Ukraine - Russia Conflict

He was also a racist apparently, so good riddance.

His name is Jack Teixiera . Sounds like a Hispanic surname. Just when I thought only people of one ethnicity is capable of such stupidity , bang comes the evidence.

Further corroborates my central argument about the Pxxxxfication of the west . If it's infested the Hispanics then we can be sure the blacks are goners too .

Even after just posting, it doesn't show in latest posts as well. These some of the observations which should be looked into. Please move the posts to relevant thread if necessary. Thank you.


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"Ukraine, the double blindness": Russian and Western mistakes in a conflict

In a book, academic Hamit Bozarslan analyses Putin's misjudgements on the one hand, and the naivety of the West on the other, both of which have contributed to the inevitability of a war from another age.

Book. Hamit Bozarslan announced it as early as February 25, 2022, one day after Russia invaded Ukraine: "Putin will not win this war." The proof of this oracle can be found in a lesson by Ibn Khaldun, a 14th century Muslim scholar. Any empire can only be reconstituted if it combines several fundamental elements: an internal egalitarian solidarity (asabiyya), a universal idea (da'wa) and a project of elevation. Vladimir Putin has none of these in his deck. His Russia is an example of glaring inequality, his organic nationalism is sectarian, and his dream of grandeur is more likely to turn Russia into a miserable state than a prosperous one, unlike Rome, for example, which, by moving from Republic to Empire in the first century BC, put an end to civil wars and increased its power tenfold.​
And yet, the master of the Kremlin is stubborn. Instead of opting for democratisation, the only path capable of bringing stability and prosperity, Vladimir Putin has deliberately chosen the path of panslavic radicalism to achieve his goal, writes the historian and sociologist, director of studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, in Ukraine, le Double aveuglement (CNRS Editions). This involves rewriting Russian history, erasing any narrative other than that imposed by its ideologues. And because the former Soviet federated republics, starting with Ukraine, have no history of their own in Putin's eyes, they have no future outside "holy Russia".​
His revisionism goes so far as to swallow the disturbing pages of Russian history, such as Lenin's distrust of "Great Russian nationalism", or Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika and glasnost during the last years of the USSR. These "historical errors" must be erased, like the traces of a road accident. This is the first blindness that Hamit Bozarslan discusses in his book, which condenses in some hundred pages the lessons he draws from a war of another age.​
A call for vigilance
This specialist of authoritarian powers (Turkey, Russia, China), but also of violence in the Middle East, adds to Russian national-bolshevism a second blindness: that of the Western democracies this time, which did not want to see the obvious: that of a revanchist and bellicose Russia, whose only software is that of the neo-imperial power ready to do anything to crush the slightest obstacle in its path. For nearly two decades, while Russia was preparing, after the Chechen, Georgian and Syrian episodes, for an arm wrestle with the West, Europeans and Americans refused to see the reality. They allowed themselves to be blinded by the lights of peace and liberalism, which covered with their brilliance the evil that was eating away at a predatory Kremlin, enraged and jealous of regaining its status as a world power.​
But the post-Soviet parenthesis is well and truly closed, insists Hamit Bozarslan. From now on, time, which has become a major geopolitical variable between the autocrats and the democrats, is running out. The author invites Westerners to "examine their conscience" as the contours of a two-headed world take shape. The latter are invited to remain faithful to their democratic values and freedoms. Similarly, Ukraine must think about the post-war period by renouncing all nationalist logic and accepting the Russian part of its autonomous and national history. Without, however, sacralising the dark pages of the recent past. The author reminds us that if Ukrainians aspire to join Europe and its democratic principles, this will require the marginalisation of the country's ultranationalist fringes. These movements with Nazi overtones are certainly not capable of mortgaging the country's destiny, as they are so small. But only the prospect of European integration and the commitment of the political elites will be able to sort out the wheat from the chaff in the Ukrainian memory.​
And in this respect, Europeans must be more vigilant with the many applications for integration into the Union, even beyond the classic criteria for membership. It is also up to Europeans and Americans to get their act together by being more attractive and inclusive with the rest of the world, especially the Russian periphery and the global South, while sublimating the spirit of the Enlightenment to better dismiss the idea of a possible direct confrontation with Russia - and China in the background? - so as to avoid making the war in Ukraine the prelude to a generalised conflict. For the first victory that the democracies can obtain from their duel with all the Putins of the world can only be over themselves.​
"Ukraine, Le double aveuglement", by Hamit Bozarslan, CNRS Editions /deepl
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VIDEO of another fire in Russia. This is in the city of Noginsk app 40km east of Moscow. A large fire was reported and several buildings allegedly were ablaze. No further information available.
ht tps://

