Missile Test Watch

India tastes only partial success in Ramjet test

India tastes only partial success in Ramjet test


NEW DELHI: A landmark missile test — acclaimed as a unique achievement placing India in a select set of nations with Solid Fuel Ducted Ramjet — did not fully demonstrate the technology it claimed before the weapon tumbled and crashed after firing, telemetry studies undertaken after the launch have shown.
That itself was a partial test. It was the first test and only booster was tested. Rest of the missile was just a dummy. How is it partial success?

India tastes only partial success in Ramjet test

India tastes only partial success in Ramjet test


NEW DELHI: A landmark missile test — acclaimed as a unique achievement placing India in a select set of nations with Solid Fuel Ducted Ramjet — did not fully demonstrate the technology it claimed before the weapon tumbled and crashed after firing, telemetry studies undertaken after the launch have shown.
India tastes only partial success in Ramjet test

India tastes only partial success in Ramjet test


NEW DELHI: A landmark missile test — acclaimed as a unique achievement placing India in a select set of nations with Solid Fuel Ducted Ramjet — did not fully demonstrate the technology it claimed before the weapon tumbled and crashed after firing, telemetry studies undertaken after the launch have shown.

The news article is from June 02 and has been found to be false reporting .