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Russian electronic warfare specialists test new method of jamming enemy aircraft

Russian electronic warfare specialists test new method of jamming enemy aircraft
Military & Defense

June 10, 15:13UTC+3
The new method allows electronic warfare specialists to create "vacuum" space shielded from the impacts of drones, airborne radars, radio-controlled high-explosive munitions and cruise missiles


© Donat Sorokin/TASS

YEKATERINBURG, June 10. /TASS/. Electronic warfare specialists from Russia’s Central Military District tested a new method of jamming enemy aircraft while using three different types of ground-based electronic counter-measures systems, the District’s press office reported on Monday.

"During the experiment at the Sverdlovsk and Chebarkul practice ranges, servicemen used the Borisoglebsk [electronic counter-measures] system to conduct radio-electronic reconnaissance. By penetrating the channels of communications systems’ control, they created interference in the operation of ground and airborne radio communications employed by a notional enemy," the statement says.


Russia’s cutting-edge weaponry capable of ‘blinding’ enemy's army
"The teams of the Krasukha [electronic counter-measures] system suppressed the signal of an onboard radar installed on an aircraft and also the radio channels of controlling unmanned aerial vehicles. The activation of the Zhitel hardware made it possible to shut out satellite communications equipment, navigation and cellular communications systems within a radius of 30 km," the statement reads.

The new method allows electronic warfare specialists to create "vacuum" space shielded from the impacts of drones, airborne radars, radio-controlled high-explosive munitions and cruise missiles, the District’s press office explained.

The drills involved about 500 servicemen, the District’s press office specified for TASS.

"The experiment involved unmanned aerial vehicles, communications systems, dummy munitions and aircraft," the press office said.
Land based EW systems supporting SAMs against aircrafts

Russian electronic warfare specialists test new method of jamming enemy aircraft

"Electronic warfare specialists from Russia’s Central Military District tested a new method of jamming enemy aircraft while using three different types of ground-based electronic counter-measures systems, the District’s press office reported on Monday.

"During the experiment at the Sverdlovsk and Chebarkul practice ranges, servicemen used the Borisoglebsk [electronic counter-measures] system to conduct radio-electronic reconnaissance. By penetrating the channels of communications systems’ control, they created interference in the operation of ground and airborne radio communications employed by a notional enemy," the statement says.

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Russia’s cutting-edge weaponry capable of ‘blinding’ enemy's arm

The teams of the Krasukha [electronic counter-measures] system suppressed the signal of an onboard radar installed on an aircraft and also the radio channels of controlling unmanned aerial vehicles. The activation of the Zhitel hardware made it possible to shut out satellite communications equipment, navigation and cellular communications systems within a radius of 30 km," the statement reads.

The new method allows electronic warfare specialists to create "vacuum" space shielded from the impacts of drones, airborne radars, radio-controlled high-explosive munitions and cruise missiles, the District’s press office explained.
The drills involved about 500 servicemen, the District’s press office specified for TASS.

"The experiment involved unmanned aerial vehicles, communications systems, dummy munitions and aircraft," the press office said."


Lets all say there is an assigned mission to take out 3 pantsir systems but these systems are within the area of the 3 mentioned above EW systems. Aircrafts are deprived from targeting these mobile pantsir systems and cruise missiles are deprived from getting information from the aircrafts radars and satellite information to find where these pantsir systems are.

However the problem is this


Some of these systems are not mobile when set up. This means that SEAD can still effectively be conducted as long as aircrafts launch missiles at a far enough range.

Switch on a GPS receiver and, assuming everything works correctly, after a short time it will generate a position measurement. Ignoring the inaccuracies GPS has, the position measurement the receiver generates is quite specific. It says ‘

you are at this latitude and this longitude
‘—in other words it gives us an absolute position using a known co-ordinate system. Inertial navigation systems don’t work like that. In their case the measurement they generate is relative to their last known position. So even after an inertial navigation system has been turned on for several minutes, it can’t say ‘

you are at this latitude and this longitude
‘, but what it can say is, ‘

you haven’t moved from where you started

I am assuming that a computer with a laid out map program on a missile shows where the planned targets are, Sensors say how far the missile has travelled from its last known location to the computer, the computer gets updated with the distance travelled from the sensors and determines when it will hit the planned targets.

