Russian Military Technology : Updates and Discussions

The work of the Russian EW station R-330BMV, the EW complex "Borisoglebsk-2". Footage of the operation of the Russian jamming station R-330BMV, the station is part of the EW RB-301B Borisoglebsk-2 complex. The R-330BMV station was put into service in 2013 and mounted on the MT-LB chassis. The jamming station R-330BMV is designed for automatic search, detection, panoramic surveillance and positioning, when paired with other electronic warfare stations, sources of radio emissions, as well as radio suppression of VHF radio communication lines. The station can operate both in coordination with the control point, and independently. Information about the Borisoglebsk-2 electronic warfare complex is still a state secret, which is why its main characteristics of the systems are not yet subject to disclosure. Estimated technical data of the R-330BMV jamming station. The depth of reconnaissance of terrestrial radio communication lines: in the HF band up to 40 km, in the VHF - up to 30 km. Reconnaissance range when working against aviation radio communication lines, in the VHF band up to 50 km, tactical aviation up to 125 km. Transmitter power - 1 kW. Calculation of the machine 4 people.

The work of the operator of the Russian radar Niobium-SV. The calculation of the Russian radar "Niobium" spoke about his work. The 103Zh6 Niobium-SV radar system is capable of effectively detecting and tracking all types of air targets, including F-22 and F-35 fifth-generation fighters.
The working area of the radar operator's screen is shown for the first time. Target detection range, at a target flight altitude: 500 meters - 53 km, at an altitude of 10,000 meters - 230 km and at an altitude of 27,000 meters - 320 km. Limits of work: in range - 400 km.

The best Western tank, the opinion of a Russian officer who served in NATO. A Russian officer who in the past participated in the NATO For Peace program, retraining senior officers and driving top Western tanks, gave his opinion on the best foreign tank. An interesting, real opinion by Felix Oganesyan in an episode of the Military Acceptance program about the best Western NATO tank. The Russian officer drove the American Abrams tanks, the German Leopard tank, the French Leclerc tank and the British Challenger tank.

Russian military plant of MLRS missiles and shells. The Russian Defense Minister inspected the workshops of the SPLAV Research and Production Association and the Imperial Tula Arms Plant. The head of the department was shown the workshops of military factories for the production of rockets for multiple rocket launchers, lines for assembling anti-tank guided missiles and artillery ammunition. The video also shows the remote mining machine "Agriculture".

In Russia, the production of new assault bulletproof vests "Oberig" has begun. It is planned to produce up to 2 thousand bulletproof vests per quarter, subsequently the output will increase to 7.5 thousand pieces. The bulletproof vest was developed with the direct participation of the military, the ceramic armor plate "Oberega" has a protection class of Br5 and stops the B-32 armor-piercing bullet from the SV-98 sniper rifle from ten meters away. The mass of body armor in full gear is 9 kg.

The work of the operator of the Osa-AKM air defense system of Russia. Footage of the operators of the Russian anti-aircraft missile system 9M33M3. The development of the Osa air defense system began in 1960. The complex was designed to hit targets flying at an altitude of 50-100 to 5000 meters at a speed of up to 500 meters per second at a distance of 800 to 10,000 meters. The Osa air defense system has been modernized many times.

Checking the combat readiness of MiG-31BM aircraft of Russia. As part of a sudden check of the combat readiness of the Pacific Fleet, MiG-31BM fighter-interceptors worked out the interception of an intruder aircraft of a mock enemy. The role of the violator of the airspace was performed by the Il-38 anti-submarine aircraft of naval aviation. Work on the MiG-31BM began in 1997. The modification of the MiG-31B, which was put into service in 1990, was taken as the basis. The most important element of the modification was the updated Zaslon-M radar. For more than 40 years of its history, the MiG-31 aircraft has gone through eight modifications and upgrades and today continues to be in service with the country. Experts believe that the resource of the titanium hull of aircraft is practically inexhaustible. While the development of the next generation of the fighter-interceptor is underway, the MiG-31 remains in service.

As part of the combat readiness check of the Pacific Fleet, a short episode of the work of Russian underwater combat swimmers has been published. According to the plane of the exercise, a group of combat swimmers on a combat boat BL860 advanced to identify an unknown moving underwater object. Exercises were also held to counter enemy sabotage forces and destroy an anchor mine set by a mock enemy in the waters of the bay.

Overview of the Russian SPG-9 anti-tank grenade launcher. Footage of the use of the 73-mm anti-tank grenade launcher SPG-9 "Spear" in Ukraine by Russian military personnel has been published. The SPG-9 grenade launcher was put into service in 1962 and was developed for airborne units. Despite the past years, with minor upgrades, this anti-tank weapon is still in service. The grenade launcher turned out to be successful and is an intermediate link between cheap RPGs with insufficient firing range and long-range, but expensive ATGMs. SPG-9 is a reusable weapon, you can shoot from it up to five hundred times, then the barrel wears out. The SPG-9 grenade launcher was exported to many countries of the world, where it showed its high efficiency in local and major wars. The effective range of the grenade launcher against armored targets is up to 1300 meters, against infantry with fragmentation ammunition - up to 4.5 km. Armor penetration with a cumulative grenade - up to 400 mm of armor. The rate of fire of the grenade launcher is up to 6 rounds per minute. The calculation of the gun - 4 people.

Overview of project 12411 missile boats of Russia. As part of a sudden check of the combat readiness of the forces of the Russian Pacific Fleet, the crew of the Russian R-298 missile boat fired the Moskit cruise missile. In the role of a mock enemy ship, a sea target shield was used. The project 12411-M missile boat is a development of the Molniya missile boats of project 1241 and was put into service in 1981. The main difference from the old project is the installation of an anti-ship missile system with 3M-80 Moskit missiles, instead of Termit P-15 missiles. The armament of the ship, four Moskit anti-ship missiles, a 76-mm AK-176 gun, two 30-mm AK-630 artillery mounts and an Igla MANPADS. The ship has a displacement of 493 tons, speeds up to 39 knots and a range of up to 1600 miles. The crew of the ship is 44 people. Autonomy of navigation 10 days. The approximate price of the Project 12411-M missile boat is $65 million.

The crew of the Russian heavy flamethrower vehicle TOS-1A "Solntsepek" showed the combat vehicle inside and how the preparations for firing from the installation are going on.

Overview of the main Russian landing ships of project 775. As part of the combat readiness check of the forces of the Russian Pacific Fleet, footage of the landing was published, by the large landing ship Admiral Nevelskoy of project 775 / II and the large landing ship Nikolai Vilkov of project 1171. The landing ship Admiral Nevelskoy is the fourth in a series of 13 ships of the project 775/II, which is a development of the Project 775 ships. The Project 775 ships were created to replace the aging Project 1171 landing ships and are the backbone of the Russian amphibious fleet. Project 775 landing ships were built from 1974 to 1985 in Poland at the Stocznia Polnocna shipyard, a total of 25 ships were built. Over the years of their service, the ships have made many trips and have proven themselves well. The armament of the project 775 / II ship, two twin 57-mm AK-725 artillery mounts, two A-215 Grad-M MLRS launchers and four Strela-3 MANPADS. Project 775 ships have AK-630M artillery mounts. The ship can transport 10 tanks weighing up to 41 tons and 340 paratroopers or 12 armored vehicles and 340 paratroopers. The total displacement of the ship is 4080 tons, the draft is 3.7 meters. Travel speed 17.5 knots. Cruising range 6000 miles, cruising autonomy 30 days. The crew of the ship is 98 people.

Russia has developed a jet drone kamikaze K-5. The prototype of the drone was shown at VDNKh by the Ural company Unmanned Vehicles. The drone is equipped with a turbojet power plant that allows it to reach a maximum speed of 400 km/h and a cruising speed of 200 km/h. The flight range of the drone is 90 km, with a useful mass of 6 кг. Drone components are Russian, except for the engine. The drone is equipped with artificial intelligence and computer vision, it works within the framework of thermal signatures and within the framework of images. It has the ability to adjust the inertial system, which will completely get rid of the use of radio channels. By the end of the year, it is planned to show serial samples of reconnaissance and strike drones.

Footage of the repair and replacement of the barrel in the field of the Russian 203-mm self-propelled howitzer "Malka" 2S7M has been published. Russian specialists carried out not only repairs, but also showed the process of checking the ACS barrel in the field. Replacing the ACS barrel in the field takes about 2 hours.

Overview of 120 mm rapid-fire self-propelled guns Phlox of Russia. Russia may start using the new 2S40 Phlox rapid-fire self-propelled guns. The 2S40 Floks 120-mm self-propelled artillery gun is mounted on the Ural-4320VV chassis and was first shown in 2016. The self-propelled gun is equipped with a gun developed on the basis of 2A80 from self-propelled guns 2S31 "Vena", this gun combines the main qualities of guns, howitzers and mortars, which allows the use of various ammunition, including foreign production. The gun is equipped with a modern recoil system. This solution, together with modern electronics, can reduce the time to fire to 20 seconds. The self-propelled guns weighing 20 tons are armored and protect the crew from bullets and an explosion of up to 5 kg of TNT. ACS "Floks" is equipped with a modern digital weapon-computer system, which is able to perform many tasks in automatic mode. Real-time information is sent to the crew monitors in the cockpit, which allows you to quickly respond to the situation. ACS can exchange data with other machines and store up to 30 targets in memory at the same time, working on them one by one. The 2S40 gun is the fastest firing in the world in its caliber, the rate of fire of the Phlox self-propelled guns reaches 10 rounds per minute. There are 28 shells in the automated ammunition rack of the self-propelled guns and 52 are in conventional stacks. The ACS is equipped with a system for detecting laser irradiation and setting smoke screens. The installation is equipped with a remotely controlled combat module with a Kord machine gun of 12.7 mm caliber. The firing range of the self-propelled guns is up to 13 km, the crew of the vehicle is 4 people.

Russian SAM Tor inside and the work of its operators. A serviceman with a call sign with the call sign "Strizh" showed the Tor air defense system inside and the work of the operators of this complex. SAM Tor was put into service in 1986.

Installation of missiles in the self-propelled ATGM Shturm-S of Russia. During the training of Russian military personnel at the training ground, footage of loading and firing missiles of the Shturm-S self-propelled anti-tank system was published. The 9P149 combat vehicle uses 12 ATGMs, which can be equipped with a high-explosive, cumulative or rod warhead. The missiles of the Shturm-S complex are located in a rotating drum, the weight of the missile in the transport container is 46.5 kg. The complex allows you to fire at targets moving at a frontal speed of 80 km / h and with a flank speed of up to 60 km / h, with a rate of fire of 4 rounds per minute. The complex worked well in Afghanistan and Chechnya, at a maximum range of 5000 meters it hit targets meter by meter in size. The armor penetration of missiles of the Shturm-S complex is from 650 to 950 mm of armor.

Overview of kamikaze drones Geran-2 of Russia, launches. Rare footage of the night launch of Russian kamikaze drones "Geran-2" has been published. As you know, the Geran-2 drone is a modernized Iranian Shahed-136 drone. A drone weighing 200 kilograms is launched from a catapult using a solid-fuel booster at a distance of up to 2000 kilometers. The mass of the warhead of the drone is 50 kilograms, the flight altitude is up to 4000 meters. The drone is equipped with a 50 hp engine. and develops a speed of up to 180 km / h with a flight duration of up to 12 hours. The drone has a small thermal footprint and is difficult to detect by radar due to the plastic body and wooden propeller, as well as the low flight altitude of 60 meters. At a short range, "Geran-2" is controlled like a conventional UAV. At long distances by GPS or GLONASS coordinates. The approximate price of the Geranium-2 drone is 50 thousand dollars.

Video filming inside the Russian T-72B3 tank. Video footage of a Russian modernized T-72B3 tank has surfaced. The T-72B3 modification was developed in 2011 as a mass-produced and economical alternative to the main T-90A tank. The main changes in the tank during modernization, the Sosna-U sight and modern digital communication systems were installed, the A3 automatic loader was modernized for new shells and the 2A46M-5 gun was modernized. A weather sensor, a thermal imager, displays and a modern ballistic computer were installed, an automatic target tracking device (ATS) was introduced. The installed French thermal imagers were later replaced by Russian ones. In 2016, the tank was upgraded to the T-72B3M version.