Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Yeah but they're having to tap a lot of supply chains in nominally non-aligned countries for munitions though. Jets, tanks & ships need munitions to shoot/drop as well.

I kinda want the US to suspend all material support indefinitely, with EU taking over by footing the bill for all procurement from now on. This will be almost guaranteed to increase order books with Indian companies as Europe/NATO's own capacity for production (if we discount US) will take a long time to ramp up to desired levels.

Adani is going all-in with munition factories, as are about half a dozen public & private companies. We need all these factories to be spun up & primed for large-scale production so that they can become cost-competitive enough to survive on the international market on their own instead of having to rely solely on our MoD's piecemeal orders.

We need all this infrastructure ready to roll if we want to stalemate China.

The Russians have a long time to go before they can catch up with the current bulk of NATO, even without counting the US. 5-10 years to catch up with Europe. 10-20 years with the US. They have the ability, but whatever was said should be taken in context. The West has the ability to maintain its lead versus Russia. China's a different story.

India will definitely benefit from Europe's militarization, but it won't be as much as people expect. We cannot penetrate that market like SoKo and Israel have.