So the only issue I am assuming with INS is its computer needs the program before the mission starts of where the 3 desired targets are. However these 3 targets are mobile. Data can be transmitted to update the program on the computer of the missile but EW systems deprive that from happening. But the EW systems are not mobile systems like the pantsirs which means they can still be targeted with the before mission program on the computer of the missiles. Which means although the pantsirs are mobile systems but to not be targeted they are to protect these EW systems from INS guided missiles.

The other countermeasure against EW systems and SAM units are EO devices but this can be targetted soon enough by peresvet which I am assuming is going to be like a land based sokol echelon.

  • Pantsir systems effectiveness has to be good enough to cover EW systems.
  • EW systems have to be good enough to provide an increased survival chance to SAM units from being hit by making aerial targets left in the dark long enough.
  • Good enough Military coordination between EW and SAM units is needed for increased effectiveness.
Although there is no way to determine how effective these systems are against a SEAD attack from aircrafts as in poor or high performance. Is this analysis of mine correct, is there things that I have missied?
Сергей Друзин: ракеты С-500 могут работать за пределами атмосферы

Sergey Druzin: S-500 missiles can work outside the atmosphere
June 18, 10:00



© Photo: courtesy of the press service of the EKO "Almaz-Antey" concern

One of the most talked about weapon systems on the world market is rightfully the air defense systems S-300 and S-400 produced by the VKO Almaz-Antey concern. In the near future, the Russian army will receive a new generation of these systems - the C-500, which will probably also become a bestseller. Sergey Druzin, Deputy General Director for Science and Technology Development, First Deputy General Designer of the Concern, told RIA Novosti observer Alexey Panshin about the history of development and creation of the national air defense system, about the participation of German designers in the work, about the reasons for the development of the S-400, and also about the advantages of the new Russian C-500 complex.

- Sergey Valentinovich, what was the driver for creating a national air defense system?

- The entire 20th century, in fact, witnessed the development of aviation. This was expressed in an increase in the bomb load, the speeds of the aircraft, and the number of aircraft was increased. If in the First World War it mainly performed the role of aerial reconnaissance, then already during the Second World War it became almost the main striking force. The significance and effectiveness of the aviation component became decisive, which required the adoption of adequate special measures to counter these increased threats.

The air defense systems that appeared during the First World War - anti-aircraft guns as an executive system of destruction, the so-called sound detectors, anti-aircraft searchlights for night time — all of them together ceased to meet the requirements that were imposed on them due to the increase in speeds and altitudes of the flight of aviation assets.

With the increase in the speed of the aircraft, the sound detectors became useless, because as the speed increased, the sound of the aircraft flew along with it, which did not allow to provide accurate aiming on the basis of this information. And by itself, shooting at high-speed targets, especially targets that go not to a position, but flying past, with a parameter, as the anti-aircraft gunners say, required the formation of pre-emptions - calculating the angles with which it was necessary to shoot in order to get to the pre-point. All this together led to the fact that the anti-aircraft artillery had largely exhausted itself, the question arose of creating new means of destruction, such as missiles. This gave impetus to the anti-aircraft missile.


May 16, 14:08

Named Russian weapons that are most interested in foreigners
- What was the role of German designers in the creation of a national air defense system?

- It must be admitted here that, as in many other areas, the German military specialists turned out to be largely pioneers - along with rocket weapons that were attacked in London, anti-aircraft missiles were also created. This was facilitated primarily by the fact that the density of bomb strikes and their striking power, which the Allies attacked the cities of Germany, demanded that radical measures be taken to counter these threats. German specialists have created several types of anti-aircraft missiles. Along with the FAU-2 attack missile projects, a number of anti-aircraft missiles were being developed, of which the most widespread Wasserfall (Waterfall) and Schmetterling (Butterfly) can be called, as well as the Typhoon rocket, resembling multiple launch rocket systems. On the way of the plane, these rockets were massively fired, warheads were separated from them by parachutes and hung on cables. This, of course, could not be effective armament — it was necessary to shoot them precisely so that the plane then touched the cable and a large number of these items were required.

