Posted On: 18 DEC 2023 5:41PM by PIB Delhi
Drinking Water & Sanitation is a State Subject. However, Government of India through its various programs, schemes, advisory etc., supplement the efforts of the State Government in this regard. Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) was launched on 25th June 2015 in selected 500 cities (covering around 60% of Urban Population) and towns across the country to provide piped water supply and increase the sewerage coverage in these cities. Further AMRUT 2.0 was launched in October, 2021, focusing on providing functional tap connections in all statutory town and sewerage and septage coverage in 500 AMRUT cities.
The number of households in Statutory towns as per census 2011 were around 6.70 crore, and around 49% households were connected with tap connections. There has been increase in urban population due to addition of new statutory towns and increase in population within the existing urban areas. As reported by the States in 2018, around 24 Lakh new/ serviced tap connections were added in AMRUT cities taking percentage coverage to around 54.5% in these cities. As on date, as reported by the States under AMRUT, 1.87 crore new/serviced tap connections are provided through AMRUT & in convergence with state schemes. Presently, around 70% urban households have access to piped water supply.
In Sewerage sector, in AMRUT cities, States have reported 1.47 crore sewerage/ septage coverage in 2015 i.e. around 31%. Further as reported by States till 2018, 18.84 lakh & till 2023 1.47 crore new/serviced sewerage connections/ Septage facilities were added/serviced in these cities. This has resulted in 2.94 crore sewerage connections/ septage facilities in 500 cities. Presently, around 42% urban households have access to sewerage/ septage facilities.
AMIRUT have impacted lives of women in many positive ways. Women can now utilize their time in more productive pursuits and it has led to decrease in effort for them in fetching water. It has further led to decrease in disease load owing to availability of safe drinking water within the house premises thereby, improving quality of life.
This information was given by the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS SHRI KAUSHAL KISHORE, in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.
Posted On: 28 NOV 2024 3:14PM by PIB Delhi
Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) 2.0 scheme has been launched on 01 October, 2021 in all ULBs/ cities, enabling the cities to become 'self-reliant' and 'water secure'. Providing universal coverage of sewerage & septage management in 500 AMRUT cities is one of the major focus areas of AMRUT 2.0. Rejuvenation of water bodies, development of green spaces and parks and Technology Sub-Mission to leverage latest technologies in the field of water are other components of the Mission. The total indicative outlay for AMRUT 2.0 is ₹2,99,000 crore including Central share of ₹76,760 crore for five years.
Under AMRUT 2.0, a total of 8,998 projects worth ₹1,89,458.55 crore (including Operations & Maintenance cost) have been approved by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA). Funds for projects are released by MoHUA to the States/ Union Territories (UTs) and not to the Districts/ Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) directly. The States/ UTs further release funds to the ULBs/ implementing agencies.
As per AMRUT 2.0 guidelines, the States/ UTs were required to complete all State Water Action Plan (SWAP) and get it approved within 2 years from the start of the Mission. So far, central assistance (CA) of ₹ 63,976.77 crore have been approved for the projects out of the total ₹66,750 crore CA allocated for the States/UTs. Some of the States namely Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Haryana, Ladakh, Lakshadweep, Manipur, Punjab, Uttarakhand have not yet got their SWAP approved for 90% of the allocated CA.
As reported by States/ UTs on AMRUT 2.0 portal (as on 15.11.2024), contract have been awarded for 4,916 projects worth ₹85,114.01 crore. 1198 projects which have been approved are at Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) stage and the States have been instructed to expedite the process. Rest of the projects are at various stages of implementation.
Out of admissible central assistance of ₹ 63,976.77 crore for the approved projects, an amount of ₹ 11,756.13 crore has been released so far to the States/ UTs, out of which States/UTs have reported utilization of ₹ 6,539.45 crore. Cumulatively, with State’s share the total expenditure reported by the States/ UTs is ₹17,089 crore and works worth ₹23,016.30 crore have been physically completed.
The projects taken-up under AMRUT are large infrastructure projects with long gestation periods. AMRUT 2.0 guidelines have specific provisions for formation of State High Powered Steering Committee (SHPSC) headed by the Chief Secretary of the State, to monitor and supervise the implementation of the scheme at the State/ UT level. State Level Technical Committee (SLTC) headed by the Secretary, Urban Development & Housing Department provides technical support to the SHPSC in monitoring and supervising the scheme at the State level. Further, an Apex Committee constituted under the ambit of Mission guidelines reviews and monitor the
Mission periodically. For assessment and monitoring of work done under AMRUT in the States/ UTs, there is a provision of Independent Review and Monitoring Agencies (IRMAs). Funds are released to the States/ UTs upon satisfactory compliance of IRMA reports. Also, in order to fast-track the implementation of AMRUT, the progress is periodically reviewed & monitored through regular video conferences/ webinars/ workshops/ site-visits etc. by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) with the States/ UTs & their ULBs. There is a dedicated AMRUT 2.0 online portal for tracking the progress and monitoring of projects provided by the States/ UTs.
