United States News

US Supreme Court has directed two major American universities, including Havard to do away with their race-conscious student admissions programs ( racial reservation) which are intended to foster diversity on campus.. Joe Biden said that he "strongly, strongly" disagreed with the court’s ruling.

The ground has been laid . Time to see how long can they resist .
(nyt, jul.01) https://archive.ph/3384y#selection-455.0-483.422

To Foreign Policy Veteran, the Real Danger Is at Home​

Richard N. Haass says the most serious threat to global security is the United States.

Everywhere he has gone as president of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard N. Haass has been asked the same question: What keeps him up at night? He has had no shortage of options over the years — Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, climate change, international terrorism, food insecurity, the global pandemic.​
But as he steps down after two decades running America’s most storied private organization focused on international affairs, Mr. Haass has come to a disturbing conclusion. The most serious danger to the security of the world right now? The threat that costs him sleep? The United States itself.​
“It’s us,” he said ruefully the other day.​
That was never a thought this global strategist would have entertained until recently. But in his mind, the unraveling of the American political system means that for the first time in his life the internal threat has surpassed the external threat. Instead of being the most reliable anchor in a volatile world, Mr. Haass said, the United States has become the most profound source of instability and an uncertain exemplar of democracy.​
“Our domestic political situation is not only one that others don’t want to emulate,” he said in an interview ahead of his last day at the Council on Foreign Relations on Friday. “But I also think that it’s introduced a degree of unpredictability and a lack of reliability that’s really poisonous. For America’s ability to function successfully in the world, I mean, it makes it very hard for our friends to depend on us.” (...)​
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According to the indictment, Trump told Pence that “you’re too honest” when his vice president balked at the idea that he could block Biden’s win. Pence, who was called to testify in front of the grand jury that delivered the indictment, mentioned the episode in his book “So Help Me God.”

That's Trump done.
Very recently they also discovered large lithium reserves.

USA is really a blessed country.
Ooooh, terbium, $1,600+/kg. All set to rise in value. Over a trillion $s there, even at todays prices. Terbium is used to dope semiconductors, neodynium is used in magnets (electric motors, wind turbines).

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Very recently they also discovered large lithium reserves.

USA is really a blessed country.
I actually miscalculated the value because I forgot to convert to kg. 2.34 billion tonnes or 2.34 trillion kg of dysprosium would be worth over $1 quadrillion at $443/kg. The same amount of terbium as also mentioned would be worth nearly $4 quadrillion. The cheapest of the metals mentioned neodynium and praseodymium would bring the total value out at ~$250 trillion.