During the war years, the Germans failed to bring these developments to their logical conclusion in order to adopt them. German specialists had unresolved problems that Soviet developers later faced. In particular, it is the accuracy of determining the coordinates that would allow the missiles to be effectively controlled in order to bring the missile to intercept the target.

After the war, certain work was done, and the specialists of NII-88, which was later transformed into the Energia rocket and space corporation, collected part of the equipment and technological reserves that were in our country. We managed to assemble a group of specialists from Germany. Some German engineers were engaged by our allies, then worked in the USA. For five years, attempts have been made to reanimate the backlog they have created.

- Who was the task of creating systems to protect the sky?

- In the Soviet Union, the Kapustin Yar test site was created, where work was carried out to study the backlog of German specialists in the field of air defense. However, we must admit with regret that the proper effect was not achieved. It did not happen then the system itself. But it came to the understanding that the anti-aircraft missile is not the main weapon, but the anti-aircraft complex.

In September 1947, Special Office 1 (SB-1) was established as the leading enterprise for the development of air-to-sea guided missile systems. The first director was Pavel Nikolaevich Kuksenko, his deputy was Sergey Beria. Three years later, in the SB-1, which was then located on the site of the present-day NPO Almaz, was established the Design Bureau No. 1 - KB-1 (now PJSC NPO Almaz), which was tasked with developing an anti-aircraft missile system to create an effective air defense of large cities and strategic objects.

The urgency of this problem was more than obvious - in the United States by that time a whole arsenal of atomic weapons had been accumulated and there were plans to bomb Moscow and other important administrative centers of the Soviet Union, which were adjusted every two to three years as capacity was increased. It is difficult to say which task was more important then - creating your own atomic bomb or air defense system. The solution of these problems restrained our former ally from the implementation of such plans.


October 4, 2018 08:00

Impenetrable sky. Russian cities will cover the new missile defense systemAccording to Izvestia, it is about creating a full-fledged non-strategic missile defense system. Its elements can be transferred from region to region and quickly deployed to rocket-prone areas.
- It turns out that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is an act of intimidation, terror in a sense?

- Of course. Then information about the bombing of Japanese cities in the United States willingly shared with Stalin in order to make it clearer to explain to him who the Soviet Union is dealing with. But even without this demonstrative atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Soviet intelligence had information about the plans of the Americans, who confirmed that there were no moral restrictions for them. The United States was ready to strike a blow at the Soviet peaceful cities. Therefore, the need to create a reliable air protection system was more than obvious.

- As far as I understand, this is how the C-25 appeared.

- The decision to create an air defense system was connected to Alexander Andreevich Raspletin, who had a unique mindset and character. It was a keen mind seeker. He was able to rally a team of like-minded people who later created the C-25 system, which was ahead of time by decades. Americans at this time created a single-channel system Nike Ajax.

The C-25 system allowed to fire at the same time 20 targets. She was unique to her time. The coordinates were not measured by two different radars, but by one — both targets and missiles. Thus, the task of ensuring the accuracy of guidance was solved.

Then the daunting task of building an air defense system around the capital began to be solved. As a result, two concrete rings were formed around Moscow, which provided the necessary communications for the functioning of the C-25 system. On the outer ring 34 complexes were supplied, and on the inner ring - 22. Total, only 56 complexes instead of 300, which would have to be installed in such a quantity, were they single-channel. Thus, the task of minimizing funds for the creation of such systems was solved.

In late 1954 - early 1955, state testing of the system was completed. Nobody in the world has created anything like this. It should be noted that the radar equipment of the air defense missile system was the brainchild of Soviet designers, but German specialists were also involved in the creation of a missile control system. In particular, to the creation of autopilot.

- How was the C-75 concept born?

- The main drawback of the C-25 system was its stationarity. She could not be quickly relocated if necessary to cover other objects. Requires a mobile air defense system. In addition, during the development process, more advanced technical solutions were born, which then made it possible to create a mobile system. It was possible to place the entire antenna post of a missile guidance station on one chassis trailer - it consists of two antennas providing tracking and targets, and missiles in a narrower sector (plus or minus 10 degrees), command transmission antenna and corresponding transmitting devices.

