There's no confirmation that AK-203 contract being finalized. MoD formed a costing committee to come up with a fair pricing. The variant we're getting isn't even an AK-203 but a hybrid of AK-103 and 203 to reduce the overall costs which still ended up costing $1000-1100 a rifle which is in line with our Sig-716 deal. Though the Sig-716 is a DI variant and not short stroke gas piston, it's inherently better when compared to the AKs imo...I've seen civilian variants of both here in the US. Coupled with OFB's shoddy manufacturing, I expect the quality to be nothing better than other OFB junk@Milspec @Gautam @zapper @Maximus
With AK 203 orders almost done.
Import ban of 101 items., will it change anything?
And Indian private sectors are all lining up with Rifle making.
Among the private sector, who has done work in the lines of R & D?
Who appears promising?
Afterall we need more than license building to develop our industry.
No private Indian defence firm has done R&D on small arms as of now. Even SSS Defence, though they own the IP is most probably designed by western guess is LMT since they initially intended to partner and form a JV but due to ITAR regulations, they opted otherwise and went the Caracal route of hiring consultants. Recently read on DFI that SSS has been stealing designs from some firm (check out this link )Among the private sector, who has done work in the lines of R & D?

All other firms have only formed JVs with foreign partners which shows they'd be nothing more than manufacturing partners doing nut and bolt job...I doubt to what extent they'd do the machining here