Russian Military Technology : Updates and Discussions

Russian troops have begun to receive the first samples of the modernized kamikaze drone Privet-82M1. The drone was developed by the start-up design bureau “Oko”; drones from this manufacturer have previously been reported. The upgraded drone can now be controlled from cover, has a simplified OSD menu and reduced the number of parameters shown on the screen. The Privet-82M1 drone received new wings and the ability to carry a warhead weighing up to 5.5 kg; the drone can use an 82-mm mortar mine. The Privet-82M1 aircraft-type kamikaze drone has a flight range of up to 30 km, with a maximum speed of up to 140 km/h.

Footage of tests of a Russian interceptor drone armed with a 30 mm shotgun. The model of the drone and shotgun is not reported. According to the developer, this complex can defeat an enemy drone at a distance of up to 40 meters. A 200 gram shot produces a dense cloud of damage with a diameter of about 1.5 meters. The drone can also be used against ground targets.

Personnel training of crews of Russian T-90M Proryv tanks. The commander of one of the T-90M Proryv tanks spoke about the ease of controlling the tank and its advantages. Now the Russian army has about 300 T-90M Proryv tanks; by February 2024, the number of tanks of all types will be from 2,500 to 3,000.

The newest Russian glide bomb, Drel, has passed all tests. Serial production of the cluster bomb will start in 2024 at one of the Russian military factories. If you are interested in Russian bombs and missiles, as well as their use, links to the video are in the comments to the video. The PBK-500U SPBE-K glide bomb was developed by NPO Basalt and is designed to destroy armored vehicles, ground-based radar stations, control posts and enemy air defenses. It is expected that this aerial bomb will be almost impossible to recognize on radars; how the designers implemented this is not reported. The PBK-500U “Drill” air bomb glides towards the target and opens over it at the right moment. The bomb is guided using GLONASS. The bomb consists of 15 self-aiming combat elements. If the destructive element does not work on a given target, it self-destructs after a certain time. Each self-aiming combat element is a compact autonomous system capable of independently studying the ground situation, searching for targets and hitting them. The combat element contains a cumulative warhead capable of penetrating at least 70 mm of homogeneous armor, according to some sources, more than 100 mm. The ammunition can be used regardless of weather conditions and does not require the aircraft to enter the air defense zone. The mass of the bomb is 540 kg, length - 3100 mm, bomb release height up to 14 km, range of use up to 50 km. The maximum deviation from the target is less than five meters. The price of the bomb is unknown. Work on the Drill bomb continues; it will be produced in several modifications.

Footage of the installation of the R-448 satellite communication station by Russian military personnel. The transportable satellite communication station R-448 was created by the Khimki company ITIS and was first shown in 2019. The transportable two-channel satellite communication station R-448 is designed to organize two high-speed communication channels in the Ku or C bands, using VSAT technology, through the Express and Yamal communication spacecraft. And also through the Blagovest geostationary spacecraft, broadband satellite communications, C-band frequencies, and the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The head of the Russian Ministry of Defense checked how state defense orders are fulfilled at military enterprises. During a visit to the Tactical Missiles Corporation, a super-powerful Russian FAB-1500-M54 aerial bomb equipped with a planning module was noticed for the first time. As can be seen in the photo, the bomb received a streamlined cap that improves aerodynamic characteristics, which in turn increases the range and speed of the bomb’s flight to the target. An aircraft bomb with FAB-1500-M54 has a gliding range of up to 60 km; it is believed that it can be equipped with a pulse-jet engine, which increases the gliding range of the bomb to 150 km. The FAB-155-M54 aircraft bomb has a mass of 1550 kg, the mass of the warhead is 675.6 kg. When used, an aerial bomb leaves behind a crater up to 15 meters in diameter, and its radius of destruction by fragments and shock wave is about 500 meters. The maximum altitude for dropping an aerial bomb is 12 km; the initial gliding speed of the bomb depends on the carrier and usually reaches 1900 km/h. The UMPC module makes it one of Russia's longest-range bombs. Bombs can be carried by Su-34M and Su-35C aircraft. During a visit to the plant, the minister also instructed to transfer the line of conventional ammunition, the production of which has been established in sufficient quantities, to the category of precision-guided ammunition.

