Norwegian Naval Strike Missile officially selected to arm US Navy ships.

...major NATO partners like Australia and East Norway.

You can't fix crazy my friend:LOL:. Of course a loony like me with mistakenly write "Sweden" as if it was real country and not a rogue Norwegian territory like it really is:giggle:.

Lol. Really? It's like you don't like them.

Of course I like them, it's why I poke so much fun at them. How many times have you seen me write that I think we should be cooperating with the Nordic Bloc and less with the rest of the world?

Now Denmark on the other hand:whistle:...
You can't fix crazy my friend:LOL:. Of course a loony like me with mistakenly write "Sweden" as if it was real country and not a rogue Norwegian territory like it really is:giggle:.

Of course I like them, it's why I poke so much fun at them. How many times have you seen me write that I think we should be cooperating with the Nordic Bloc and less with the rest of the world?

Now Denmark on the other hand:whistle:...

Norway should go whole hog into weapons development like Sweden did if major cooperation among the Nordic Bloc is to become a reality. Sweden is not capable of going it alone. JVs are the way.

And you have to be careful with the semantics, the Swedes will start calling Norway as Western Sweden if you don't try and keep up. :p
US Army trials during RIMPAC 2018. The NSM missiles used during the tests had reduced warheads to maximize the number of shots allied nations could take against the target ship.



Yours truly was in Hawaii for the test:giggle:.
Did you dive there?

I would have liked to, but I was mostly there on business, not holiday. I didn't really have time to be at rest - wake up, drive on base, test, evaluate and advise, dinner and back to the hotel to repeat the same again the following day - just no time for me to be on the water for fun. When I was near water the waters were closed off test ranges where recreational activities are banned or restricted.

I spent most of my time on military installations ( this being Pyramid Rock Beach, near a USMC Garrison) where non-military traffic was restricted to contractors and support personnel only. No civilian activities of any kind were allowed while RIMPAC was ongoing.



And honestly, I'm not sure if I'll ever get back to Hawaii. It's very pretty, highly recommended, but in the middle of June is just too damn hot and humid.
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Naval Strike Missile. Coming soon to a theater near you.

The US Navy’s new ship-killer missile slated to make its fleet debut much sooner than expected


The U.S. Navy is pushing to deploy itsnew over-the-horizon anti-ship missile by late next year, months ahead of its original target date, according to industry executives familiar with the initiative.


The service selected Kongsberg and Raytheon’s Naval Strike Missile as its first new anti-ship missile in decades earlier this year for it littoral combat ship over-the-horizon missile, giving the LCS much-needed teeth as it operates inside Russian and Chinese anti-access envelopes. With the first major deployments of the ships in years planned for 2019, the surface Navy is in a full-court press to accelerate and integrate the new missile on the ship, months ahead of its original target date.


“In that initial over-the-horizon award for LCS, the installation timeline was on a two-year delivery cycle,” said Octavio Babuca, who works on business development for NSM, during an interview at the Euronaval naval trade show in Paris. “But we are now working with the Navy to support an accelerated timeline to the deploying to littoral combat ships. That is mid-to-late 2019 time window.”


The Navy exercised a contract option on the missile that supported the accelerated integration and deployment of the missile, Babuca said.


Joe DePietro, Lockheed Martin’s vice president for small combatants and ship systems, said his company was working toward integrating the Naval Strike Missile into LCS-7, the Detroit.

US Army shore launcher.

"We are working right now to put the Naval Strike Missile on LCS-7, he said, “in support of an upcoming deployment. That’s going to be a fleet decision but we are doing all the design work now to put the missile on the ship.”


The NSM is slated for the LCS but also will be integrated into the Navy’s future frigate, the FFG(X).

Well well, what do we have here:unsure:?



According to USNI, all LCS ships will be fitted with NSM within the next few years during their annual maintenance.
Oh look, the USMC wants in on the party:giggle:!


The U.S. Marine Corps could soon get the Navy’s new Naval Strike Missile for use as a shore battery, according to the Navy’s acquisitions chief.

“Just yesterday [Jan. 14] we had the team in that has the Naval Strike Missile on LCS working hand-in-hand with the Marine Corps. The Marine Corps does ground launchers, we do command and control," Assistant Secretary of the Navy James “Hondo” Geurts told reporters after his Jan. 15 speech at the annual Surface Navy symposium. “We’ll make that immediately available to the Marine Corps.”

Geurts said the effort on Naval Strike Missile, a Kongsberg/Raytheon product, was emblematic of a more coherent approach where instead of a dedicated Marine Corps effort to examine, test and field a system, the services were leveraging each other to get capabilities out faster.

