United States News

History lesson: A Four-Decade Secret: One Man’s Story of Sabotaging Carter’s Re-election

The Republicans sabotaged Carter so as to ensure he wouldn't be reelected. The hostages got to enjoy Iranian hospitality for longer because that was politically convenient. After their victory, the Republicans did not waste time: they immediately sold weapons to Iran, and allowed drugs to flow in America, so as to have money with which to fund the "Contras" death squadrons.

The Republican Party was a nest of traitors then, and it still is a nest of traitors now. Ideologically, they are aligned with Russia, just like they were aligned with the Contras -- genocidal fascism is what the GOP likes to see the most.
History lesson: A Four-Decade Secret: One Man’s Story of Sabotaging Carter’s Re-election

The Republicans sabotaged Carter so as to ensure he wouldn't be reelected. The hostages got to enjoy Iranian hospitality for longer because that was politically convenient. After their victory, the Republicans did not waste time: they immediately sold weapons to Iran, and allowed drugs to flow in America, so as to have money with which to fund the "Contras" death squadrons.

The Republican Party was a nest of traitors then, and it still is a nest of traitors now. Ideologically, they are aligned with Russia, just like they were aligned with the Contras -- genocidal fascism is what the GOP likes to see the most.

Election year in 1980 saw an inflation of 14%. I bet that had a lot to do with Carter's loss.

This time round, the Democrats are busy cutting off the dicks of young boys while allowing an endless stream of migrants illegally into the US.
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The fact Putin wants Trump in should bother people.

If Trump wins, I've a feeling the war will end, but very much on Russia's terms. Because Trump simply wants to stop American money from flowing into the conflict, he doesn't care too much about what happens to Ukraine because of it.

However, the ability of the bureaucrats (read: deep state) to influence Trump shouldn't be underestimated either. By this point his antics must be pretty predictable. All it takes is for someone to convince him that Putin doesn't respect you unless you show him what you can do, and he'll turn up the spending on the war.

Bottomline, I've always maintained that Russia would win this war until & unless it collapses from within. At what cost the victory will come & what will be the state of postwar Russia is a different matter. But if the victory comes after Trump becomes president, no doubt he will be blamed for letting Russia win.
If Trump wins, I've a feeling the war will end, but very much on Russia's terms. Because Trump simply wants to stop American money from flowing into the conflict, he doesn't care too much about what happens to Ukraine because of it.

However, the ability of the bureaucrats (read: deep state) to influence Trump shouldn't be underestimated either. By this point his antics must be pretty predictable. All it takes is for someone to convince him that Putin doesn't respect you unless you show him what you can do, and he'll turn up the spending on the war.

Bottomline, I've always maintained that Russia would win this war until & unless it collapses from within. At what cost the victory will come & what will be the state of postwar Russia is a different matter. But if the victory comes after Trump becomes president, no doubt he will be blamed for letting Russia win.
Number of liability suits against Trump is just getting piled up. They will try to get the election subversion case against him to come to trial and kick him out. Chances of him contesting is slim, there will drama & chaos before that happens.
History lesson: A Four-Decade Secret: One Man’s Story of Sabotaging Carter’s Re-election

The Republicans sabotaged Carter so as to ensure he wouldn't be reelected. The hostages got to enjoy Iranian hospitality for longer because that was politically convenient. After their victory, the Republicans did not waste time: they immediately sold weapons to Iran, and allowed drugs to flow in America, so as to have money with which to fund the "Contras" death squadrons.

The Republican Party was a nest of traitors then, and it still is a nest of traitors now. Ideologically, they are aligned with Russia, just like they were aligned with the Contras -- genocidal fascism is what the GOP likes to see the most.
:LOL: As if dems are angels , they are all the same. When they say swamp . it means both the parties. Bob menendez was caught with gold bars and was acting as agent of egypt.
If Trump wins, I've a feeling the war will end, but very much on Russia's terms. Because Trump simply wants to stop American money from flowing into the conflict, he doesn't care too much about what happens to Ukraine because of it.
The fun thing about American money "flowing into the conflict" is that it flows to US weapon factories.

Because America used its position as the guarantor of security to replace European weapon production lines with American ones. After all, they got important economies of scale thanks to their completely locked-up domestic market (Buy American Act), and have fiercely opposed any and all attempts at mirroring this in Europe ("protectionism is bad when you do it, but it's good when I do it", says Uncle Sam).

So now we are in a situation where the issue of a conflict that's vital to Europe is decided by whether America keeps providing weapons or not, and evidence shows that this support will not come because Russia has infiltrated just enough fifth columnists to put a spanner in the works.

The moral of the story is, never let yourself to grow reliant on US weapons.

:LOL: As if dems are angels
See, I don't give a *censored*, as long as they are not actively abetting Russia's agenda. I'm not American, so I don't care about their internal politics as long as it doesn't affect me.
If Trump wins, I've a feeling the war will end, but very much on Russia's terms. Because Trump simply wants to stop American money from flowing into the conflict, he doesn't care too much about what happens to Ukraine because of it.

However, the ability of the bureaucrats (read: deep state) to influence Trump shouldn't be underestimated either. By this point his antics must be pretty predictable. All it takes is for someone to convince him that Putin doesn't respect you unless you show him what you can do, and he'll turn up the spending on the war.

Bottomline, I've always maintained that Russia would win this war until & unless it collapses from within. At what cost the victory will come & what will be the state of postwar Russia is a different matter. But if the victory comes after Trump becomes president, no doubt he will be blamed for letting Russia win.

See, I don't give a *censored*, as long as they are not actively abetting Russia's agenda. I'm not American, so I don't care about their internal politics as long as it doesn't affect me.

The war has bipartisan support. All this posturing for no-war is just a way to pile pressure on Biden into doing something about illegal immigrants first. The Republicans want to enter the White House knowing they started winning locally even before they are in power. Makes the Dems look bad.

The war may become unsalvageable even before Trump is sworn in. Especially if the Russians follow through with a bigger offensive by May.
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All this posturing for no-war is just a way to pile pressure on Biden into doing something about illegal immigrants first.
Even though it was the Republicans who torpedoed a bipartisan deal, that agreed to mostly Republican terms because Trump made a concerted, public effort to stymie it. And they ran on it in NY-03 and lost quite spectacularly.

The Republicans want to enter the White House knowing they started winning locally even before they are in power.
Except they have been losing up and down the ballot in most gubernatorial, congressional, and state assembly-level elections since 2021, their local/state party units are in utter mess, and the RNC is running around like a headless chicken.
Even though it was the Republicans who torpedoed a bipartisan deal, that agreed to mostly Republican terms because Trump made a concerted, public effort to stymie it. And they ran on it in NY-03 and lost quite spectacularly.

It still is a bipartisan deal, the Reds have subjected it to conditions.

Except they have been losing up and down the ballot in most gubernatorial, congressional, and state assembly-level elections since 2021, their local/state party units are in utter mess, and the RNC is running around like a headless chicken.

So, yes, that's the point. They want a win before coming to power. Particularly on immigration, 'cause it's becoming a problem even in Blue cities.

The reason is simple. Pretty much all of the US objectives for the war have been met. I guess the only one they couldn't manage was getting India on its side, but controlling oil prices was enough of a consolation prize there.

Russia is unlikely to take away or are uninterested in taking away all of Ukraine, which means the US will continue to maintain a foothold in the region, which will now become highly militarized, further favoring their presence. They brought multiple countries in Eastern and Northern Europe completely into their fold at the expense of Western Europe. They have managed to completely isolate Russia from Europe, one of the biggest objectives, and tied Russia into a blood feud with a neighbor, the same as India. And Western Europe's industry is pretty much cooked.

Now that Russia's recruitment and MIC have caught up with the demands of the war, any further release of funds is only meant to delay the inevitable. So is there interest in just getting more troops killed on both sides? Can the UAF achieve their objectives after having peaked long ago? Is it only to keep Zelensky alive? Are the only objectives left political rather than military?

People may have this misguided belief that the US is aiming for a Ukrainian victory.

So, if all the necessary objectives have been met and Ukraine will survive the war, then local politics will naturally take the forefront of policy-making once again in the US.
If Trump wins, I've a feeling the war will end, but very much on Russia's terms. Because Trump simply wants to stop American money from flowing into the conflict, he doesn't care too much about what happens to Ukraine because of it.

However, the ability of the bureaucrats (read: deep state) to influence Trump shouldn't be underestimated either. By this point his antics must be pretty predictable. All it takes is for someone to convince him that Putin doesn't respect you unless you show him what you can do, and he'll turn up the spending on the war.

