The Quad (US, Japan, India, Australia Security Dialogue) : Updates and Discussions

This is precisely why India does not 'align' with the West. Khalistan was a serious problem for us. We dealt with the same in our territory. Taking losses of our soldiers. And it took us a decade to put it down. Same with Kashmir.

Any country harbouring terrorists as defined by us, will find the same response from us. No thank you. We will take them out. Get used to it.

All the countries you listed need US forces on the ground to help them. They will be malleable to the west. We do not need US forces or for that matter any western force on our territory to defend. Therein lies the difference between the countries you quoted and India.

In God we trust, everyone else needs verification.
What has that to do with trying to steal our defense secrets? Among other stuff.

46 minutes of crimes against Australia


VIDEO: India operated a spy ring in Australia to steal military secrets​

Indian spies were kicked out of Australia after being caught trying to steal secrets about sensitive defence projects and airport security, as well as classified information on Australia's trade relationships.

The so-called foreign "nest of spies" disrupted by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) in 2020 was also accused of closely monitoring Indians living here and developing close relationships with current and former politicians.
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It's almost like they're Chinese.
It's not much different. It's not what an ally would do.

Pic laugh smile is funny. Of course, French intelligence hasn't discovered any spies in France. They didn't even know we were canceling the sub, when it was in the newspaper 9 months before.:ROFLMAO:
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That is a fantasy of yours. Australia is very strict on visas. If a simple petty crime would exclude you, being a terrorist, most certainly would.
We would also have an extradition treaty with India, since 2008. Has Modi put in an application for anyone?

In my opinion. Modi, like Trump, is a cult leader, authoritarian. Playing on Hindu is superior, discrimination. He has censored the media. You only hear what he wants to tell you. It's not a good look.
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  • Haha
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That is a fantasy of yours. Australia is very strict on visas. If a simple petty crime would exclude you, being a terrorist, most certainly would.
We would also have an extradition treaty with India, since 2008. Has Modi put in an application for anyone?

In my opinion. Modi, like Trump, is a cult leader, authoritarian. Playing on Hindu is superior, discrimination. He has censored the media. You only hear what he wants to tell you. It's not a good look.

I don't think the West has still understood us. Supporting separatist activities anywhere globally is free game for us. Get used to it.

We are playing the same game you lot play. If you support terrorist activities, even financing, we will come after you. And let me assure you, this is not a Modi thing. This will happen even if Congress comes to power.
I wonder what their angle is? What is the motivation for India spying on Australia?


Surveillance of radical elements within the diaspora has been a longstanding mission, made somewhat more important over the last few years as opposition to the Farm Law reforms enabled a lot of extremists to mobilize & rally others to their cause.

Surveillance of individuals believed to be involved in recruitment, funding or other forms of support for radical outfits often leads to discovery of foreign intelligence operatives (of the host country, or third parties) who may be in contact with these individuals.

In such cases, it's up to the Indian intel agencies to dig further, to verify whether such contact is merely a result of the host nation keeping tabs on potential problem individuals, or if these individuals are being actively handled/directed by the host nation's agencies (or by those of third countries like ISI or MSS) to interfere in Indian electoral processes or destabilize the security situation.

That was the case with the likes of Amritpal Singh, believed to have been contacted by the ISI in the UAE, and arrested in India in 2022.

Often, discovery of intelligence officers believed to be in contact with suspected radicals leads to surveillance of the officers themselves, their roles, and other programs (military/intel) that they might be involved in, in order to paint a picture of who exactly they are.

Unlike the Five Eyes agreement, there are no set rules of engagement or intelligence sharing regarding these matters between India & the FVEY. So a degree of 'Trust, but Verify' is to be expected.

When such operations are compromised, a level of mistrust & animosity from the host country is to be expected, and warranted I'd say. But if such surveillance isn't conducted, it could potentially lead to outcomes that are far worse. Especially as extremism within certain minorities is often ignored by the powers that be in the likes of Canada due to domestic political equations. That lesson was also learnt the hard way:

I wish the FVEY would come around to appreciate India's concerns regarding these elements. But until a formal agreement is in place, I doubt there's any alternative but continued surveillance...and, if & when necessary, kinetic action in the face of a perceived immediate threat, which I believe was what we saw with Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada and almost saw with Gurpatwant Pannun in the US.

VIDEO: India operated a spy ring in Australia to steal military secrets​

Indian spies were kicked out of Australia after being caught trying to steal secrets about sensitive defence projects and airport security, as well as classified information on Australia's trade relationships.

The so-called foreign "nest of spies" disrupted by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) in 2020 was also accused of closely monitoring Indians living here and developing close relationships with current and former politicians.
This is so impressive. Why did it take so long for the agency to open their mouth?
It's almost like they're Chinese.

It's not much different. It's not what an ally would do.

Are all of these like China as well?:

"Government sources have told the ABC that friendly nations believed to be particularly active with espionage operations in Australia include Singapore, South Korea, Israel and India."

Like I said, trust but verify.
It's almost like they're Chinese.

Almost like other quad member
Really? Your criticism is on how a TV programme reported it?

Unlike Canada, India didn't assassinate anyone in Australia. However, it was bad enough.
To support these actions shows who you are.
When even the majority of Indians don't support the BJP party.

"Modi claims victory in India’s election but drop in support forces him to rely on coalition partners
Official results from India’s Election Commission on Wednesday showed the NDA won 294 seats, more than the 272 seats needed to secure a majority but far fewer than had been expected.

For the first time since his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party swept to power in 2014, it did not secure a majority on its own, winning 240 seats — far fewer than the record 303 it won in the 2019 election."