It was a huge step forward for the antenna technology of the time. He allowed the creation of a mobile system that had approximately the same characteristics in range as the C-25 (30-35 km). By the sunset of the C-75 system, the target hit range had already reached 56 km. This made it possible to create a complex that could be moved to the right place, strengthened or created an air defense system, if it hadn’t been before.

- What prompted the creation of the C-200?

- The first reason is operational. In the north of our country at that time there was a serious communication problem. As is known, the maintenance of the air defense system requires regular supply of fuel. And the placement of complexes from each other is determined by the size of the affected area. To create a continuous zone in some cases was almost impossible.

The task was to increase the range of the complex in order to reduce the total number of installations. In addition, aviation cruise missiles appeared that were launched outside the affected area of the C-75 complex. But you have to shoot at the shooter, not the bullet, so the task arose to create a complex with a greater range. Originally created rocket provided a range of destruction of 160-180 km. The experience gained by this time in developing anti-aircraft missile systems showed that it was very difficult to ensure the required accuracy of the missile during remote control at distances over 50 kilometers. This required a radical increase in the warhead, as well as an improvement in the characteristics of the radar equipment, providing missile guidance.

It was a tremendous challenge to ensure the operation of a highly sensitive receiver while a powerful transmitter was working nearby. And this task was successfully solved - such a locator was created. As a result, the last modification of the system provided a range of rocket use up to 300 kilometers, and in fact began with 180.

- What are the changes in the "300"?

- The reason for the development of anti-aircraft missile systems is the development of air attack weapons, an increase in their density of action, as well as the appearance of cruise missiles. When instead of 15-20 targets in the sky there can be more than a hundred, this objectively requires an increase in fire performance.

Solving conflicting tasks — ensuring mobility and simultaneously firing a large number of targets — led to the need to build missile guidance radars on a different principle. It was necessary to use phased antenna arrays capable of providing instantaneous re-beam. Creating a phased array antenna and allowed to create multi-channel radar. Its principle is that with one beam you need to quickly measure the coordinates of several targets at once, quickly transferring it from one target to another.

The use of phased antenna arrays made it possible to create a multi-channel system. This is the fundamental difference of the S-300 complexes from all previous generations. The complex can be deployed to combat use from the march in five minutes. Another difference - the lack of cable connections between the shooting radar with launchers - all information is transmitted via a special radio link. The main designer of the complex was Boris Vasilyevich Bunkin. He was engaged in the testing and modernization of this complex.

- Why did the development of the next generation of air defense systems, the C-400, take so long, more than 10 years?

- The S-400 system was unlucky, like many other projects that were implemented by our defense industry in the 90s. Then the domestic defense industry suffered enormous damage, some of the personnel were lost, there was no normal funding. Work on the complex actually stopped. For the same reasons, rockets for this system were also developed for a long time. Nevertheless, the work was carried out, and by 2007 the first division of the C-400 was handed over to the Ministry of Defense and put on alert.

The principal difference of the S-400 system from the previous complexes is its noise immunity and fire performance. The number of simultaneously fired targets at the C-400 is much greater than that of the C-300. This is also ensured thanks to the appearance of a new intelligent rocket with a control system that allows it to use the widest range of application modes: both active homing and the use of information from external sources, other radars. The system also fires over-horizon targets - those that are not visible to the radar, but information about them is available in the system.


June 9, 16:43

The head of Rostec called the US statements about the S-400 unfair competition
Each complex has its own technological base. The element base in the S-400 is different - miniaturization, the degree of integration of the elements made it possible, with smaller dimensions, to create a system with significantly higher characteristics. This applies to both the detection locator and the multi-station.

The command post of the system incorporates powerful radars that allow you to see the air situation at long distances. This allows him to set tasks and control their implementation by other complexes, including not only S-400, it can be air defense systems of other modifications, including S-300, it can be Pantsir, air defense complexes of ground forces. The S-400 system can be the basis for the grouping of air defense weapons. The system contains images of controlled funds in order not to set tasks for them that do not correspond to their technical characteristics. With-400 can with maximum efficiency to use all the tools that are given to her control.

- What will be the C-500, what can we tell about it now?

- This is a fundamentally new generation system. The basis of the location means of this system are locators built on the basis of active phased arrays in which there is no transmitting device - the signal is formed by the antenna itself. In its composition there are relatively small power amplifiers, which are phased in a special way. Instead of electrovacuum devices with voltages of 30-40 kV, devices with a voltage of not more than 27 V are used. This design simplifies the task significantly. This has a positive effect on reliability as well as on operational safety. Active phased arrays also allow to obtain more significant characteristics of the radiated power and the width of the spectrum of the signals used. Significantly higher and antenna performance.

Today, the technology of manufacturing AFAR (active phased antenna array - ed.) At the enterprises of the concern has been fully mastered. Locators have been created and are being tested as part of testing a new system.

The C-500 has a wide range of targets. The system can also be used to combat ballistic targets of all types. This required both an increase in the energy potential of the location means and the creation of new missiles that can work outside the atmosphere where aerodynamic control is impossible.

- Recently, it has been widely believed that the domestic defense industry lives exclusively on the groundwork that was created during the Soviet era, and is no longer capable of creating its own unique designs. Is it so?

- About ten years ago, unfortunately, that was exactly the case. In the times of the Soviet Union, the groundwork was really enormous, but today it is completely exhausted. Today we are creating new groundwork, on the basis of which modern tools are created. As an example, I can give the Vityaz air defense system, which was created already in the post-perestroika period. Technological and technical reserves of the former time are not used in it. One of the pioneers of this complex is Pavel Alekseevich Sozinov, General Designer of the Alma-Antey VKO concern. This is a 21st century system with colossal fire performance. These innovative systems include the C-500 system that is currently being created. Of course, the caveats have remained, but they are ideological, because mathematics and physics have not changed over the years.
Russia to Modernize Moscow Missile Defense

Russia to Modernize Moscow Missile Defense
by Vladimir Karnozov

- June 26, 2019, 12:45 PM

The MMZ Avangard factory in Moscow produced the massive A-925 (51T6) nuclear-tipped interceptor in the early 1990s. The weapon is no longer in use. (photo: MMZ Avangard via Vladimir Karnozov)

Speaking at a top-brass conference on June 19, Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu said that development of the S-350 Vityaz medium-range SAM (surface to air missile) is now complete, and that of the Pantsyr-SM point defense system will be finalized by 2021. More importantly, the modernization of the missile defense system protecting the “Central Industrial Region” around Moscow will be completed in 2022, some two to three years ahead of an earlier schedule. The minister put this modernization on the list of high-priority tasks set before the Russian Air and Space Force (VKS).

Shoigu’s statement comes two weeks after the defense ministry released a video of an anti-missile launch. While it is not clear whether the particular testing involved S-500 or A-235 systems, the video release carried the message that next-generation anti-missile systems are in a high degree of readiness.

The future of Moscow’s anti-missile defense is associated with the Nudol project, under which a next-generation system to intercept incoming ballistic missiles is being established. It employs the A-235 weapon capable of engaging targets in near space, including satellites in orbits 500- to 700 km (310 to 435 miles) high. Reportedly, six launches were made in 2014-2018.

Although technically the Nudol is the next evolutionary step after the A-35, A-35M, and A-135, it represents a major departure from older systems through the use of conventionally armed rather than nuclear-tipped interceptors. Additionally, the whole system is mobile. This, and other features, enable the A-235 to be used in local (or restricted) conflicts, given that deploying an atomic warhead—even in an alleged self-protection role (to intercept an incoming missile)—is fraught with the dangers of starting a nuclear war.

Last year, the deputy chairman of the Russian government and former deputy defense minister responsible for weapons procurement, Yuri Borisov, described the Nudol as one of the projects through which Russia is pursuing development of next-generation weapon systems that have no counterparts in the West.

The A-235 will replace the A-135 Amur, with the added capability to engage satellites. Firing range is doubled, to some 1,000 nautical miles. The system is said to be able to intercept incoming ballistic missiles approaching at speeds up to Mach 10, compared to Mach 4-to-5 for the previous generation.

While the initial A-35 and A-35M completely relied on huge 20-meter exo-atmosphere interceptors weighing 33-to-40 tonnes, the A-135 also employs smaller 10-tonne projectiles. Originally, it came with the larger 51T6 (firing range of up to 600 km, maximum altitude of 670 km) and smaller 53T6 (100-km and 48-km, respectively). The former has been retired from active service due to expiring lifetimes; the latter remains operational until the A-235 is fielded.

After both A-235 and S-500 become available, Russia will have a complete composition of air defense means made up of small, medium, large and super-heavy interceptors. Today, there is a huge gap between the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) and Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) in terms of missile weight (20 and 0.9 tonnes, respectively, for these U.S. systems), and their performance.

Russia appears to have been persistently narrowing the gap between the two classes. As a first step, it inducted the S-400 SAM with a 1.9-tonne 40N6 interceptor and the S-300VM4 (export designation Antey 2500) with the 2.3-tonne 9M83 and 4.7-tonne 9M82 missiles, all with the added capability of intercepting short- and medium-range ballistic missiles. The more recent S-500 will also handle intermediate ballistic missiles (with a firing range of up to 3,500 km), and yet remains a versatile defense system able to act against both aerodynamic and ballistic targets. Apparently, the core idea is to make use of unified surveillance and engagement radars against both classes of targets, while providing some tactical flexibility through the employment of several missiles types in a SAM system, so as to afford an optimal choice against a particular target.
  • Informative
Reactions: Gautam
Russia’s Military Admits It Needs Western Technology

Russia’s Military Admits It Needs Western Technology

Michael Peck

The National InterestAugust 3, 2019


Michael Peck


Like what?
Russia’s Military Admits It Needs Western Technology

When Western nations imposed economic sanctions after Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, Moscow had an answer: Russia would substitute domestic products for foreign imports.

But Russia’s defense industry is still using imported parts despite the government ban, according to Russia’s top prosecutor.

“Import substitution in the defense industry remains a problem," warnedProsecutor-General Yuri Chaika. "Instances of non-compliance with the ban to purchase foreign equipment whose counterparts are manufactured in Russia continue to be revealed."

“In the framework of import substitution in the defense industry, it is vital to ensure compliance with the deadlines for replacing components,” said First Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Buksman. “Raw and [other] materials produced by NATO countries and Ukraine, used to manufacture machines, arms, military and special equipment, prevent non-compliance with the ban on the budget-funded purchase of foreign equipment, analogues of which are produced in Russia.”

Unfortunately, the problem is that equivalents to Western goods are often not produced in Russia. “Russia produces few high value goods that can compete with imports,” noted a 2017 Moscow Times article. “Thanks to oil inflating the value of the ruble it has always been cheaper and easier to import finished goods than go through the process of investing money into expensive production and development lines that produce goods that are, at the end of the day, inferior to the imports.”
'Brief radiation spike' after explosion in Russia

'Brief radiation spike' after rocket engine blast in northern Russia
A cruise missile test-firing in Russia's Arctic north (file photo)

A rocket engine explosion on a naval test range in northern Russia has killed two people and injured six, the defence ministry told Russian media.

The victims of the explosion in Arkhangelsk region were civilian specialists while military and civilian personnel are among the injured.

The ministry said radiation levels were normal but the city of Severodvinsk registered a "brief spike" in levels.

An area of the White Sea nearby has reportedly been closed for a month.

But the deputy head of Archangelsk port, Sergei Kozub, told the BBC the closure was planned before the accident.

Radiation levels peaked between 11:50 and 12:30 (08:50-09:30 GMT) before falling and normalising by 14:00, the city administration in Severodvinsk said on its website, without reporting how significant the spike had been.

It is unclear what could have caused radiation levels to rise.

Local people were reportedly urged to take precautions against radiation. No increase in ambulance call-outs was recorded, the administration added.

A woman in Severodvinsk named only Alina told Russian news site "I work in the hospital where they're bringing the injured.

"They advise everyone to close their windows and drink iodine, 44 drops per glass of water."


Children in local kindergartens were taken indoors after reports of the blast and parents were advised not to take them outside in the evening, other residents were quoted as saying.

What do we know about the explosion?
The defence ministry did not say officially where or when the blast occurred but unofficial sources say it happened near the village of Nyonoksa, where a navy missile test range is located.

