Ukraine - Russia Conflict

That's despite the rise in the rouble, so the real figure is larger. And also figures from the Kremlin, so reality may be worse.
Man with no facts, thats the latest movie thats setting the box office on fire.

US growth rate is -ve for last two qtrs, thats what americans say .

I say it, so it becomes a fact? 🤣

How much ever you cry & howl, most of the time west is the instigator and part of the problem ,there is no escape from that. There was/is s*** and we just added to it doesnt give west any excuse to absolve themselves of culpability for the human suffering.
It's a fact because statistics prove it.

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Prevalence of Modern Slavery (by total number of slaves) - Global Slavery Index 2018:​

  1. India - 7,989,000
  2. China - 3,864,000
  3. North Korea - 2,640,000
  4. Nigeria - 1,386,000
  5. Iran - 1,289,000
  6. Indonesia - 1,220,000
  7. Congo (Democratic Republic of) - 1,045,000
  8. Russia - 794,000
India has the highest number of slaves in the world. This is partly because India is one of the two most populous countries on Earth and partially because all forms of modern slavery exist in India, including forced child labor, forced marriage, commercial sexual exploitation, bonded labor, and forced recruitment into armed groups.

Most Racist Countries in the World (WaPo and BT results combined)*:​

  1. India
  2. Lebanon
  3. Bahrain
  4. Libya
  5. Egypt
  6. Philippines
  7. Kuwait
  8. Palestine
India ranks as the most racist of the countries included in the study. Located in southern Asia, India is the second-most-populous country on Earth, with roughly 1.3 billion people. According to the surveys, the country's residents display considerable intolerance for people with darker skin, whether they are of foreign descent (particularly African) or simply darker-skinned Indians.
Man with no facts, thats the latest movie thats setting the box office on fire.

US growth rate is -ve for last two qtrs, thats what americans say .

Our survey said "Urrr-URRR!" NPR LOL.

There is a ground-launched version apparently.

That's a concept. No such thing has been funded the cost for a software upgrade and launch vehicle would not be cheap. There could be another possibility... it's typical Russian BS. Harm missiles have been used in combat so it wouldn't be too hard to fake it. However I still think it was done by aircraft since Russian IADS have been blowing up not all of them done by HiMARS.

I smell a conspiracy!
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Yep, lunatics.*censore...adcasts-dark-kremlin-ambitions-171440926.html

In one recent post on VKontakte, another social media network popular with Russians, Medvedev suggested that the Kremlin had designs on Georgia and Kazakhstan, both former Soviet republics like Ukraine. “All nations inhabiting the once great and mighty Soviet Union will once again live together in friendship and understanding,” Medvedev wrote, promising that the “mistake of the early 1990s” — that is, the dissolution of the USSR — “will be corrected.”
It's a fact because statistics prove it.

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Prevalence of Modern Slavery (by total number of slaves) - Global Slavery Index 2018:​

  1. India - 7,989,000
  2. China - 3,864,000
  3. North Korea - 2,640,000
  4. Nigeria - 1,386,000
  5. Iran - 1,289,000
  6. Indonesia - 1,220,000
  7. Congo (Democratic Republic of) - 1,045,000
  8. Russia - 794,000
Everytime I log in here to see something interesting , the first thread that greets me is Ukraine Russia Flare Up filled to the brim with western propaganda which apparently passes muster with the administration of this forum here , no questions asked.

Not only that , full blown anti India propaganda seen since 2014 particularly in all it's glory during the anti CAA protests followed by the anti farm laws protests & the handling of the Chinese virus by India during the 2nd wave has now accompanied anti Russian propaganda here which in many ways was a natural progression & certainly not as inconceivable as many people out here might think.

Hence all these posts shouldn't be surprising in the least. What should be surprising is the fact that this bilge is tolerated ! Why , I've no clue !! But it's been the case since the past 6-7 yrs in this as well as the previous forum.

