The Collapse of Europe

Pass the weed bro.

Lol! These are very minor problems......
Just some Anti-Social Elements using Islam to loot, menace....

With AK-47s, LMGs and RPGs? Do you know that in India, if the police find even a hint of an assault rifle in circulation, they go nuts for it?

Granted most are just your everday looters, and I believe there's still not enough weapons around in circulation in France yet, but the ground situation is changing really fast in Europe. Even one rifle is one too many.
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Ok so what we win?

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Ok so what we win?
your dollar printer sucks but it still works.
From CIA Factbook:
  • US GDP: $21132 trillion (2021)
  • Europeen Union (smaller than Europe) GDP: $19739 trillion (2021)
world bank puts it at 16.6 or 17 trillion , point is not abt numbers , its that gdp is not growing fast enuf to keep pace but instead stagnating.