US Military Technology


Refuels itself! @Picdelamirand-oil, @A Person, @RASALGHUL, @Rajput Lion, @randomradio, @Innominate, @Parthu

16.5 small squares wide and 200 high. Diameter known to be 34.5in = 876.3mm.

(200/16.5) x 876.3mm = 10.62m

BUT slight slant, so ~10.7m

The U.S. Defense Department has successfully, albeit surreptitiously, swiped $3.5 billion from the Commerce Department’s CHIPS Act funding to subsidize Intel’s creation of a classified advanced semiconductor manufacturing facility called Secure Enclave.
A hypersonic test bed built by Kratos took its first flight last month, launching experiments for the Missile Defense Agency and hitting speeds above Mach 5.

MDA announced the successful flight of its first Hypersonic Testbed, HTB-1, June 14, which took off from Wallops Island in Virginia. Not only did it provide a high-speed test platform for the agency, but it allowed its two missile tracking satellites — launched in February and designed to detect advanced threats — to catch their first tracks of a hypersonic vehicle.

While MDA did not provide details about which company built the system, Kratos confirmed last week that its Erinyes vehicle — named after the Greek goddess of vengeance — flew the mission.

Corvid Technologies, in partnership with Aerojet-Rocketdyne, proposes the development of a highly loaded grain (HLG) rocket motor that will exceed the total impulse of the current baseline motor by a minimum of 20%. To achieve this, Corvid will first define a baseline rocket motor that is consistent with current available technologies. Next, Corvid will develop an advanced nozzle concept to improve efficiency throughout the flight profile and allow the propellant combustion chamber to be expanded. Corvid will then develop an innovative three-dimensional, functionally-graded propellant grain for the HLG rocket motor, leveraging high burn-rate, high specific-impulse propellants to achieve the desired burn-rate and surface regression profile while maximizing propellant mass within the grain.