From justifying colonialism to the multiple millions killed during the man made famines engineered thru short supply of food grains then by the British Raj to gas lighting by exaggeration of social Evils like Sati & untouchability & the so called reformatory role played by the British ( as if they were here for human emancipation , hence , more glory to the white man's burden ) , to the deaths caused by malnutrition in post independent India - all tropes that this middle aged fart of a troll & certified drunk has successfully employed to derail discussions in threads with posts which've little or nothing to do with these topics , since years in spite of these issues being highlighted multiple times by several members to the management here in the past 6-7 years has gone unnoticed thereby providing an impetus to this member to continue his propaganda drive unabated & undisturbed.

So much so that members like @Amal who normally doesn't let such posts go unanswered is barely moved in spite of making an appearance every day here . Speaks to the kind of expectations one has of the quality of moderation here .

On topic , the so called list of modern slaves in that article include those forced into marriages & those forced into armed groups as if both these among other categories are condoned by the law of the land . This is the conceit of this piece of shit who regularly indulges in such propaganda , I'm referring to here.

Let's examine how the UK that beacon of human rights & democracy handled slavery & what it's successor - indentured labour was all about.

Excerpts from the article :

The slave trade was actually abolished in 1807. The 1833 Slavery Abolition Act abolished, as the name suggests, slavery itself. A Treasury so loose with its facts might explain something about the state of the British economy. Worse, however, was the claim that British taxpayers helped “buy freedom for slaves”. The government certainly shelled out £20m (about £16bn today) in 1833. Not to free slaves but to line the pockets of 46,000 British slave owners as “recompense” for losing their “property”. Having grown rich on the profits of an obscene trade, slave owners grew richer still from its ending. That, scandalously, was what the taxpayer was paying for until 2015.

The Treasury deleted its tweet on Saturday morning. It is, however, part of a long tradition of the British authorities playing down their central role in the transatlantic slave trade, while claiming credit for ending slavery. It was not Britain but slaves themselves and radicals in Europe who began the struggle against enslavement. Nevertheless, the “moral capital” of abolitionism, as historian Katie Donington observes, continues to provide “a means of redeeming Britain’s troubling colonial past”.

If the fact that the ordinary Britons was paying for the slavery abolition act nearly 2 centuries after it was abolished recompensing slave owners , there's no need to be shocked. The Brits aren't known as a nation of shopkeepers just like that .

You may well ask a white Briton what it costs to bed his wife daughter mother & sister together . In any other culture it's like signing your own death warrant . In Britain you'd be signing your death warrant only if the said white Brit is offended by the price you've offered.

Then again if you were to ask a brit of Pakistani origin , he'd venture that if the whole lot of white Anglo Saxon females are tramps from age 12 onwards to begin with , why exactly should they be offended by the low prices offered. Sort of explains the presence of those grooming gangs there I guess. Something about karma being a bitch ? What goes around comes around ?!

Excerpts :

Which is mind-boggling stuff, but if you’re thinking you can’t put a price on freedom, brace yourself for bad news – the money didn’t go to the slaves, but to their owners. That’s right: the British taxpayer, until five years ago, was paying off debts that the government racked up in order to compensate British slave owners for their loss of ‘property’. Records show that ancestors of former Prime Minister David Cameron and authors George Orwell and Graham Greene all profited at the time from these massive pay-outs, as did Prime Minister William Gladstone, who helped his father claim for £106,769. That’s a payment of around £83 million in today’s money, to just a single family.

An estimated 2.3 million African slaves were sent to the British Caribbean, but compared to narratives about the US, these stories have been rarely told. There are some obvious historical reasons for that: US slavery took place on home turf, and therefore has a more visible ongoing legacy, whereas for Britons it happened thousands of miles away.

But Romero believes it’s also, in more recent times, to do with who gets to tell what stories on the global stage. “We hear about black Americans, but we don’t hear the British stories. About 30 million slaves were uprooted from Africa and sold in the new world, the Caribbean and the Americas, but what a lot of people don’t know is that only something like 5% of those slaves went to America,” she points out; 55% were sold to Brazil and Spanish South America and 35% were sold in the West Indies. And yet the American narrative is first and foremost. That’s because of Hollywood – unless we’re telling these stories, people don’t know.”
West Indies or the Carribean coast in the 19th century was mostly a British colony.

