Off-Topic Chit-Chat

How many of you all think URI movie action scenes are over exaggerated than what might have really happened?

Tagging @RATHORE too. Did not comment earlier as had not seen, saw it two days back. Keeping in mind that it merely was meant as an entertainment and not meant to present facts, one can still smile at the points as under.


1. PM had to intervene to get the officer posted to Delhi. Army by itself is able to the same on compassionate grounds. There is no requirement of intervention by Political Class
2. The main protagonist has a tendency to take off his helmet in fire fight - no soldier would do that, ever.
3. The Air Force Flight Lieutenant was shown as more qualified than could be, will not specify the aberration for obvious reasons. Also, at one time she had an aviator's wings and the other - ATC insignia!
4. The Garud UAV was a joke! On inspection one can make out that the mechanical parts would make more noise than a HUMINT on ground.
5. The soldiers while ingressing into Chakothi through 'caves' move easily without looking for mines.
6. All have been shown to have their PNVGs (Binocular) on during the ingress, a sure way to 'kill' your night vision.
7. No casualty is declared even though one is shown being wounded in helicopter strike on team
8. Captain is shown as driving a Major everywhere. Officers in Indian Army are not authorized to drive a Military Vehicle without a valid military license. Dedicated drivers undertake the task, who are certified and regularly undergo tests.
9. 'Cover' for Major at his residence, shown as Yami Gautam, is usually provided by forces themselves with 'discrete' cover by the IB in case required (to keep an eye).
10. House shown in movie - neither does Army provide that kind of furniture nor does it have those kinds of doors ;)
11. Chief is shown being briefed by Yami Gautam .. a big LOL
12. Chief is also shown discussing the maps and operational plans.
13. Communication is being shown over mobiles. Pretty stupid when there are also land lines available, and communication between NSA and PM would be on line with scramblers on.

Just off the top of my head.

But nevertheless, a very nicely made movie and the target areas were well documented too.
@Shajida Khan

Mk Stalin made scathing remarks about Hindu marriage ritual .
One my friend asked me to find the meaning of above sloka .
I wanted to find out the real truth.
@Shajida Khan

Mk Stalin made scathing remarks about Hindu marriage ritual .
One my friend asked me to find the meaning of above sloka .
I wanted to find out the real truth.

Full text of "Rigveda Mandala 10 Kashyap R. L."

Search for 10.85.40, these verses are on Soma (The Moon) as the first care taker, Gandharva the second, Agni the third and Man the fourth master of a girl. Its titled Sūrya's Bridal

Who is the daughter of Surya mentioned in Rig Veda 10.85?

That said, bear in mind, many of these are opinions.

I am trying to find a Devnagiri script of the above verse. Its much easier for me to work on a word by word break-up from that because Roman rendering hides a lot of finer details of Sanskrit. A simple Visarga can be very helpful in deciphering the meaning.

10.85.40: Soma took her up first of all (l), thereafter the
Gandharva guarded her (2), and your third protector was Agni (3),
and the son of man is your fourth (4). 40

[As a child, the girl is very happy, always playing and adored by alL
In that phase, she is under the influence of Soma. As she grows up,
she develops interest in music, dancing, fine arts etc., under the
control of Gandharva. After this period of adolescence, she
considers developing all the powers in her to become an ideal wife,
mother and member of society. Then she is under the influence of
Agni, the deity of will-power. Only after marriage, she comes under
the strong influence of the human husband.]

10.85.41: Soma gave her to the Gandharva (1), the Gandharva gave
her to Agni (2), And Agni has given her to me (4), granting me riches
and sons (3).
Here is the sanskrit in devnagri : Though it is somewhat broken..

सोमः परथमो विविदे गन्धर्वो विविद उत्तरः |
तर्तीयोग्निष टे पतिस्तुरीयस्ते मनुष्यजाः ||
सोमो ददद गन्धर्वाय गन्धर्वो दददग्नये |
रयिं चपुत्रांश्चादादग्निर्मह्यमथो इमाम ||

The Rig Veda in Sanskrit: Rig Veda Book 10: Hymn 85

Great! I found a much better source :


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Here is the sanskrit in devnagri :

सोमः परथमो विविदे गन्धर्वो विविद उत्तरः |
तर्तीयोग्निष टे पतिस्तुरीयस्ते मनुष्यजाः ||
सोमो ददद गन्धर्वाय गन्धर्वो दददग्नये |
रयिं चपुत्रांश्चादादग्निर्मह्यमथो इमाम ||

The Rig Veda in Sanskrit: Rig Veda Book 10: Hymn 85

Here's Ralph Griffith's translation of Sayana's commentary on the Rg Veda. You'd have to hunt for the said verse translation on your own. @Sathya