In Ukraine mud season, known as "rasputitsa," renders fields and unpaved roads impassable for around a month in the fall and spring, due to rain and melting snow respectively . The loss of moisture from the soil picks up by May 1st and beyond . In southern Ukraine, the soil will be dry from around mid-April, then two weeks later in the Donetsk region, and from mid-May in the Russian Luhansk region further north . Also terrain going to be much more greener .

So we can expect much more action next month onwards .
"Ukraine, the double blindness": Russian and Western mistakes in a conflict

In a book, academic Hamit Bozarslan analyses Putin's misjudgements on the one hand, and the naivety of the West on the other, both of which have contributed to the inevitability of a war from another age.

Book. Hamit Bozarslan announced it as early as February 25, 2022, one day after Russia invaded Ukraine: "Putin will not win this war." The proof of this oracle can be found in a lesson by Ibn Khaldun, a 14th century Muslim scholar. Any empire can only be reconstituted if it combines several fundamental elements: an internal egalitarian solidarity (asabiyya), a universal idea (da'wa) and a project of elevation. Vladimir Putin has none of these in his deck. His Russia is an example of glaring inequality, his organic nationalism is sectarian, and his dream of grandeur is more likely to turn Russia into a miserable state than a prosperous one, unlike Rome, for example, which, by moving from Republic to Empire in the first century BC, put an end to civil wars and increased its power tenfold.​
And yet, the master of the Kremlin is stubborn. Instead of opting for democratisation, the only path capable of bringing stability and prosperity, Vladimir Putin has deliberately chosen the path of panslavic radicalism to achieve his goal, writes the historian and sociologist, director of studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, in Ukraine, le Double aveuglement (CNRS Editions). This involves rewriting Russian history, erasing any narrative other than that imposed by its ideologues. And because the former Soviet federated republics, starting with Ukraine, have no history of their own in Putin's eyes, they have no future outside "holy Russia".​
His revisionism goes so far as to swallow the disturbing pages of Russian history, such as Lenin's distrust of "Great Russian nationalism", or Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika and glasnost during the last years of the USSR. These "historical errors" must be erased, like the traces of a road accident. This is the first blindness that Hamit Bozarslan discusses in his book, which condenses in some hundred pages the lessons he draws from a war of another age.​
A call for vigilance
This specialist of authoritarian powers (Turkey, Russia, China), but also of violence in the Middle East, adds to Russian national-bolshevism a second blindness: that of the Western democracies this time, which did not want to see the obvious: that of a revanchist and bellicose Russia, whose only software is that of the neo-imperial power ready to do anything to crush the slightest obstacle in its path. For nearly two decades, while Russia was preparing, after the Chechen, Georgian and Syrian episodes, for an arm wrestle with the West, Europeans and Americans refused to see the reality. They allowed themselves to be blinded by the lights of peace and liberalism, which covered with their brilliance the evil that was eating away at a predatory Kremlin, enraged and jealous of regaining its status as a world power.​
But the post-Soviet parenthesis is well and truly closed, insists Hamit Bozarslan. From now on, time, which has become a major geopolitical variable between the autocrats and the democrats, is running out. The author invites Westerners to "examine their conscience" as the contours of a two-headed world take shape. The latter are invited to remain faithful to their democratic values and freedoms. Similarly, Ukraine must think about the post-war period by renouncing all nationalist logic and accepting the Russian part of its autonomous and national history. Without, however, sacralising the dark pages of the recent past. The author reminds us that if Ukrainians aspire to join Europe and its democratic principles, this will require the marginalisation of the country's ultranationalist fringes. These movements with Nazi overtones are certainly not capable of mortgaging the country's destiny, as they are so small. But only the prospect of European integration and the commitment of the political elites will be able to sort out the wheat from the chaff in the Ukrainian memory.​
And in this respect, Europeans must be more vigilant with the many applications for integration into the Union, even beyond the classic criteria for membership. It is also up to Europeans and Americans to get their act together by being more attractive and inclusive with the rest of the world, especially the Russian periphery and the global South, while sublimating the spirit of the Enlightenment to better dismiss the idea of a possible direct confrontation with Russia - and China in the background? - so as to avoid making the war in Ukraine the prelude to a generalised conflict. For the first victory that the democracies can obtain from their duel with all the Putins of the world can only be over themselves.​
"Ukraine, Le double aveuglement", by Hamit Bozarslan, CNRS Editions /deepl

