Zero chance for those that have already signed. Backing out now would result in penalties far more than just what's for the F-35 cancelation. The cost will go into trade deals too.
Germany's biggest export to the US is cars, $24.3B, cars that the US does not need, and Trump can drop that to zero.
Canada's biggest exports are crude oil ($97B) and cars ($34B).
All replaceable.
Trade war isn't any more a risk, it's a fact. More than that all european countries are now thinking that Trump can ally with russia and become an enemy. Then for most european countries the problem is much deeper than a trade war, worst for Canada.
Verteidigungsminister Pistorius berät mit Generälen über die Zuverlässigkeit der US-Waffensysteme. Die Suche nach alternativen europäischen Rüstungsprojekten läuft.
Pistorius calls for Bundeswehr generals to a crisis meeting
Defense Secretary Pistorius consults with generals on the reliability of US gun systems. The search for alternative European arms projects is underway.
In view of the doubts about the reliability of US President
Donald Trump, Federal Defense Secretary
Boris Pistorius (SPD) is reportingly planning a crisis consultation on US weapons systems. As the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (SZ) reported on Thursday, there will be security issues relating to weapon systems that the Bundeswehr has already used or ordered. Representatives from the Union and
the SPD, meanwhile, spoke out in favour of arms purchases in Europe instead of in the
According to the "SZ", the minister plans a confidential round with high-ranking generals, ministry experts and representatives of the procurement office. It will also be about the reliability of F-35 fighter aircraft, of which the Bundeswehr wants to buy at least 35 jets. A spokesman for the ministry did not want to express himself on internal meetings at the request of the newspaper.
On the question of possible secret shutdown functions in the event of a conflict, the spokesperson said, "The F-35 cannot be easily switched off from a distance." However, details about the operation of weapon systems, the supply and data connection are usually classified, i.e. secret. At the same time, the ministry pointed out that the F-35 programme, as a joint development of eight nations, was not a bilateral, but a multinational arms project. There are significant parts that are manufactured exclusively outside the USA.
"Trump changed sides"
The background to considerations is a debate about the purchase of US weapons systems that increase Germany's dependence on the US. There is concern that the US is increasingly becoming a geopolitical opponent under Trump. US weapons systems could be useless in the worst case.
"Trump has changed sides," said the German military expert
Carlo Masala, Professor of International Politics at the Bundeswehr University of
Applied Sciences in
Munich, the "Rheinische Post" on Washington's current Russia policy. The US president wants good relations with
Russia, that is why Trump has adopted the Russian narratives. For him,
Ukraine is a disturbing factor.

Carlo Masala: He warns the Europeans. (Source: Sven Hoppe)
On the subject of F-35, Masala told the "SZ", nobody knows if there was a shutdown function in the fight jet, but he would not suspect it. The problem is rather the data transmission and the question of spare parts. "If that fails, the F-35 does not have a large number of its functions."
The solution is intended for experts in the procurement of European defence equipment. "In the future, care must be taken to buy in Germany or Europe, even if we do not reach 100 percent of the American capabilities," said SPD defence householder Andreas Schwarz on Thursday's newspapers of the Bavarian media group. "Dear 80 percent, who work instead of 100 percent, which is not available because Trump is pulling the plug."
Heusgen: 'Europe's urgent and needy rearmament
The CSU member and defence policymaker Reinhard Brandl is also relying on more contracts for European arms companies. "We need to become more confident along the entire value chain in the area of security and defence, and thus increasingly award contracts to national and European main contractors," he told the newspapers. In addition, Brandl called for better involvement of European companies if they needed to be bought abroad.
Green leader Franziska Brantner also spoke out in favour of a stronger focus on Europe: "I hope that we will not only buy American 'off the shelf', even if we have no alternative in some areas," she said. "We need to think 'defense' at European level, get it better and faster, invest together in new technologies and create new European consortia, as
Airbus once showed."
- The former chairman of the Munich Security Conference, Christoph Heusgen, hopes for an early strong European leadership with Germany, France, Great Britain and Poland. At the Munich Security Conference, he "still tried to bring the so-called Weimar Triangle to the stage," he told Phoenix. He did not succeed in doing so, but he was optimistic that in the face of the current challenges it will now be successful. The population must also be taken away by making it clear "how urgent and necessary this rearmament of Europe is".