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Literal meaning will be

सोमः Soma (The Moon)
प्रथमो Prathamo (the first)
विविदे Vivide (Knows? I guess it is closer to "guard" or "Know as a parent")
गन्धर्वो Gandharv (Gandharv, I guess they are demi-gods of dance and music and enjoyment in hinduism)
विविद vivid (knows see above)
उत्तरः Uttarah (After, Subsequent)

तर्तीयोग्निष = Tratiyah + Agni , (Thirdly, Fire)
टे पतिस्तुरीयस्ते = Te + Patih + Tureeyah + te = your master/husband, Fourth your (master) is
मनुष्यजाः = Manush + Ajaah = Son of Man

Whole is

The moon knows (as a parent) (you) First, Gandharv (demi-gods of dance, arts, songs, enjoyment) knows you subsequently.
Thirdly, Fire is then (your) husband and Fourth is Son of Man .

This is the first verse (40).

सोमो Somo ( The Moon)
ददद dadad (gives/gave, this verb is same from Vidhya Dadati Vinayam sholka)
गन्धर्वाय Gandhavay (To Gandharv, actually its literally for Gandharav. But as a rule in sanskrit, when you give someone something, you use fourth form. So meaning is "To Gandharv")
गन्धर्वो Gandharvo (Gandharv)
दददग्नये Dadadgnye (Dadad + Agnye. Gave to Angi. Angye is Fourth case singular form of word Agni. It is same as used in hyme "Agnye Namah". Meaning we salute the fire. Again similar rule. When you give or salute -- which is giving respect-- to someone you use fourth case form ).
रयिं Rayim (Rich)
चपुत्रांश्चादादग्निर्मह्यमथो FDFSDGWETWGSDGSDG Aghr! (This is massive, break down is cha - Putran - cha - updat - agnih - mahiyame - Arhto Iti. Literally: And Sons (And) --thats a gramatical oddity listing things in sanskrit uses 'and' as separator AFAIK-- Angi, "to me" (Same rule). I don't know what Arhto Iti means literally.
इमाम Imam (No, this is not Imamwada Imama :] , here it means "This me")

So whole means:
The Moon gives to Gandharv, Gandharv gives to Agni.
(With/For) Riches and Sons, Agni gives (her) to "this me".

This is verse 41.
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@Shajida Khan, I am really amazed at you knowledge of sanskrit. The above verse describes various kinds of gurus and rates them in order of approaval. This is from tenth Mandala of Rig Veda, written by Bhardwaj Rishi.
@Shajida Khan, I am really amazed at you knowledge of sanskrit. The above verse describes various kinds of gurus and rates them in order of approaval. This is from tenth Mandala of Rig Veda, written by Bhardwaj Rishi.
Sanskrit has been my secret weapon in exams at one point way back in my life. While my friends were filling answer sheets after answer sheets only expecting to get small rewards, sanskrit helped me to score almost perfect if I stick to grammar. I was almost like mathematics. Later, I studied from an ancient copy of Rachnanuwad Koumudi as a hobby, to understand this language better. Needless to say, I have never been same. The language changes you for good.
Thank you very much,..

@Shajida Khan @_Anonymous_

I don't know what they want to interpret as bad one. .

I could suspect what they had thought.
But I am sure no religion will script anything bad.
The verses tells story of a girl and who are her teachers and influences --traditionally speaking. From Moon --the mercurial, mischievous-- to Gandharva --admirer and practitioner of arts, music and dance-- to Fire --the purifier, the fortitude builder-- to the house of a man as a dutiful wife.

This has been traditional path of a girl in this country for time immemorial. Its nothing to be specifically felt bad or ashamed of. There have been and there are women's issue but they don't have any bearing with these verses. Only if someone feels that girlhood, interest in arts and conjugal life is inherently bad can lead to messed up conclusion that these verses are specifically bad.
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Sanskrit has been my secret weapon in exams at one point way back in my life. While my friends were filling answer sheets after answer sheets only expecting to get small rewards, sanskrit helped me to score almost perfect if I stick to grammar. I was almost like mathematics. Later, I studied from an ancient copy of Rachnanuwad Koumudi as a hobby, to understand this language better. Needless to say, I have never been same. The language changes you for good.

@vstol Jockey

problems arise, when one goes for literal translation of Sanskrit to English. Unless you understand the language, one should not attempt it.