Quite an illiterate piece of analysis . Judging from the analogies offered I'm assuming the person is either a practising Muslim or from an Islamic background & possibly non practising.

If anything the asabiya is strong among the Russians . Putin's attempts are to build upon this by including the rest of the Slavic World into it . This is more reactionary than anything else for Russia could neither mimic the prosperity of the materialistic capitalistic west on it's own even in it's mightier earlier Avatar as the USSR nor was he accomodated within the west's larger umbrella .

Arguably Russia doesn't have the kind of raw material China does inorder to achieve prosperity the way China did. Hence he struck a separate path which increasingly was on collision mode with the west for the policies both followed where reaction followed counter reaction resulting in a number of such cycles all building up to a conflict bringing the players to where they are today.

The author seems to be smug in his belief that Russia is headed for it's doom while being totally sanguine about Europe's continuing prosperity & rise . I don't think we've reached a stage yet where such grand assumptions can be made for sure or even partially . As far as assimilation goes , the EU which is essentially a western & central European led initiative is finding it difficult to accomodate & assimilate the east Europeans with whom they have at least some commonality , what to speak of the hordes of Islamic migrants both legal & illegal with whom they have nothing in common.

That's where one would think his Islamic background would come in handy. Instead , the author doesnt even try explaining how & why this could happen failing which what could be the repercussions of it . In fact , he completely avoids the said topic . Either he lacks the intellectual bandwidth to tackle the said issue or he's being intellectually dishonest.

I could go on issuing a point by point rebuttal of every issue the author in question has raised but refrain from it due to paucity of time . Having said that , hope the few points I've penned here , top of the mind , suffice to debunk whatever theory it is the author's trying to peddle .
The Altius 600M is a 12kg tube-launch propellor-driven drone that can be launched from the ground, from vehicles, from watercraft, from aircraft, and from larger drones. It can remain airborne for around four hours and has a maximum range of 400km . they’ve been equipped with autonomy . one person can manage one or two dozen of the drones on his own .

The Altius 600M is a 12kg tube-launch propellor-driven drone that can be launched from the ground, from vehicles, from watercraft, from aircraft, and from larger drones. It can remain airborne for around four hours and has a maximum range of 400km . they’ve been equipped with autonomy . one person can manage one or two dozen of the drones on his own .

I hope our security managers are taking due note. While we're about rationalising the size of the IA , I think the opposite is needed where you'd need a strong back end to cater to all these technologies as well as come up with prompt solutions where they run into a wall. Apparently Agniveers are emphasising recruitment of boys with a technical background namely ITI's . This ought to be balanced with recruitment of locals from border areas of the LAC as they're best suited to tackle altitudes & we need sheer numbers to cater to the heavy resultant attrition .
The Altius 600M is a 12kg tube-launch propellor-driven drone that can be launched from the ground, from vehicles, from watercraft, from aircraft, and from larger drones. It can remain airborne for around four hours and has a maximum range of 400km . they’ve been equipped with autonomy . one person can manage one or two dozen of the drones on his own .


4+ Hours Demonstrated


276 mi / 440 km


20-27 lbs (3-7lb Payload)

Launch Platforms​

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Interesting snippet.

Pre-war Russia were said to have 133 Ka-52s, according to Oryx 33 have been confirmed destroyed, so 25% of the fleet has been destroyed (granted we don't know how many have been delivered in 2022/23, but its not likely to be a huge amount). Given that some helo losses are bound to have not been recorded I think you can count on them having at least 25% loss rate.