Yeah, now we are counting S400 as BMD ! That too all 6000 missiles.

Even the US is struggling to keep their small bases safe from BM. While here you are predicting we will clear 3000 km of the boundary from BM and CM.
Only you can throw everything out of context. Why bring US bases here? Everybody and their dog knows the US doesn't invest a lot in SAMs, and their SAMs are not good at BMD. Only their BMD ships are good at that job.
The S-400 is BMD capable, if you didn't know. And the main threat from Pakistan is SRBMs and MRBMs, which the S-400 is capable of defeating. You can say that there's not a single missile in Pakistan's inventory that the S-400 cannot defeat. And right now, they do not have any IRBMs in their inventory.
Of course, shooting down is not the problem but detecting well ahead is. Arabian coastline is too long and we have so many value targets to cover.
Not really. We have an oversupply of assets for surveillance. Even the subs won't be able to escape the net, let alone being able to fire missiles.
You also forget that they do not have the range necessary to fire from anywhere they want. If their subs are to retain stealth, the missiles need to be fired in lo-lo profile. Considering their best CM cannot do anything more than 700Km at high altitude, the lo-lo profile won't be any better than 200-250Km. Which sub in their inventory can operate at such distances from the shoreline?
Hell, you forget that submerged submarines of the kind they operate do not even have the range to come close to India's shoreline. Even the Kilo class's range when submerged is less than 800Km one way. So they can't really operate anywhere outside Gujarat's shores without being detected. The Pakistanis operate submarines in order to keep fuel supply lines open to the Gulf, so that's where their main focus is on. Only the SMX Ocean has long range and sufficient speed without needing to surface.
At best, all they can do is fire missiles from a safe corner of their sea at max range, that's before Sir Creek. Meaning, they can't get to cities below Mumbai at all. Mumbai is their absolute borderline with a 700Km missile. Similarly, they can't do any damage beyond Jodhpur. So their sea strike capability is pretty much non-existent.
Maybe some day they will make cruise missiles with ranges of 2000Km or so to be effective. You take a guess how long that will take.
It's simple. Without an SSBN, their dreams of launching nukes from the sea are pretty much non-existent. And with IN dominating the Arabian Sea, their SSBNs have nowhere to operate. It's only their fanboys dreaming of a nuclear triad.