The missile was recently deployed to the Pacific on the littoral combat ship Gabrielle Giffords, and the weapon is capable of flying more than 100 miles. It can passively detect enemy ships with imagery in its brain and is so precise that it can target individual parts of a ship, like the engine room or bridge.

US Marine Corps could soon take out enemy ships with Navy missiles


Of course the USMC is more interested in shore batteries, given its ships actually belong to the USN.

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Oh look, a logistic ship:cautious:.


Carrying fuel... boring:sleep:.


Well I guess it's a job that someone needs to do:confused:.


What a minute. Huh?!? What's this:eek:?!

Hell yeah!! That's what I'm talking about:love:!!!

Look at that gorgeous piece of Norwegian designed death:love::love:!!

Yup... :cry:

Anyway... these are Polish NSM coastal launchers. Compact and highly mobile, four missiles per launcher. Deadly as f***. The USMC probably wont use the same chassis though. The US Army trial the NSM on its Palletized Load System truck;

But the USMC will likely use the same chassis as its HIMARS rockets. I saw one of these at RIMPAC annihilate a ship, so the US is developing AsBMs and rockets pretty steadily. The chassis of HIMARS is a standard M1140 truck.
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Anyway... these are Polish NSM coastal launchers. Compact and highly mobile, four missiles per launcher. Deadly as f***. The USMC probably wont use the same chassis though. The US Army trial the NSM on its Palletized Load System truck;

Will soon join the Indian Navy in a helicopter launched version with the MH-60R....hopefully.
We are only ordering training rounds.

Kongsberg NSM to equip Indian MH-60R helicopters | Jane's 360
The Indian Navy appears poised to become the first customer for the Kongsberg Naval Strike Missile (NSM) in a helicopter-launched application.

According to US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) documentation, the missile will be integrated into Lockheed Martin/Sikorsky MH-60R multimission helicopters that India is looking to acquire under a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) case.

NSM was originally developed by Kongsberg to meet the Royal Norwegian Navy's requirements for a highly discriminative, low-observable surface-to-surface guided weapon able to penetrate shipboard defences and operate effectively in blue water and littoral environments. Capable of ranges up to 200 km, it combines GPS-aided midcourse guidance with an advanced dual-band imaging infrared seeker.
Kongsberg NSM to equip Indian MH-60R helicopters | Jane's 360
The Indian Navy appears poised to become the first customer for the Kongsberg Naval Strike Missile (NSM) in a helicopter-launched application.

According to US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) documentation, the missile will be integrated into Lockheed Martin/Sikorsky MH-60R multimission helicopters that India is looking to acquire under a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) case.

NSM was originally developed by Kongsberg to meet the Royal Norwegian Navy's requirements for a highly discriminative, low-observable surface-to-surface guided weapon able to penetrate shipboard defences and operate effectively in blue water and littoral environments. Capable of ranges up to 200 km, it combines GPS-aided midcourse guidance with an advanced dual-band imaging infrared seeker.
Go to the source of the article :)

The Government of India has requested to buy twenty-four (24) MH-60R Multi-Mission helicopters, equipped with the following: thirty (30) APS-153(V) Multi-Mode radars (24 installed, 6 spares); sixty (60) T700-GE-401C engines (48 installed and 12 spares); twenty-four (24) Airborne Low Frequency System (ALFS) (20 installed, 4 spares); thirty (30) AN/AAS-44C(V) Multi-Spectral Targeting System (24 installed, 6 spares); fifty-four (54) Embedded Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation Systems (EGI) with Selective Availability/Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) (48 installed, 6 spares); one thousand (1,000) AN/SSQ-36/53/62 sonobuoys; ten (10) AGM-114 Hellfire missiles; five (5) AGM-114 M36-E9 Captive Air Training Missiles (CATM); four (4) AGM-114Q Hellfire Training missiles; thirty-eight (38) Advanced Precision Kill Weapons System (APKWS) rockets; thirty (30) MK 54 torpedoes; twelve (12) M-240D Crew Served guns; twelve (12) GAU-21 Crew Served guns; two (2) Naval Strike Missile Emulators; four (4) Naval Strike Missile Captive Inert Training missiles; one (1) MH-60B/R Excess Defense Article (EDA) USN legacy aircraft. Also included are seventy (70) AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Devices; fifty-four (54) AN/ARC-210 RT-1990A(C) radios with COMSEC (48 installed, 6 spares); thirty (30) AN/ARC-220 High Frequency radios (24 installed, 6 spares); thirty (30) AN/APX-123 Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transponders (24 installed, 6 spares); spare engine containers; facilities study, design, and construction; spare and repair parts; support and test equipment; communication equipment; ferry support; publications and technical documentation; personnel training and training equipment; U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistical and program support. The total estimated cost is $2.6 billion.
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