Nyonoksa is about 47km (29 miles) west of Severodvinsk, which has a population of nearly 200,000 and is 1,260km from the Russian capital, Moscow.

"During testing of a liquid jet engine an explosion and combustion of the product occurred," the ministry said in a statement.

"There have been no harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere, the radiation levels are normal."

Emergency aircraft were used to airlift the injured. They included defence ministry officials and developer company representatives, who "had injuries of varying severity", the statement added.

There had been earlier reports of a fire at a military facility near Nyonoksa. Telegram-based media outlet Mash said radiation levels in the village were three times higher than normal.

Nyonoksa carries out tests for virtually every missile system used by the Russian navy, including sea-launched intercontinental ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and anti-aircraft missiles.

It is the second accident involving Russia's military this week.

On Monday, one person was killed and eight others were injured in a blaze at an ammunition dump in Siberia.


Media captionHuge blasts and rising smoke as Russian arms depot explodes
Flying munitions damaged a school and a kindergarten in the area. More than 9,500 people were evacuated.

An investigation is under way into the cause of the incident.
Russian authorities clear villages near nuclear test site as it emerges radiation levels rose after recent blast
Russian authorities clear villages near nuclear test site as it emerges radiation levels rose after recent blast
A view shows a board on a street of the military garrison located near the village of Nyonoksa in Arkhangelsk Region CREDIT: REUTERS/SERGEI YAKOVLEV

13 AUGUST 2019 • 4:32PM

As concerns over another possible nuclear incident in the Russian Arctic grow, authorities in Arkhangelsk region have asked residents of a town near a missile test range to evacuate their homes tomorrow while the military conducts “planned activities,” it has been reported.

“We have received a notification... about the planned activities of the military authorities,” the Interfax news agency quoted local authorities as saying.

“In this regard, residents of Nyonoksa were asked to leave the territory of the village from August 14.”

The town was the site of a mysterious blast on August 8. Initial reports suggested the explosion went off at the test range, but more recent official statements place the incident on a platform just offshore.

The nature of the blast, which killed five nuclear scientists, has not yet been established.

However, suspicion has generally fallen on a failed test of Russia’s Burevestnik nuclear-powered cruise missile - called "Skyfall" by Nato.

The weapon was announced by Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, in a speech last year. Donald Trump, the US president, on Monday night claimed America has a more advanced version of the weapon.

The Kremlin, in its first comments on the situation, countered by saying Mr Putin has made it clear that Russia has the best technology in this field.

The evacuation of Nyonoksa suggests that, despite an apparent failure of some kind of nuclear or radioactive device last week, the Russian military is preparing for another test.


People gather for the funerals of five Russian nuclear engineers killed by a rocket explosion in SarovCREDIT: RUSSIAN STATE ATOMIC ENERGY CORPORATION ROSATOM VIA AP
Moving locals out of the area is seen as tacit recognition that something dangerous is being tested.

The Ministry of Defense has repeatedly said no toxic substances were released in last week’s explosion. This was contradicted by monitors in the nearby town of Severodvinsk, who reported a brief jump in radiation levels.

The Severodvinsk city government statement quietly disappeared from the city government’s website over the weekend.

But, on Tuesday, Russia’s federal weather service confirmed that radiation levels jumped to 16 times their normal level on August 8 for a period of two hours.

The TASS news agency reported Tuesday that medics who treated those wounded by the August 8 explosion have been sent to Moscow for medical examinations. Unconfirmed videos of the medical response teams last week showed them wearing hazmat suits.
Roscosmos engineers develop plan to BLIND foreign spy satellites flying over Russian territory

Roscosmos engineers develop plan to BLIND foreign spy satellites flying over Russian territory
16 Jan, 2020 09:29


Engineers at the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos have developed a plan to block foreign orbital spy satellites from operating in the skies above Russian territory, in what could mark a new era of counterintelligence.

The engineers at the Russian Space Systems Corporation, a subsidiary of Roscosmos, propose establishing a database of all known foreign orbital spy satellites to best configure an array of ground-based jamming devices.

Once this database is compiled, the agency could then decide the best location and composition for a proposed array of ground-based radio-electronic stations which suppress and prevent data transmission from optical, infrared and radar satellites.