India contests water crisis with 75 Amrit Sarovar in each district
Water is the everyday lifeline for people across the globe. Around two-third of the Earth is covered with water, but only 2-3% of available water is usable. Some regions across the globe have sufficient clean water but certain other regions face a crisis.Realizing the necessity of conserving water in India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Mission Amrit Sarovar on 24th April 2022. Construction of more than 25,000 Amrit Sarovars have been completed within 6 months of the mission’s launch. A target has been set to build 50,000 Amrit Sarovars by 15th August 2023. As on 17th November 2022, about 90,531 sites have been identified for the construction of Amrit Sarovars, out of which work has started on 52,245 sites.
A ‘Whole of Government’ approach:
With individual efforts, collaborative efforts are also needed. Shortage of water can impact people in various ways. Keeping the multi-dimension aspect of solving the issue, the government has adopted a ‘Whole of Government’ approach.
In this approach, the mission is achieved with the collaboration of various ministries. The Ministry of Rural Development along with the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Ministry of Panchayati Raj and Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, is working together with the technical collaboration of Bhaskaracharya National Institute of Space Applications and Geo-Informatics (BISAG-N).
BISAG-N has provided technologies like remote sensing and geospatial, which have helped ministries to identify sites accurately. Further, the soil and silt excavated from the sites are being used in other infrastructure projects in the district.
Public Participation at the heart of the mission:
The mission is designed in such a way that participation of people can be ensured. The mission calls for ‘Jan Bhagidari’, involving people at all levels from site identification to the final celebration.
In every district, the foundation stone of Amrit Sarovar was laid by freedom fighters and their families or families of martyrs or Padma awardees or the oldest person of the gram panchayat. Commemorative plantation of trees such as neem, peepal, banyan etc. was also carried out through public participation. The Independence Day celebration on 15th August was organised at the Amrit Sarovar sites in the presence of villagers and public representatives.
Boost to Rural Economy:
Construction of ponds will also strengthen the rural economy. The Amrit Sarovars can be seen as a multi-purpose site. The Sarovars can enable fish farming, cultivation of Fox Nut and can also facilitate higher production of food grains with adequate irrigation system.
An Amrit Sarovar portal has also been created to capture all the activities taking place in the mission :