Footage of the construction of defensive structures by the Russian army in the Krasnolimansky direction. When creating dugouts, trenches, communication passages and weapons magazines, the engineering troops use the military mobile sawmill complex VMLK-1, more about it in the link to the video in the comments to the video. Since the war in Ukraine in some places turned into positional battles, quite serious defensive structures are being created. In the video you can see a system of trenches, the walls and floor of which are covered with boards, for protection from drones, and the upper part of the trenches is also closed. Along the entire length of the defensive structures, an electrical lighting system was created, drainage systems were installed, dugouts and firing points were created.

The Russian lightly armored tractor MT-LB has undergone another home-made modernization. This time, the RBU-6000 jet naval bomb launcher was installed on the MT-LB chassis. The RBU-6000 or “Smerch-2” shipborne rocket launcher is installed on most Russian ships; the installation was developed in 1961. The installation can launch twelve 213 mm RGB-60 or 90R bombs, weighing 113 kilograms, at a range of up to 5500 meters. The weight of the RBU-6000 is 3500 kg, so the maneuverability of the MT-LB armored personnel carrier will be significantly reduced.

Russian troops began using the Saniya electronic warfare system to protect tanks from drones, one of which was spotted on a T-80BVM tank. The Saniya electronic warfare system is designed to counter FPV drones and was developed by the Russian company 3mx. The complex is equipped with eight antennas and is available in stationary and mobile versions. The complex does not work all the time, but turns on automatically only when radiation from FPV drones is detected; for this, it is equipped with a Bulat drone detector, which we previously talked about. The Saniya electronic warfare system suppresses drone operating frequencies of 450 MHz, 900 MHz, 1.2 GHz, 1.5 GHz, 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz. According to the manufacturer, drones are detected at a range of up to 1.5 km and suppressed within 1 km. The jamming distance of drone frequencies depends on the weather, terrain conditions and the characteristics of the kamikaze drone. The antennas of the complex are capable of deflecting and returning to their original position, this is convenient when moving equipment in the forest. The weight of the Sania electronic warfare complex is 26 kilograms.

Footage of the launch of the Russian 9M723 missile and the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system has been published; the officially declared flight range of these missiles is up to 500 kilometers; it is believed that in reality the missiles fly further. In total, Russia has about 170 Iskander-M complexes.

Footage of the launch of the Russian 9M723 missile and the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system has been published; the officially declared flight range of these missiles is up to 500 kilometers; it is believed that in reality the missiles fly further.
@randomradio - I rest my case on INF debate.
The Triada-TKO company showed how the new Russian uniform VKPO 3.0 is produced, we previously talked about it, the link to the video is in the comments to the video. Since May 2023, 100,000 sets of military uniforms have been delivered to the troops, and soldiers have good reviews of them. The uniform set is being modernized; from 2024, the second version of the VKPO 3.0 uniform will be supplied to the troops. This will include new non-flammable underwear of the first layer, shoulder straps and the upper part of the suits will be made of fabric with “IR remission”. A set of waterproof and windproof field uniforms with thermoregulation has already been created. Currently, Russian troops are supplied with three types of military field uniforms. Military uniforms VKPO 2.0, produced by the company BTK-group, VKPO 3.0 produced by the company TRIADA-TKO and VKPO 4.0 produced by the company 545-design, are used by special forces units.

Since there is no topic about the Ethiopian army, I am posting it here. The Ethiopian Air Force has received Russian export Su-30K fighters. The ceremony of introducing the first two Su-30K aircraft into the Ethiopian Air Force took place last Tuesday, January 16. Russia previously supplied 18 Su-30K fighter jets to India in the second half of the 1990s. In 2008, India returned 18 Su-30K fighters to Russia under the “trade in” system, receiving new Su-30MKIs in return. In 2011, all aircraft were transported from India to Belarus to the 558th aircraft repair plant in Baranovichi. In 2013, 12 former Indian Su-30K fighters were purchased by Angola after modifications and repairs were carried out in Belarus. The Su-30K was developed in 1993 on the basis of the Su-27UB and is a transitional model to the Indian version of the Su-30MKI aircraft.

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@randomradio - I rest my case on INF debate.

That's a general statement. The US cited the Iskander-K to withdraw. The land version is advertised to do 480 km, but the sea-launched version can do over 5000+ km. Basically, it's the Kaliber missile. While the Rusians claim they have exercised export control limits on the land-based version, the US has assumed that it can do more than that. Meaning, there's no proof, the US is simply deciding on their own.

Post-withdrawal, the Russians started developing a new Kaliber missile that can do 5000+ km, which indicates the Iskander-K is range limited. The US simply wanted an excuse to leave the treaty.