And then we have people who write Indian history, based on the Upanishads and Puranas but do not understand Sanskrit. By the way, anybody read Early Indians?
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problems arise, when one goes for literal translation of Sanskrit to English. Unless you understand the language, one should not attempt it.
In my humble opinion sanskrit is somewhat more precise than quite a few other languages. There are specific mechanisms built into the language to ensure that sense remains. Like the verb and case afflictions for numbers -- sanskrit has three: One for singular, One for dual and one for plural. Like verb affliction for the person. One for First, One for Second and One for Third Person. Then there are specific rules on how to concise the words and phrases.

The great part is that you don't need to and AFAIK, you cann't bend the rules for the sake of effect.

So yes, you will be able to decipher the meaning quite adequately if you know the grammatical rules.

Last but not the least, the script itself. The script encodes the speech! Simple! No weird two pronunciations, or silent letters. Its written as its spoken! It seems someone went out of the way to ensure that misunderstanding is minimized.
Sanskrit has been my secret weapon in exams at one point way back in my life. While my friends were filling answer sheets after answer sheets only expecting to get small rewards, sanskrit helped me to score almost perfect if I stick to grammar. I was almost like mathematics. Later, I studied from an ancient copy of Rachnanuwad Koumudi as a hobby, to understand this language better. Needless to say, I have never been same. The language changes you for good.

oh yeah...I failed most of my sanskrit papers and my teachers complained to my parents. My secret weapon was not caring a damn....try beating that....;)
Jaish-e-Mohammed took responsibility for the attack. That is enough evidence to point fingers at Pakistan. Its founder is having a free run there, the state protects him.
The finder doesn't have magic tricks to go stealth in India. There is a domestic network and you have failed to dismantle it despite very very tall claims after Pathankot and Uri eposides. Try to find out what went wrong everytime.

Other points, I guess its the wrong time to ask those. People are emotional.
Agreed. Been there, done that many many times. We have suffered much worse terrorist attacks on our soil so I understand the pain.

The indian security establishment knows how to think rationally. Its not a fauji state to bury its shortcomings.
And there you go again. Well if Karkare was alive he would have proved you wrong.

Oh we don't blame Pakistan. We just want to destroy it. Simple and Easy to understand, right?

How, by making record breaking bollywood movies? :eek:
Or by crashing your jets in peace time? :censored:
Or by sinking subs when they are docked safely in the dockyards? :unsure:

But...we did enter your territory....killed dozens of terrorists....and made a movie about it.....
Yeah I know that, I was up all night and following the tall claims of jets and choppers flying around and mushroom clouds to be seen rising from Pakistan. Modi even said that he made a call to Pakistan to collect the dead bodies and I was thinking what chootiyapa is this? If the alledged bodies are on our territory so why does he need to make a call? I still haven't figuered it out. Seriously, I have not. :unsure:

Btw, your beloved Christine Fair mocked the movie as fictive. :LOL:

Actually in 1965 the people of Kashmir themselves outed out your mujahideens and asked India to squelch you. So azaadi from 1947 is a flawed argument.
Ask them again, anno 2019 and you will be surprised by the outcome.

Sure- 'Kashmir wants Azaadi' is what you say one side while on other side your people j**k off to naarey like 'Kashmir Banega Pakistan'- so that Kashmir can become as prosperous and well developed as pakistan....
Same can be heard in the Valley, Pakistani flags are hoisted in Srinagar even on Rebublic Day which is regarded as Black Day in Kashmir.
And Modi is forced to wave to his imaginary friends while visiting a remote lake according to Mehbooba. ;)

PS- BD has more political, economic and strategic clout than Pakistan.
Thanks for the good laugh, I needed that mate. :p:D;)

You must spend more time crying over the fact that any country seems to be able to cross the border and let loose a barrage of attacks on your terrorists. If your leaders did that instead of feeding you lies, maybe the sheer embarrasment of first the US and then India just walking in to screw you would be considered too big a price to pay in return for spawining terrorists. At a time when you are again running to the IMF with a begging bowl we are getting ready to f** you- this is the latest 'gift' your ISI is giving you.

Actually I am laughing my *censored* off reading the Indian comments on social media. Feeding lies is what your govt has been doing for decades. They lied about the '62 Indo China war and only came out wiht the truth a few years ago. They kept silent and even denied having used airforce in Nagaland for years. Modi finally confessed that there was an Indian right next to every Bangali soldier in '71. They murdered Karkare before he could reveal the truth about inside job. And now there's a record breaking movie which fooled and convinced the masses to the brain numbing point that India is a super power.

IMF is a temporary and necessary measure we have to take because of the previous two super corrupt govts. At the same time we are doing all we can to come out of this mess. Investors are at our door already. Just a matter of few years and we will be back on track.
Ahh my posts are moved here as off-topic because it hurts your ego? Well what's the point of debating a bunch of hindutva nationalists if you don't ave the balls to take some critic? Good day to all, tata. :cool: