PDC is expected to be completed by July 2023. Then may be we can see some movement on LRLACM.
There are three versions:
1. Nirbhay-OG: Uses Russian engine. News is that it is in service with IA in limited numbers.
2. ITCM-TD: As name suggests it is a Technology Demonstrator with higher indeginous content and desi STFE.
3. LRLACM: The new kid on the block. 1500+ km range missile being developed for IN and IAF.
It is interesting to note that LRLACM is not being developed for IA. May be the Rocket Force will come into effect and remove the service's control.
Tbh the army service does not need that much ranged option for any use, its beyond their theater of action. Anything over 500km is arguably so & falls under IAF theater imo. From the few docs posted before, it does seem STFE development itself has scope for extended range missiles in Mk2, which is possibly this 1500km version that we talk about. Otherwise any cruise missile normally upto 800km used to be enough for us.
Btw per the poster, the missile is 1450kg overall weight & 1000kg cruise phase weight. What would be the warhead size considering it must have used a ballast? Needs to be Pralay sized very large warhead for enough damage given low kinetic energy impact (just about supersonic).