Bottomline, I've always maintained that Russia would win this war until & unless it collapses from within. At what cost the victory will come & what will be the state of postwar Russia is a different matter. But if the victory comes after Trump becomes president, no doubt he will be blamed for letting Russia win.
Trump is a dumbass who doesn't see the big picture. Pulling out now will cost the US far more in the longterm both financially and in terms of integrity, trust and standing.

Ukraine can win the war, it's as simple as allowing them to target Russian defence production facilities with western stand-off weapons. At the moment the idiots in NATO are allowing Putin to target anything he likes in Ukraine with Iranian and North Korean weapons without any counter action.

It takes just 0.25% of GDP from NATO members to win this. It's pitiful that we're encountering these issues.
The war has bipartisan support. All this posturing for no-war is just a way to pile pressure on Biden into doing something about illegal immigrants first.

This posturing for no-war is because the Reputinian Party want Russia to win. Illegal migrants were just a pretext, a way to make it more palatable for their electorate than just outright saying "we side with Russia and want fascism to win, because what Putin is doing in Russia is what we want to do in America". When Biden submitted to their game and tried to do something about illegal immigration, they torpedoed it.
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Ukraine can win the war, it's as simple as allowing them to target Russian defence production facilities with western stand-off weapons. At the moment the idiots in NATO are allowing Putin to target anything he likes in Ukraine with Iranian and North Korean weapons without any counter action.

It takes just 0.25% of GDP from NATO members to win this. It's pitiful that we're encountering these issues.

Gotta be a reason for it.

I guess at some level EU/NATO leaders are wary of the possibility of tac nukes (or an engineered meltdown of reactors) coming into play. They'll do what they can to bleed the Russians slowly but don't want to make any radical moves that will push Russia into a corner. I don't know if Russia would actually do it...or if they have convinced NATO that they'll do it.

I'm not convinced that there isn't a large chunk of leaders in Europe who aren't just thinking in terms of victory or loss but also in terms of what each outcome will cost (to themselves & to the Russians). We are after all talking about people who are still not ready to let go of piped Russian gas.
Important data points:

Oh, and also:
Newsweek is not a reliable source. There's a bunch of these dodgy news sources now.



This posturing for no-war is because the Reputinian Party want Russia to win. Illegal migrants were just a pretext, a way to make it more palatable for their electorate than just outright saying "we side with Russia and want fascism to win, because what Putin is doing in Russia is what we want to do in America". When Biden submitted to their game and tried to do something about illegal immigration, they torpedoed it.
Not completely true, there is support for ukraine in republican party thats why they were able to pass the bill in senate. But these are the old , long time members who are part the swamp ( according to other side).

Bidens knew his immigration bill would go now where bcos he was trying to legalize illegal immigration wholesale. But he wanted to show electorate he did some thing but got blocked by republicans. Both the parties will do nothing on immigration ,as the current status quo suits them. both will keep blaming each other.
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This posturing for no-war is because the Reputinian Party want Russia to win. Illegal migrants were just a pretext, a way to make it more palatable for their electorate than just outright saying "we side with Russia and want fascism to win, because what Putin is doing in Russia is what we want to do in America". When Biden submitted to their game and tried to do something about illegal immigration, they torpedoed it.

The immigration bill was stupid. Instead of punishing illegals, it rewards them.

The US aid may take time, but real aid has to come from the EU. While the EU has pledged more support than the US, the US has given much higher support already. Doesn't that mean the EU wants Putin to win?
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Gotta be a reason for it.

I guess at some level EU/NATO leaders are wary of the possibility of tac nukes (or an engineered meltdown of reactors) coming into play. They'll do what they can to bleed the Russians slowly but don't want to make any radical moves that will push Russia into a corner. I don't know if Russia would actually do it...or if they have convinced NATO that they'll do it.

I'm not convinced that there isn't a large chunk of leaders in Europe who aren't just thinking in terms of victory or loss but also in terms of what each outcome will cost (to themselves & to the Russians). We are after all talking about people who are still not ready to let go of piped Russian gas.

Western-Russian relations have ended, I don't think it's possible to salvage it anymore at this time. The Global South's neutrality has also irked the West, so they are gonna have to distance themselves from Russia even more than planned, to tighten the screws a bit more so GS positions change over the long term.

The nuclear angle has been overblown to the point of ridiculous.