Posted On: 02 DEC 2024 5:40PM by PIB Delhi
Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) 2.0 scheme has been launched on 01 October, 2021 in all ULBs/ cities, enabling the cities to become 'self-reliant' and 'water secure'. Providing universal coverage of sewerage & septage management in 500 AMRUT cities is one of the major focus areas of AMRUT 2.0. Rejuvenation of water bodies, development of green spaces and parks and Technology Sub-Mission to leverage latest technologies in the field of water are other components of the Mission. The total indicative outlay for AMRUT 2.0 is ₹2,99,000 crore including total Central assistance of ₹76,760 crore for five years.
Under AMRUT 2.0, Central assistance of ₹ 66,750 crore has been allocated for the projects, out of which ₹63,976.77 crore has already been approved to the States/ UTs and an amount of ₹ 11,756.13 crore has been released so far. The States/ UTs have reported utilization of ₹ 6,539.45 crore of central share. Cumulatively, with State’s share the total expenditure reported by the States/ UTs is ₹17,089 crore and works worth ₹23,016.30 crore have been physically completed. As reported by States/ UTs on AMRUT 2.0 portal (as on 15.11.2024), tenders have been issued for 5886 projects worth ₹1,15,872.91 crore out of which, contracts have been awarded for 4,916 projects worth ₹85,114.01 crore. Rest of the projects are at various stages of implementation.
The projects taken-up under AMRUT are large infrastructure projects with long gestation periods. AMRUT 2.0 guidelines have specific provisions for formation of State High Powered Steering Committee (SHPSC) headed by the Chief Secretary of the State, to monitor and supervise the implementation of the scheme at the State/ UT level. State Level Technical Committee (SLTC) headed by the Secretary, Urban Development & Housing Department provides technical support to the SHPSC in monitoring and supervising the scheme at the State level. Further, an Apex Committee constituted under the ambit of Mission guidelines reviews and monitor the Mission periodically. For assessment and monitoring of work done under AMRUT in the States/ UTs, there is a provision of Independent Review and Monitoring Agencies (IRMAs). Funds are released to the States/ UTs upon satisfactory compliance of IRMA reports. Also, in order to fast-track the implementation of AMRUT, the progress is periodically reviewed & monitored through regular video conferences/ webinars/ workshops/ site-visits etc. by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) with the States/ UTs & their ULBs. There is a dedicated AMRUT 2.0 online portal for tracking the progress and monitoring of projects provided by the States/ UTs.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Shri. Shri Tokhan Sahu, in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today
Reinventing Township Model to Conserve Water
Posted On: 05 FEB 2024 6:01PM by PIB Delhi
Implementation of measures pertaining to water conservation and zero-waste water discharge in the country are a continuous process and it is the constant endeavor of the Government to strive towards water conservation and zero-waste water discharge in both the urban and rural areas of the country. Government of India in 2015 launched Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) in 500 selected cities (485 cities including 15 merged cities) across the country covering around 60% of the Urban Population. AMRUT focuses on development of basic urban infrastructure in the selected cities in the sectors of Water Supply; Sewerage & Septage Management; Storm Water Drainage; Non-Motorised Public Transport; and Permeable Green Spaces & Parks.
To carry forward the objective of universal coverage of water supply from 500 cities to about 4,900 statutory towns, AMRUT 2.0 has been launched on 1st October 2021. AMRUT 2.0 focuses on making the cities ‘self-reliant’ & ‘water secure’. Providing universal coverage of sewerage & septage management in 500 AMRUT cities is other major focus of AMRUT 2.0. Under AMRUT 2.0, rejuvenation of water bodies and wells is one of main components. The admissible elements include harvesting the rainwater through storm water drains into water body (which is not receiving sewage/ effluent).
National Water Policy, 2012 advocates rainwater harvesting and de-salinization in urban and industrial areas, wherever techno-economically feasible, to increase availability of utilizable water.
Further, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs has also formulated guidelines for the States to adopt measures suitable to local conditions, such as Unified Building Bye Laws (UBBL) of Delhi, 2016, Model Building Bye Laws (MBBL), 2016 and Urban and Regional Development Plan Formulation and Implementation (URDPFI) Guidelines, 2014. Adequate focus has been given on requirement of rainwater harvesting and water conservation measures in these guidelines.
In order to make urban water management and urban river management as important aspect of urban planning, the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) in association with National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) has started River Cities Alliance (RCA) in November, 2021 with 30 cities on banks of River Ganga, now has 142 river cities as members.
RCA is a platform for building capacities of municipal officials and stakeholders by way of a platform for sharing best practices in urban water management like Catch The Rain, treating sewage, reuse of treated water etc. Under this, the officials are trained in preparing urban river management plans for protection of water bodies in India.