparing for a military option to evict China from Aksai Hind. The normal chatter I am hearing in power corridors is that this kind of of an opportunity to retake Aksai Hind was not even thought of by anyone in India. Chinese have given us this opportunity and we will make maximum of it.

Whaich area are you refering to as in central sector?
Central sector on LAC has always meant HP/UK part of LAC.
This is a great opportunity to cut back on what was done by UPA after congress signed that MOU with CCP. Let us get back all our jobs which were lost due to the reduction in tariff with China.

Modi has not backed down even an inch. he is hurting China where it hurts them the most and that has emboldened other countries in Indo-Pacific to retaliate against China. All this while he has been preparing for a military option to evict China from Aksai Hind. The normal chatter I am hearing in power corridors is that this kind of of an opportunity to retake Aksai Hind was not even thought of by anyone in India. Chinese have given us this opportunity and we will make maximum of it.

Central sector on LAC has always meant HP/UK part of LAC.

Sir , the Best Scenario for us , through which we can Minimise our Casualties and Losses is to Involve USAF in Bombing the Chinese positions

Because then Pakistan will definitely get drawn into.the conflict and we can have a Go at them.also
Sir , the Best Scenario for us , through which we can Minimise our Casualties and Losses is to Involve USAF in Bombing the Chinese positions

Because then Pakistan will definitely get drawn into.the conflict and we can have a Go at them.also
Let me tell you what I think will happen. We will have to fight China and the battle will be confined to Laddakh. Chinese will not open a front elsewhere on LAC as they do not have forces available. The Central LAC is nearly 17k feet ground. Our Garwaalis and Kumaunis have been living there for ages. The likely involvment of US forces will keep PLA under check and not use Nuke options even if we go for whole of Tibet. I had written earlier that I expect complete capitulation of PLA within 48-72 hours under our fierce attack. While we will be able to bring in reinforcements at will, PLA will not have that option once IAF goes into action with our SFs.
India will never allow any foreign forces to fight its battles. It will be India-China battle alone. We do not need USA to tackle China in conventional battle.
osses is to Involve USAF in Bombing the Chinese positions
US will not get involved in any way.
Chinese will not open a front elsewhere on LAC as they do not have forces available.
Other than Indian border chinese do not have a major threat on land any where else. If not for logistics they can concentrate most of their forces on Indian border. We would simply be repeating the blunder that pakistan did in 1965.
US will not get involved in any way.

If USA is serious about containing China
Then this is the Best opportunity

This is a test case for USA also

And I dont think Indian Armed forces
Have any Doubt about the Two Front Thing becoming a Reality

I heard an interview of LT GEN Hooda (retd ) on India Today

He said that
Pakistan Army would be UNPROFESSIONAL not to exploit this opportunity

So let us face Reality with Eyes Wide Open
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If USA is serious about containing China
Then this is the Best opportunity

This is a test case for USA also

And I dont think Indian Armed forces
Have any Doubt about the Two Front Thing becoming a Reality

I heard an interview of LT GEN Hooda (retd ) on India Today

He said that
Pakistan Army would be UNPROFESSIONAL not to exploit this opportunity

So let us face Reality with Eyes Wide Open
Never underestimate the cowardice of the green salwars. Its one thing to brainwash illiterate youth to infiltrate as terrorists, and completely another to have the bal..s to use their army upfront against India.
Even in kargil they didn't accept that their army was involved and fired from the shoulders of 'militants'.
1971 has put the fear in them. Cant face us openly.
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Sometimes i feel their are too many retards in the government. Letting the Chinese build a communication system in jk , even if the present clash had not occurred, is stupidity of the highest order.
Given that tensions along the LAC will be more or less a permanent feature in the we need 3 Pakistan focussed strike corps? Are there any plans to make any of them China focussed Mountain strike corps.. or multiple mountain warfare IBGs ?

What shall we do with all the power with impotent leadership. That should be the first question to be asked.
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Restoration of status quo ante is not on the cards as of now ..

This line pretty much sums up everything. :cautious:

So is IA going for full Aksai hind or have they given it up completely?
So is IA going for full Aksai hind or have they given it up completely?

IA is just adding up numbers and shifting weight awkwardly from one foot to the other while it awaits orders from Delhi.

Chinese are done for this round. They will wait for the eventual stand down. Then sneak in some other place and take some more land. Our nationalist government will be hoping the temple distracts enough people.
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IA is just adding up numbers and shifting weight awkwardly from one foot to the other while it awaits orders from Delhi.

Chinese are done for this round. They will wait for the eventual stand down. Then sneak in some other place and take some more land. Our nationalist government will be hoping the temple distracts enough people.

What is the Harm in Waiting for One year

The MOST important variable is the
US election

As per Twitter , we have sought and Received some assurances for a Two Front war

However if Trump loses then we will be
  • Haha
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