UK Royal Navy: News & Discussions

Apparently, the old cow's son the aptly named Prince of Wales has broken down once again. Other reports I've read claims that in 3 yrs it's barely been operational for 90 days & this time it's one of the propellers which has been damaged. If it's to be replaced that's 6 months in the dry dock.

This has to be one of those red letter days of British Engineering Paddy, of whose fraternity you're a proud member. You did say BAe was one of the contractors for this project didn't you like they were for the JSF ?! Do pass on our congratulations to them.

What's even more interesting to note is that the Prince of Wales has been designated the lead ship for aircraft carrier operations by NATO in Europe. Would have been real fun had it been deployed off the Crimean Coast, wouldn't it?




Commissioning only by 2028 ? why is that?
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