There are things we can control & there are things outside our control. Let's examine what we can control & what are we doing about it
A 297 million $ facility coming up on 12 acres of land in Hyderabad to function as a consulate.
And what are they upto? This
I once read a tweet from a Parsi settled abroad who takes a keen interest in linguistics, history & current affairs apart from other subjects who tweeted that a friend of his had it from an employee of this same consulate that this establishment was to monitor missionary activities in the South, Odisha & CG apart from human rights & the other usual stuff the Americans are infamous for.
Now, if this much is known by an ordinary man, I don't think the concerned authorities are sleeping on it . Yet what action have we seen? I ask this in the light of how the US actively subverted civil society thru such shenanigans in the Ukraine. The results are before our own eyes.
The very same Victoria Nuland who was caught on camera disclosing US plans about Ukraine in 2014 was in Delhi last yr , who post her official engagements hosted the likes of Karuna Nundy - as woke as they come , for lunch .
The US has been requesting India as well as a host of other nations for more access to regional governments as part of what they term sub regional diplomacy. By the looks of the size of the Hyderabad consulate, they don't need sucb formal permissions. Our own won't bat an eyelid before they kowtow to the local viceroy.
IG threw out Ford Foundation at the height of her confrontation with Nixon. Our bania duo prepared a strong case against the foundation during the FCRA crackdown in Modi's 1st term but backed down from doing the inevitable.
He still thinks by doing all this, he's going to be on their good side & wears all these decorations as Presidency of G-20, SCO etc with great pride & advertises them with greater pride. What tangible benefits they actually bring us is something perhaps only he can answer. Meanwhile I think most of the world have figured him out & humor him by letting him preside over such events while pursuing their own nefarious agendas .

Asia’s largest US Consulate to open in Hyderabad in Jan ’23
HYDERABAD: Asia’s largest US Consulate is likely to be opened in Hyderabad in January 2023. Being set up with an investment of $ 297 million, the new US Consula
A 297 million $ facility coming up on 12 acres of land in Hyderabad to function as a consulate.
And what are they upto? This

I once read a tweet from a Parsi settled abroad who takes a keen interest in linguistics, history & current affairs apart from other subjects who tweeted that a friend of his had it from an employee of this same consulate that this establishment was to monitor missionary activities in the South, Odisha & CG apart from human rights & the other usual stuff the Americans are infamous for.
Now, if this much is known by an ordinary man, I don't think the concerned authorities are sleeping on it . Yet what action have we seen? I ask this in the light of how the US actively subverted civil society thru such shenanigans in the Ukraine. The results are before our own eyes.
The very same Victoria Nuland who was caught on camera disclosing US plans about Ukraine in 2014 was in Delhi last yr , who post her official engagements hosted the likes of Karuna Nundy - as woke as they come , for lunch .
The US has been requesting India as well as a host of other nations for more access to regional governments as part of what they term sub regional diplomacy. By the looks of the size of the Hyderabad consulate, they don't need sucb formal permissions. Our own won't bat an eyelid before they kowtow to the local viceroy.
IG threw out Ford Foundation at the height of her confrontation with Nixon. Our bania duo prepared a strong case against the foundation during the FCRA crackdown in Modi's 1st term but backed down from doing the inevitable.
He still thinks by doing all this, he's going to be on their good side & wears all these decorations as Presidency of G-20, SCO etc with great pride & advertises them with greater pride. What tangible benefits they actually bring us is something perhaps only he can answer. Meanwhile I think most of the world have figured him out & humor him by letting him preside over such events while pursuing their own nefarious agendas .