In fact ma computation is without Lift and Drag, if we want something better we have to make a simulation:
Carrier & Aircraft Settings
Ramp Angle: 14.3°
Total Takeoff Strip (m): 125m
Ramp Length (m): 45
Wind Over Deck (knots): 26 kt
Takeoff Weight: 48501 lb
Thurst: 38720 lb
Optimal Speed (knots): 147
Optimal AoA: 16°
Lift To Drag Ratio: 3.4 based on single engine (to simulate the failure of one engine)
Maximal Pitch Rate (deg/s): 12
AoA Limit: 29°
So even with a 125m Total Takeoff Strip only, the take off at 22 t, fulfill the two conditions Zero Minimal Climb and Zero Altitude Loss even with one engine Failure.