Iskander-M follows INF limits properly.
That's a general statement. The US cited the Iskander-K to withdraw. The land version is advertised to do 480 km, but the sea-launched version can do over 5000+ km. Basically, it's the Kaliber missile. While the Rusians claim they have exercised export control limits on the land-based version, the US has assumed that it can do more than that. Meaning, there's no proof, the US is simply deciding on their own.
The point is they had several missiles that likely breached INF rules. There's no way of verifying that all ground-launched derivatives are limited, and that's why the treay banned conventional as well as nuclear missiles in the first places. The purpose of the INF was to ban missiles that were 'capable' of such to be sure, rather than having to trust that the other side hadn't loaded different warheads or more fuel.

BTW: The sea-based Kalibr has a range of 1,500-2,000km not 5,000+km, only the nuclear-tipped ALCMs have that range.
Post-withdrawal, the Russians started developing a new Kaliber missile that can do 5000+ km, which indicates the Iskander-K is range limited. The US simply wanted an excuse to leave the treaty.
Again, it would be a different missile to be capable of 5,000+km, the Kalibr is only 6m long and 0.5m diameter.
Iskander-M follows INF limits properly.
That's not what the post I quoted said, no one either side of the aisle believes that. The LORA missile does 430km with a 570kg warhead, and that missile is tiny compared to an Iskander.

The point is they had several missiles that likely breached INF rules. There's no way of verifying that all ground-launched derivatives are limited, and that's why the treay banned conventional as well as nuclear missiles in the first places. The purpose of the INF was to ban missiles that were 'capable' of such to be sure, rather than having to trust that the other side hadn't loaded different warheads or more fuel.

BTW: The sea-based Kalibr has a range of 1,500-2,000km not 5,000+km, only the nuclear-tipped ALCMs have that range.

Again, it would be a different missile to be capable of 5,000+km, the Kalibr is only 6m long and 0.5m diameter.

That's not what the post I quoted said, no one either side of the aisle believes that. The LORA missile does 430km with a 570kg warhead, and that missile is tiny compared to an Iskander.

Doesn't matter what the post stated, I'm talking about what the US itself stated.

If they had doubts about the missile, they could have asked for inspections instead of just leaving the treaty at random.
Doesn't matter what the post stated, I'm talking about what the US itself stated.
Maybe they felt the Iskander-K was just the most obvious breach. Isn't any way of telling if the missiles packed in all those tubes are range-limited or non-range limited and the TEL's only purpose is launching cruise missiles.
If they had doubts about the missile, they could have asked for inspections instead of just leaving the treaty at random.
You can't inspect all missiles at all times, hence why the treaty targeted nuclear and conventional. If we have to inspect individual missiles then there was no point including conventional in the first place now was there? I.e. if I have to check to see if a missile is range limited, then I may as well just be checking to see if it's nuclear instead.
The first Russian UAV Kor-112 made of plastic polymer. The Novosibirsk company OKB tested the Kor-112 heavy UAV. The Night Bird UAV is created according to the “flying wing” design, which allows the drone with a base weight of 21.5 kilograms to take off from any site or from water, without a catapult, with a take-off run of only 50 meters. The drone was successfully tested in cold weather of 37 degrees. The Kor-112 UAV is controlled by changing the thrust differential of the power plants. The efficiency of this method of taxiing is higher than that of the classic method with a deflectable plane, which allows you to control the drone not only in the air but also on the ground. To maintain flight, the thrust of one engine is sufficient, this allows you to return the drone if one of the drives fails. The drone is made of thermoplastic polymer, which has not been used before; any breakages or holes can be easily repaired on the drone using a soldering iron. The UAV is equipped with a cargo compartment with a hatch in the lower part of the fuselage, which allows it to accommodate any load weighing 13.5 kg, including ammunition. The drone is equipped with Chinese engines, but Russian ones can also be used in large-scale production. The company can produce up to 1,000 drones per month, currently producing 60. In an emergency, the drone returns to the starting point on its own. The estimated flight range of the drone is 30 kilometers, in repeater mode 60 kilometers and above, the drones change frequencies and transmit data to each other. The drone's flight time with an electric motor is 2.5 hours, with additional batteries up to 6 hours, with a gasoline engine 2 hours. The drone's flight altitude is 6 kilometers, speed is 215 km/h. The cargo compartment of the drone is 620 mm long, 160 mm high and 360 mm wide. The wingspan of the drone is 2700 mm, the length of the drone is 1200 mm.