Ukraine - Russia Conflict

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View attachment 27501

US has replaced Russia as Europe’s top crude oil supplier​

Also, looking at it another way, if it's cheaper to get refined fuels all the way from India, rather than straight from Saudi Arabia, Russia can't be making very much from it once you factor in transportation costs.
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News is from mid feb . Dont know why its being highlighted now

- A third generation MANPADS, believed to be based on the Chinese QW-1 MANPADS. Uses a dual-band, cross-scan infrared scanning seeker to counter decoy flare Also believed to use American missile technology.
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Was that picture even taken in Ukraine though, there's a lot of fakes going about.

Sure there are some Nazis in Ukraine, there are Nazis or equivalent ultranationalists in every country and there are more Nazis in Russia than anywhere else in Europe. Jesus, I'm sure if someone bombed the crap out of India and then pointed to the fact you had some Hindu ultranationalists as an excuse, you wouldn't have much time for them.