Let's consider indentured labour , the successor to slavery .

Excerpts :

Indentured labourers outside of the Caribbean

While most of the indentured labourers were initially taken to the Caribbean, a significant number also went to other colonies in the British Empire, such as Mauritius, Uganda and South Africa. In these colonies they worked on plantations, in mines and on new railway systems the British wanted to introduce.
32,000 Indian labourers went to Uganda as indentured labourers. In the 1890s, they started to work on the railway that would stretch from Mombasa, Kenya to Lake Victoria in Uganda. The British wanted to build this railway to improve transport in their east African colonies. Being able to travel by railway made it easier for the British to visit different parts of the colony and enforce their rules.
Nearly 2,500 labourers died in the process of building the railway, and 6,500 labourers were injured. Most Indians returned home after its completion. However, several thousand remained and grew in number to become the Ugandan Asian community.
There were also several thousand other Indians who migrated to Uganda to work for British settlers on farms and plantations, which produced:

  • Sugar
  • Rubber
  • Cocoa
  • Coffee
A poster for the Uganda Railway, featuring a large lion.

A poster for the Uganda Railway, produced in 1908

What was it like to work on the Uganda Railway?
A black and white photograph of indentured labourers working on the Uganda Railway.

Indentured labourers on the Uganda Railway
Show less

Working on the Uganda Railway was difficult and dangerous.
Many indentured labourers became ill. A number of workers were killed by lions during the construction of the railway, with some historians estimating that up to 135 were attacked and killed.
Almost 2,500 workers died during the construction of the railway.

Why did Indians agree to become indentured labourers?

Famine and poverty were a common part of life for many Indians under British rule. Indians had to pay high taxes to the British, and the jobs available to most Indians did not pay enough to cover these taxes and also pay for basic food and shelter.
The Bengal famine of 1770 killed an estimated 10 million people as a result of a huge crop shortage. Several other severe famines hit India throughout the 1800s.
As a result, the opportunity to work as an indentured labourer was appealing because:

  • People were told it would only be for a set period of years, typically five.
  • They were told they would receive relatively good wages.
  • Some believed they would only be relocating to other parts of India.
  • It was an opportunity to escape famine and poverty.
  • Most were told that the cost of their return journey would be covered, although sometimes this promise was not kept.
A black and white photograph of indentured labourers carrying stone in Zanzibar.

Indentured labourers carry stone in Zanzibar, part of modern-day Tanzania

This is the state of contemporary UK :

& This is what those NGOs which compile those statistics on the number of malnutrition deaths in 3rd world countries , the list on slavery & the so called list of most racist countries usually indulge in .

This is the kind of sickness only a white man is capable of . To first indulge in such behaviour , then compile such statistics as listed above following which indulge in victim shaming.

This is an excellent example of modern day sex slavery of East European mostly illegal & also immigrants including underaged victims of immoral trafficking.

Support to action against forced prostitution of female victims in Romania and UK

Let's consider malnutrition & starvation in the UK post Brexit .

Excerpts :

In January last year, it was uncovered that 17,000 people had died while waiting to hear whether their claim for disability benefits, now called Personal Independence Payments (PIP), had been successful. One in four had cancer.

Excerpts :

Malnutrition is common. Nearly 3 million people in the UK at any one time are estimated either to live with malnutrition or to be at risk because they do not eat enough. The number of older people over 75 years of age — those with the highest risk of malnutrition — is projected to almost double in the next 25 years.

Now this is no ordinary nation that we're talking about . It's a P-5 nation with a nominal GDP of 3.2 trillion USD which makes it the 5th largest economy in the world with a GDP per capita income of 40-49,000 USD .

Most Racist Countries in the World (WaPo and BT results combined)*:​

  1. India
  2. Lebanon
  3. Bahrain
  4. Libya
  5. Egypt
  6. Philippines
  7. Kuwait
  8. Palestine

Excerpts from the article quoted in the above post

India ranks as the most racist of the countries included in the study. Located in southern Asia, India is the second-most-populous country on Earth, with roughly 1.3 billion people. According to the surveys, the country's residents display considerable intolerance for people with darker skin, whether they are of foreign descent (particularly African) or simply darker-skinned Indians. India has little immigration and few international residents. As a result, most of its people are of Indian descent themselves. This detail is considered to be a major contributing factor to racism in India. When one is unaccustomed to seeing or interacting with people of different races, it is often more difficult to integrate with someone of a different nationality or ethnicity. This notion is borne out in the survey results. Approximately 43.6% of all Indians who took the survey said that they would not be comfortable with neighbors who were of a different culture, ethnicity, or race. 64.3% of Indian participants also reported that they were either discriminated against or had witnessed discrimination unfold in their home country.
I'm willing to wager a 100 Euros that this bit of data was compiled by a bunch of paddies.
In a nation where various shades of brown & black co exist along with yellow & pale skin , we're getting certificates from people who still literally Lynch people based on their skin colour that India is a racist country.

I'm proud to be a racist if it means explicitly stating that all Paddies are born stupid & thus incurable. Along with abortion which should've been introduced long ago in Paddyland , I'd recommend mandatory euthanasia exclusively for the paddies post 40 if they don't die a violent death before that or thru cirrhosis .

Ever since the war began we've witnessed a surfeit of brain dead propaganda masquerading as journalism in the west courtesy the Paddies there who certainly weren't joking when they raised the battle cry - tiocfaidh ar la ( our time shall come ) a century ago .

This has resulted in the complete Paddification of the western world the media & it's people where such propaganda is now perceived to be the gospel.

However I don't see why we should be suffering these sub human Neanderthals . I'm all ears if someone wants to offer a good justification for why I'm wrong & just as vermin like feral hogs over running Texas or pythons running riot in the Florida Everglades deserve a chance so do Paddies deserve to be spared euthanasia .

I'm willing to settle for castration too if euthanasia is too severe for some bleeding hearts out here .
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Reactions: Amal and Innominate
The Ukrainian army began to use US AGM-88 HARM anti-radar missiles. The remains of one of the missiles were found at the positions of Russian troops in the Donbass. The missile entered service in 1983 and is capable of targeting high-frequency radars even if they turn off or change frequencies. The length of the rocket is about 4 meters, the diameter is 250 millimeters. With such dimensions, the EPR of the rocket is not small, therefore, they should be easily detected by air defense systems. The missile is designed to be launched only from aircraft, perhaps in Ukraine, handicraft ground installations were created for launching.

The calculation of the Osa-AKM air defense system, the Russian marine brigade of the Pacific Fleet, showed its combat work at night in Ukraine. Several launches of 9M33M3 missiles were carried out against the detected targets. On the combat account of the calculation of the air defense system, there are already 115 destroyed air targets.

Footage of the destruction of a Ukrainian tank by a Russian precision-guided projectile "Krasnopol". The defeat of the tank was carried out in the area of the village of Peski.

These casualty estimates are pointless because "wounded" is a temporary state. If a soldier was wounded in March, then again in May, and then again in July, does that count as three casualties or just one?
These casualty estimates are pointless because "wounded" is a temporary state. If a soldier was wounded in March, then again in May, and then again in July, does that count as three casualties or just one?
I think wounded as in out of the war completely. Losing a limb or other permanent injury tends to knock you out of the fight. 70k-80k is a lot of men taken out of the war dead or injured.
These casualty estimates are pointless because "wounded" is a temporary state. If a soldier was wounded in March, then again in May, and then again in July, does that count as three casualties or just one?
Depends how many limbs he has left. 'Lost' implies permanently out of action whether by death, amputation, blindness, crippling, paralysis etc.
Turns out my suspicion was correct.

Slovakian and Polish Mig-29's or SU-25's from NATO nations.

BUKs, S300/400s are now in severe danger
Question is, which version. If it's the E variant, Russia is in trouble.

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